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What species do you consider vermin?


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Is "politician" to general of a category?...lol.


Depends on the setting for some of my answers.


mice and rats, always.


Squirrels and chipmunks if they decide that barns, garage, house and especially flowers beds are theirs and not mine.


Woodchucks in most cases, but especially when they tunnel under my vegetable garden fence or under the back deck.


The neighbors rooster....did I say that out loud?



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Other than the mice that occasionally take up residence in my tractor and mower I don't have any complaints with the wildlife around me.


Yeah. A big problem. A rubber plug came out of my MF65 tranny and the mice packed the clutch with fuzz. Some very expensive mice.


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My sister would say chipmunks and squirrels.  They took out the wiring in her hybrid car. No, that is not covered under warranty for repair if you want to know.


If include insects, add ticks, chiggers, noseeums, black flies, horse flies, mosquitoes, stink bugs, and hornets/wasps.  I can deal with honey bees, but not those aggressive hornet/wasps/yellow jackets.


For me:  rats, mice, moles, chipmunks, ground hog/Woodchuck, starlings, blue jays (never liked their calls), feral cats.


Anyone releasing non-natives like snakeheads, pacu, etc. that upset the balance of nature and mess up the ecosystem could be on my list.

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