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Trump protest why you lost get over it .

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Though I would have been more than a bit upset to have the Hilldebeast as my President. I would not have taken to the streets in protest! I did not protest when Obama was elected, twice! I just griped to myself and a few close friends and family. And waited until my vote made a difference! If you don't like the people in office now. Just wait awhile. The door is always revolving. There are plenty of checks and balances in the US constitution to prevent "any" President, from going too far over the edge.

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Altanta too, my Nephew is there on business , but Georgia has reciprocity with his state ......

the Universtity of Rochester is offering counseling for their special snowflakes that may need it due to Trumps victory . And to think my Father fought in WWII and when his brother and both uncles were KIA in the same week , he simply came home and went back to work .

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17 minutes ago, grampy said:

Though I would have been more than a bit upset to have the Hilldebeast as my President. I would not have taken to the streets in protest! I did not protest when Obama was elected, twice! I just griped to myself and a few close friends and family. And waited until my vote made a difference! If you don't like the people in office now. Just wait awhile. The door is always revolving. There are plenty of checks and balances in the US constitution to prevent "any" President, from going too far over the edge.

Well said grampy.  But people dont realize that.  You see how some of the left is reacting now.  But on the flip side if you read a lot of stuff posted here you would think we would be north korea of hillary got elected

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15 minutes ago, Larry302 said:

Altanta too, my Nephew is there on business , but Georgia has reciprocity with his state ......

the Universtity of Rochester is offering counseling for their special snowflakes that may need it due to Trumps victory . And to think my Father fought in WWII and when his brother and both uncles were KIA in the same week , he simply came home and went back to work .

Yale as well. 

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9 minutes ago, Larry302 said:

Altanta too, my Nephew is there on business , but Georgia has reciprocity with his state ......

the Universtity of Rochester is offering counseling for their special snowflakes that may need it due to Trumps victory . And to think my Father fought in WWII and when his brother and both uncles were KIA in the same week , he simply came home and went back to work .

Ive always said that people today feel they are owed things before they are even earned. Its sad but in reality people like my dad that came here from Italy and worked 30 years in construction to support a family are a dying breed. Most people  today feel they are entitled to everything, loss of hard work ethic. Sorry but most of these protesters are the very  same leaches that feed off the backs of the working person. Where do people find the time to do this crap. Simply amazing.

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The compilation videos of people crying at hillarys camp is priceless. They had 8 years of their guy in office and he destroyed a nation almost as bad as possible in 8 years . Now it's time to try something new ,obviously throwing fists full of money at a problem isn't the way to fix anything.

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Enough with the protests. Enough with the crying and whining. And what is with these colleges offering "Play-doh" courses so the whiners can deal with their emotions of the democrats losing the presidency and the down ballots? Seriously??? Get a frigging life already!

Nothing that anyone does now will change the outcome of the election. Accept it for what it is and deal with it. It is pathetic and completely ridiculous to see these liberals whining and complaining that a Republican won the election. We did not see Republicans crying or whining when BO won the last two elections. Instead we worked hard toward making a change. Get up! Get out and go to work! Nothing will be handed out to you anymore like the last 8 years. You need to earn it!

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1 hour ago, diplomat019 said:

Well said grampy.  But people dont realize that.  You see how some of the left is reacting now.  But on the flip side if you read a lot of stuff posted here you would think we would be north korea of hillary got elected

Yeah, they don't hear what comes out of their mouths.  Granted there wasn't street demonstrations and people climbing lamp posts like you are seeing today from these clowns on the left, but 8 years ago when Obama won (and forever since) many on the right have been regurgitating that it was the end of our country as we knew it.  Guess what?  8 years later we now have Trump so things go in cycles in this world.  Just because Trump won this time doesn't mean that a far left-winger could rise up 4 or 8 years from now and get into office.  The problem with the paranoids on both the right and the left is that they somehow think that a president or political party will save them from doom and gloom.  That is BS.  One makes their own bed in this world and whether you will be successful and prosper is up to the individual.  If you work hard you will prosper, if you are a lazy butthole you won't, it's as simple as that.  Those who think that a president or political party will somehow make life better for them are all actually the same whether they are on the right or left of the spectrum.  They both have the same ideology that someone else will make life better for them, which will NEVER happen.  You either make your own life better or NO one else will.

Edited by steve863
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This is what the left does now. When it doesn't get its way it just cries and lashes out, exactly like spoiled children who have never been disciplined properly and don't know how to act in polite company. They should be lashing out at the corruption that nominated hillary, not the party that beat her.

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7 minutes ago, steve863 said:

Yeah, they don't hear what comes out of their mouths.  Granted there wasn't street demonstrations and people climbing lamp posts like you are seeing today from these clowns on the left, but 8 years ago when Obama won (and forever since) many on the right have been reg that it was the end of our country as we knew it.  Guess what?  8 years later we now have Trump so things go in cycles in this world.  Just because Trump won this time doesn't mean that a far left-winger could rise up 4 or 8 years from now and get into office.  The problem with the paranoids on both the right and the left is that they somehow think that a president or political party will save them from doom and gloom.  That is BS.  One makes their own bed in this world and whether you will be successful and prosper is up to the individual.  If you work hard you will prosper, if you are a lazy butthole you won't, it's as simple as that.  Those who think that a president or political party will somehow make life better for them are all actually the same whether they are on the right or left of the spectrum.  They both have the same ideology that someone else will make life better for them, which will NEVER happen.  You either make your own life better or NO one else will.

I don't agree with that Steve. The only assistance I am looking for is in keeping the hand of the government out of my wallet and life and leaving what I worked hard for in my possession.  The far left counts on that hand to be firm, large  and frequent in grasping what we work hard for. 

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I'll go against the grain, I'm not that wound up about people protesting or complaining, it's well within their right, and the constitution says they are allowed to assemble peacefully to protest. Let 'em vent and blow off a little steam if they want, the reality will eventually sink in that things will probably be different in this country, mostly for the better. Just don't block the road if I'm late getting to work or on the way to the woods, I might run ya over.:stop:

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6 minutes ago, Uncle Nicky said:

I'll go against the grain, I'm not that wound up about people protesting or complaining, it's well within their right, and the constitution says they are allowed to assemble peacefully to protest. Let 'em vent and blow off a little steam if they want, the reality will eventually sink in that things will probably be different in this country, mostly for the better. Just don't block the road if I'm late getting to work or on the way to the woods, I might run ya over.:stop:


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The Dem party has staked its future in safe space and non gender bathroom advocates, and feckless leftist whiners. I am delighted at their implosion as a result.


The Reps now need to solidify their position as the blue collar party as much as for any other demographic . Drive the coffin nails home, no cross party compromises.

Edited by Papist
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