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Do you know what stand on opening day...


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You'll probably be in...other that the climber guys...I have to say...no clue unless the weather is wet. My cams have doe on all of them in the mornings ,mid afternoon and late afternoon. I'm not looking to hunt a buck right now...only because just little guys are around right now. Though I wont hesitate to shoot a good 8pt if it wonders by. I have no particular doe in mind ..just big enough to give me the meat required by Wilsons to get the sausages ,with out having it combine with someone else's meat...I have seen guys unloading lots of frozen meat...I assume so early in the season might be last years...

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1 hour ago, growalot said:

You'll probably be in...other that the climber guys...I have to say...no clue unless the weather is wet. My cams have doe on all of them in the mornings ,mid afternoon and late afternoon. I'm not looking to hunt a buck right now...only because just little guys are around right now. Though I wont hesitate to shoot a good 8pt if it wonders by. I have no particular doe in mind ..just big enough to give me the meat required by Wilsons to get the sausages ,with out having it combine with someone else's meat...I have seen guys unloading lots of frozen meat...I assume so early in the season might be last years...

Growie , you had better hope it wanders by rather than wonders by ..... had to do it .

I am not sure what stand or even where I will go on opening day . 

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I've been asking myself this question about 600000 times a day for the past week or so. I can't make up my mind on which stand I want to sit first. I have 6 stands up behind the house and all of them are just as good as the next as far as deer movement around them.

My tentative plan for opening morning is to post up in a lock on that sits in between a clover plot and a big grass/brush field. This stand is very close to the house so it's a short walk and I figure I have way less of a chance of kicking any deer out on my way in.

Evening hunts I'll most likely go to a ladder stand I set up on the back edge of the property that has a small hidden pond/water hole that's surrounded by oaks. Stand is set up just off the oaks about 40 yards in a brief pine cluster that borders some crazy thick stuff I've deemed as their bedding area/sanctuary. Tons of trails leading into this area from the oaks and pond. It will be hard to get to this stand in the morning without busting deer out so I think I will keep it as a evening only stand to keep pressure down

I know one thing for sure...I can't freaking wait to get in a tree!!!

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it's a short walk and I figure I have way less of a chance of kicking any deer out on my way in.

That is my biggest problem...I always run into deer no matter which way or time I go out!...I spook them walking down the drive,walking down the road,walking out back...going all the way down the road then up the next road 3/4 of a mile climb in and out of a 6ft deep wet culvert along a very tight little path.The wind blowing to my right side and on the very left edge of property...20yrds from stand snort! snort! snort!...lol forget about hunting across the street...never have I not ran into deer going to any stand over there.

I know it's going to happen,I expect it every year and still....Just drives me nuts!...lol

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4 hours ago, growalot said:

You'll probably be in...other that the climber guys...I have to say...no clue unless the weather is wet. My cams have doe on all of them in the mornings ,mid afternoon and late afternoon. I'm not looking to hunt a buck right now...only because just little guys are around right now. Though I wont hesitate to shoot a good 8pt if it wonders by. I have no particular doe in mind ..just big enough to give me the meat required by Wilsons to get the sausages ,with out having it combine with someone else's meat...I have seen guys unloading lots of frozen meat...I assume so early in the season might be last years...

I seem to always find myself the night before thinking and thinking about every different option.......I now find myself pulling a straw and going with it......I like not knowing what is going to happen

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I haven't even hung my stands so no clue yet. Sign is just starting to heat up now so I've been holding off till I can narrow down some patterns or a good one shows up on one of the cams. I'll be scouting and hanging stands right up to the opener most likely.

Planning on keeping one stand un-hung just in case I need one someplace I don't have one. Always hate pulling a stand during season to move to more productive areas so I'll just keep one ready to roll as things change.

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It all depends! If I close on the new camp in time I'll have a ladder stand set up 15 yards off a heavy creek crossing leading to a cornfield.... If not I'll be in my lucky stand at the old camp... Was Bought by my wife's cousin who doesn't hunt and I still have permission

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This thread might makes me cry remembering how little precision and intellect NY hunters use....was so nice to see there are a few that scout, let alone those using actual recent observations...

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I hunt an hour and a half away. Between work and kids activities getting out there more than once or twice before season is a pipe dream. I base my strategies on past success and then adjust based on in season scouting. Seems to work out

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26 minutes ago, gjs4 said:

This thread might makes me cry remembering how little precision and intellect NY hunters use....was so nice to see there are a few that scout, let alone those using actual recent observations...

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Not sure I completely get your gist.  

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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 5:14 PM, zag said:

Something that's low impact and on the edge of the property, I won't u hunt the good stands till later on unless t cam says otherwise

Ive been getting a decent 8pt on cam since early august (cams out all yr). This trail around a block of pines has been very active all last fall and winter. I hung a stand their a week and a half ago and have been anxious to check post leaving my sent all over. Well he's still coming thru on 2 different trails that lead to one (I'm setup in the crotch between both trails). Someone also made 4-5 rubs around the stand. I might have to hit this one.

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4 minutes ago, zag said:

Ive been getting a decent 8pt on cam since early august (cams out all yr). This trail around a block of pines has been very active all last fall and winter. I hung a stand their a week and a half ago and have been anxious to check post leaving my sent all over. Well he's still coming thru on 2 different trails that lead to one (I'm setup in the crotch between both trails). Someone also made 4-5 rubs around the stand. I might have to hit this one.

In my limited but somewhat knowledge . Bucks don't typically cruise the same trails as does. But smaller less used trails just off more used trails. It sounds like you got him and another  figured out. Good luck with them and hope the wind is in your favor. Hunt it when you know it's perfect.  

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Hunting a living deer based on observation versus hunting deer from a spot you (as a human) picked.

Bucks aren't all hard horned yet- two weeks of weather and season changes and deer shifts to go and people know where they're headed. Lol. Seasonal know how is a great thing but it does not replace most recent information. If you're a Bowhunter and don't even have wind correlation grasped yet it's time to pick up a book or two.

I work a chit ton of hours and have family and personal commitments that choke my time to nothing. Take your time, gather your facts and move with intent. If not- your query is educated, likely vacating and your standard drop as frustration increases.

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8 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

In my limited but somewhat knowledge . Bucks don't typically cruise the same trails as does. But smaller less used trails just off more used trails. It sounds like you got him and another  figured out. Good luck with them and hope the wind is in your favor. Hunt it when you know it's perfect.  

Just need a solid west wind and for him to show up. Luckily they are just about all day pics.

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Ok so today I got permission to visit the property that I am waiting to close on and I did a little scouting. I dropped down into the creek bed which is very narrow by the house. Once I got around the 2nd bend in the river I noticed that the river stayed narrow but the bed itself really opened up. The banks were all over grown and very thick. I could see tracks on the banks leading to some very well defined trails in the thick stuff... I climbed out of the creek bed to get a better vantage point and noticed a lone tree with 3 good trails all within 30 yards of it and it also gives a great vantage point to shoot about 250 yards down the creek bed... I will for sure be putting a stand there

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