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Full inclusion of crossbow during bow season if 60 or older.


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Haven't heard anything about this as of yet.  Seems to me they are moving towards full inclusion for all eventually, but like everything the government does, they do it incrementally, so it becomes less intolerable to the opposition over time.

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The final Bill was never brought to the floor for a final vote. So no changes made again this year. Typical NYS BS! The founder of NYS Crossbow Coalition, Rick McDermott and his wife were recently, tragically killed in an automobile wreck. So not sure from this point who will carry the banner, to lobby for changes in Albany. I know some people behind the scenes in the CC. And they are still sorting through all the stuff that Rick was working on. But as of right now, no one has made the step to fill the huge void Rick left behind. 

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  • 1 month later...
24 minutes ago, GreeneHunter said:

 There is now a form on the DEC website for an individual to have their Doctor fill out so they can use the Crossbow during the Entire Season ! They still have to have their Bow Certification / Tag .



That permit is to allow hunters "with a permanent physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) to use a crossbow equipped with a breath-tube apparatus for releasing the bowstring".


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7 minutes ago, escpen said:

That permit is to allow hunters "with a permanent physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) to use a crossbow equipped with a breath-tube apparatus for releasing the bowstring".


In reviewing the Form the " breath-tube apparatus " you mention is no where to be found ? I'm sure the NY Bowhunters are up in arms over this but Who Cares !

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/23/2023 at 8:11 AM, escpen said:

That permit is to allow hunters "with a permanent physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) to use a crossbow equipped with a breath-tube apparatus for releasing the bowstring".


Nope … it’s for people with an injury that can’t pull back a bow , the permit says right on it “ for use with an UNmodified crossbow to be used during regular bow

I applied for mine online and received it in less than an hour

Mine is temporary unless my shoulder doesn’t heal, then can be made permanent

Maybe there is one for cases like you described too ???

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8 hours ago, grampy said:

I too sent in the form and received a permit to use an unmodified crossbow in regular archery season. Mine is permanent and good for five years.

I messed up because I checked the box “ temporary “ 

But they said if it turn into permanent they can reissue next year

maybe by then they will open it for everyone .

I wish they would give me a permit to use rifle during bow :)

I still have a hard time pulling back the crossbow plus I could get out before it gets real cold .. I’m getting soft in my old age :)

the Dr tells me this is a rotor cuff impingement .. I’m icing it and doing the exercises but I don’t see any improvement 

they want me to take meloxicam but I’m reading the side effects and it doesn’t sound good

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4 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Well , I am 82 years old and don't have any shoulder problems so I am SOL for this .


It's not just shoulder issues that qualify. It could be diabetes, blood pressure, or a host of other things covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. DEC wants crossbow included in the archery season. This new form is a way around the lame, know nothing, lawmakers, that should have passed full inclusion years ago. Good to see a NY entity, actually do something for hunters and sportsmen.

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6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Well , I am 82 years old and don't have any shoulder problems so I am SOL for this .


Dammit ... go to your Doctor and get the form signed ... TODAY ! I can see from here that your shoulders are ruined from being in the Corps .... Veterans Stand Together !

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6 hours ago, grampy said:

It's not just shoulder issues that qualify. It could be diabetes, blood pressure, or a host of other things covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. DEC wants crossbow included in the archery season. This new form is a way around the lame, know nothing, lawmakers, that should have passed full inclusion years ago. Good to see a NY entity, actually do something for hunters and sportsmen.

I’m definitely going for it next year, when I will be turning 60 (on Christmas Day).  My right shoulder is not quite right and I have been on blood pressure meds for the last (3) years.  

I’ll go for the “permanent” one.  If I knew for sure that the “early antlerless gun season” that they started (2) years ago would be permanent, I wouldn’t even bother with it.  

It’s all about the meat for me. Filling the freezer has been a walk in the park, since they started that.  I guess I can Thank NYBH for that.  Had they not successfully lobbied off “full inclusion” the last (3) years, we’d have never been able to light up the deer woods with gunfire in September.   

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7 hours ago, grampy said:

It's not just shoulder issues that qualify. It could be diabetes, blood pressure, or a host of other things covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. DEC wants crossbow included in the archery season. This new form is a way around the lame, know nothing, lawmakers, that should have passed full inclusion years ago. Good to see a NY entity, actually do something for hunters and sportsmen.


I'm reading the above form that says that a physician must sign that the applicant has a disability that makes them incapable of drawing, holding, etc. a legal longbow. Is there another form that now identifies diabetes, hypertension, etc as qualifying disabilities? 

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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11 hours ago, New York Hillbilly said:


I'm reading the above form that says that a physician must sign that the applicant has a disability that makes them incapable of drawing, holding, etc. a legal longbow. Is there another form that now identifies diabetes, hypertension, etc as qualifying disabilities? 

No. The same form. On it, it also says something about the Americans with Disabilities Act. You can tell your doctor that you are too weak to pull your bow back! (I know someone who used that!) The form doesn't ask for any diagnosis from your doctor. And DEC does not care about one either. You could be completely healthy, and tell your doctor you have a sore shoulder, elbow, wrist, or something? And get a temporary one, no problem. With no diagnosis needed, the doctor is not under any legal implications to sign the form.

As I stated before, the DEC has been wanting to take control of the crossbow issue, for the last few years. They see it as another management tool. Rightfully so in my opinion. But NY Bowhunters, and their lobbyists, convince know nothing lawmakers to not even bring full inclusion to the floor for a vote. This new form, in conjunction with DEC, the ADA and NY Crossbow Coalition, is the end around the know nothing lawmakers.

The numbers are not yet posted of the hunters who have taken advantage of this new form. But in the end no doubt it will be thousands. This number will be used in the legislation next year to show that the sky didn't fall. And DEC managed the issue just fine. To hopefully give DEC and NY hunters the full inclusion they have been wanting. 

This is not a bow vs crossbow thing. Simply just a choice, for those who want to use a crossbow in NY.

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13 hours ago, New York Hillbilly said:


I'm reading the above form that says that a physician must sign that the applicant has a disability that makes them incapable of drawing, holding, etc. a legal longbow. Is there another form that now identifies diabetes, hypertension, etc as qualifying disabilities? 

I didn’t have a Dr sign mine

where it said “ drs signature “ I put “ see attached”

and attached a copy of my office visit stating I had rotor cuff inpingment

emailed it and had the permit in less than an hour 


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