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Obamas next job

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On Wednesday, November 09, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

He, like others before him, will lead a life of luxury that you could only dream of. Speeches, ghost written books equal millions of easy dollars.  

So how does that make you feel that he made his money by exploiting the misery of millions of poor people?

Dont you think he should go  back to the getto and live with in the crime  gang infested  slums he  created there in  Chicago? Instead of moving to some mansion on a golf course somewhere.



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50 minutes ago, ants said:

He will do the 250K per 20 minute speech thing, "consult" and make appearances  until his bank account is over flowing….Well played Berry…Well played. BUT!!….. at least he will be out of office!!!!

Who cares as long as he stays out of goverment . One thing we know he is not good at .

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So how does that make you feel that he made his money by exploiting the misery of millions of poor people?
Dont you think he should go  back to the getto and live with in the crime  gang infested  slums he  created there in  Chicago? Instead of moving to some mansion on a golf course somewhere.

Now back to the Chi town slums is where he should go... but not why you would think... Former dem presidents have done some great work.... Carter was the face of habitat for humanity, Clinton dumped a lot of money into harlem, why shouldnt Barry go back to Chicago an transform the old hood into a livable community? Carters legacy was what he did after the oval office, maybe Barry should take his lead...

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53 minutes ago, tuckersdaddy said:

Now back to the Chi town slums is where he should go... but not why you would think... Former dem presidents have done some great work.... Carter was the face of habitat for humanity, Clinton dumped a lot of money into harlem, why shouldnt Barry go back to Chicago an transform the old hood into a livable community? Carters legacy was what he did after the oval office, maybe Barry should take his lead...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Well we will see if barry was really for helping the poor or just in it to win it .

For himself .  Only time will tell but i think he is the limousine  liberal type that will live behind a gate and only cares when the cameras are turned  on in his Direction  Like  most of Hollywood. And the media  does .

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I don't expect this America hating Leftist to go away.  I expect he will look for a position where he can keep attacking capitalism, freedom, liberty and firearms ownership by civilians.  He will also continue to support Islam while trashing Christianity.  He's a very hateful man and he has no intention of fading away.  He still has high hopes for destroying America.

He will keep making enemies until one of them decides to shut him up, one way or another.


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I predict Obama will claim to convert to Islam so he could be the first Muslim president and come out of the religious closet he's been in. Second I think he will try to get a position in the one world movement he and Hillary want. I think that's why he pushed TPP . The TPP takes in many Muslim countries and I think that's what he sees in his future. He did his best to ruin our country as pres and now can openly help our enemies. BTW if you don't think Obama is behind the violent protests funded with Soros money I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. I wish President Trump would hold them responsible for the damages and security costs. PS I wrote this as Rattler was posting his comment but I agree with him 100%

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9 minutes ago, Rattler said:

I don't expect this America hating Leftist to go away.  I expect he will look for a position where he can keep attacking capitalism, freedom, liberty and firearms ownership by civilians.  He will also continue to support Islam while trashing Christianity.  He's a very hateful man and he has no intention of fading away.  He still has high hopes for destroying America.

He will keep making enemies until one of them decides to shut him up, one way or another.


Yep because thats what Community organizers do his only other job he will probably go work for George Soros organizing riots

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