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How do you pass the time?


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We all know that you can't kill a deer from your bed or couch. As the season goes on and after logging hours on or in a stand it can get increasingly difficult to remain in or on your stand so here is a question for us all.  How do you pass the time away on stand?

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I hunt many days, but few hours.

Afternoon hunt , I'm on stand maybe two hours .

Morning about three, then I leave and go to the gym, work in then yard whatever . If I feel like sitting longer I will, if I get bored I'll leave .

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I sit long hours and do several all day sits in a season. I simply am thinking about deer movement. Thinking about what my next few stand moves will be and what the weather will do. I bring binos and look for deer, watch the wildlife and just relax and enjoy the time doing what I love to do. That is, be in the woods during deer season.  I see the outings as an adventure, a challenge and an opportunity. I'm sure everyone views their time in the woods differently, but that's the view from my tree.

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As I drive an hour I'll dark to dark it often. During gun and ml season I'll be in my stand or blind average of 110-130 hours a season. 

I'll name the trees , wish deer into view , throw out a few turkey calls for fun , peruse live from the woods thread , ponder life and enjoy what I'm doing , drink some coffee , eat a snack , pee my name in the snow from 18' up ( terrible year for that last year and quite disappointing) , play words with friends , text family members or friends who are hunting , count gunshots , think of what Christmas presents I'll buy and for whom , wonder how long my phone battery will actually last until ( but got hooked up with a portable charger so scratch that off my list ) , wonder why Heidi Klum won't return any of my phone calls , watch the songbirds , someday I'll take a nap , laser trees for distance , check the wind , drink some more coffee , add a layer or two of clothing , pee my name again , wish some more deer into view.  There you have it. My day(s) of sitting all day in the woods with no action . Still beats being at work 

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I have only done a few all day sits last year.  My buddy usually has us come out for lunch.  Otherwise I usually am on the ground and will change things up by stalking or checking new area and trying to read the sign.  What track is this, look for rubs, scraps, rip the woods apart with bino's, eat my fat sandwich.  In the tree I will range every possible spot, binocular scans.  I try to stay off the phone for the most part unless I am with other hunters.  Smoke a but, arg.  Just enjoy the fact that I am hunting.

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Think...Sometimes think about how I should have not forgotten this or that. How cold my feet are and make plans to change that...Think of what I need to get done when I climb down...what to make for dinner...How I should have gone to a different stand....figures.....make up songs in my head...conversations with people I would not actually say, out of politeness....I keep rather busy in the stand hunting...lol

Oh I make up evil, evil plans on what to do to the local barking chipmunks and squirrel population...

Edited by growalot
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I just keep my mind in the game. Always looking for deer, saying to myself, if they come from here I'll do this or that. Is the wind right?  Ranging trees, watching other wildlife. And most important, staying alert to what is going on around me! I'm hunting!!! If i get tired or things are just too slow, I'll come out or scout/still hunt. It's way too easy to miss something if your head is not in the game or you are distracted.


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That's good advise Grampy...but when I concentrate too hard on just listening and watching for deer...well everything sounds like a deer and then dang! Every moving shadow through the branches and bushes becomes a deer, this results in my head rotating like a crazy hunting great horned owl...^_^...Next thing ya know I'm fidgeting from a sore stiff neck this is when I realize...the deer are off in the distance watching me and laughing....best to keep my mind busy :derisive:

Edited by growalot
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1 hour ago, turkeyfeathers said:

What's your phone # so we all can text you after that initial hour:rolleyes:. Just busting ballz. 

When I think I should be seeing deer I don't. And poof ,"where'd that/they come " when I'm actually paying 100% attention 

Trust me my wife texts me enough she dose not  not need any help and she hunts with me. 

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