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How Old Is Your Computer?


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My desk top is about 5 years old. Not a performance machine, but I push it to the limits with my art software. It was getting a bit slow but that's because of all the stuff I have on it. After that Windows 10 came ( I didn't install W10 ) through it acts wonky all the time.

The g/f's laptop is about 3 years old and that things runs faster then NASCAR running Talladega. But, she doesn't have anything on there except some photography pics she takes.

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I finally got a new one last year, tax time. I got a HP ENVY x360 Touch smart. I love it. It goes from a laptop to a tablet. It's also a touch screen. It's worth the investment. I only use google, my girlfriend got me hooked and use it for everything. I do not use any other system and since computers come with nothing, it's been a blessing. I only download what I need. As far as my old computer, my GF cleaned it and uses it as a tv watching her shows and knits. OH, since I use google, you can synch it in with your phone and it's like having another computer. 

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Had a Gateway few years ago, but got a virus on it that took over control!!! Took it to office max to try have them get rid of that thing, they told me it was the worst one they ever seen and it was encrypted

as well. Nothing they could do!!! So had to get a new tower by Dell this time around. Be sure you have anti-virus installed on your computer. Clicked onto a infected e-mail and that did it for me!!! Now I delete over 99% of everything that I get.

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