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Texas Heart Shot


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Chef you might want to consider giving Jesus a chance.  Get yourself a Bible and read it a bit.  You might be surprised at how that can improve your hunting, and life in general.  The Bible was directly involved in all (4) deer that I have harvested so far this season, as well as two of them that I was blessed with last year.  I was more than 95% sure of making each of those shots. What is your go/no go percent?  Have you wounded and not recovered any deer in the last few years? Try to release that "Bitterness" that comes across so clearly in your posts.  It is hurting no one more than yourself.   

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 7:43 PM, wolc123 said:

For me to take such a shot, many variables would have to be almost perfect: short range, standing deer, solid rest, good scope, powerful rifle, good bullet, correct angle and elevation, no obstructions, light or no wind, and good lighting.     

I think I've read enough of your posts to know that what it really boils down to for you is...  "say a prayer, and let 'er rip".

For a deer that's mere steps away from walking out of your life forever, you sure had a lot of data to process here before taking such a high risk shot.

Eventually your luck is going to run out if you continue to roll the dice this way.

Sometimes that little red guy with the beard, horns, and pitchfork on your left shoulder tries to tempt you into making bad decisions as well. He's also a pretty powerful dude that would love to see you fail no matter how strong your faith is. :devil:

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For me to take such a shot, many variables would have to be almost perfect: short range, standing deer, solid rest, good scope, powerful rifle, good bullet, correct angle and elevation, no obstructions, light or no wind, and good lighting.   

Sounds like your shooting a movie.

There is nothing that would make me try and take a shot at a deers butt. 

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Wooly you are right on there about a couple things anyhow.   The little red guy is just that,, little, compared to the Big Guy in White.   The two have tangled many times and every time the little red guy has came out on the short end of the stick.   I know there will be more conflicts but I also know that the outcomes will never change.   


You are also right about the prayer part.  In fact, there is a mountain ridge up there in the NW Adirondacks where all (4) hunting-related prayers I asked for were answered.  God has His schedule and we have ours and they were not all answered as quickly as I would have liked.   It took Him under a minute to deliver an antlered buck when I asked to see one.   It took Him about 5 minutes to give me a shot at him when I asked for that, and it took Him over a half hour to let me find him when he dissapeared after my last of 3 shots (yes I am not perfect and missed the first two).   I also asked to see an antlerless deer on my first afternoon ML hunt up there this season.   He did not bring her around until the next morning, just after sunrise (as you saw in the ML harvest thread).   


The fact that He was 4/4 of answering prayers up on that ridge led me to believe that there might be some type of "Holy-Vortex" up there and maybe I could use that to help some folks I know or know of who are suffering with cancer.  The next time I was up on that ridge I prayed for 3 of them.   I talked with one of those (a co-worker) on the phone a short time ago who had suffered from throat cancer.  He said he was finally able to remove the feeding tube and begin the final stage of recovery to return to work.   The day that tube came out may have been the day I said that prayer.    

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56 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

Wooly you are right on there about a couple things anyhow.   The little red guy is just that,, little, compared to the Big Guy in White.   The two have tangled many times and every time the little red guy has came out on the short end of the stick.   I know there will be more conflicts but I also know that the outcomes will never change.   


You are also right about the prayer part.  In fact, there is a mountain ridge up there in the NW Adirondacks where all (4) hunting-related prayers I asked for were answered.  God has His schedule and we have ours and they were not all answered as quickly as I would have liked.   It took Him under a minute to deliver an antlered buck when I asked to see one.   It took Him about 5 minutes to give me a shot at him when I asked for that, and it took Him over a half hour to let me find him when he dissapeared after my last of 3 shots (yes I am not perfect and missed the first two).   I also asked to see an antlerless deer on my first afternoon ML hunt up there this season.   He did not bring her around until the next morning, just after sunrise (as you saw in the ML harvest thread).   


The fact that He was 4/4 of answering prayers up on that ridge led me to believe that there might be some type of "Holy-Vortex" up there and maybe I could use that to help some folks I know or know of who are suffering with cancer.  The next time I was up on that ridge I prayed for 3 of them.   I talked with one of those (a co-worker) on the phone a short time ago who had suffered from throat cancer.  He said he was finally able to remove the feeding tube and begin the final stage of recovery to return to work.   The day that tube came out may have been the day I said that prayer.    

You don't suppose that occasionally God finds himself on the side of the deer, do you?

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Texas Heart Shot WILL kill a deer, no doubt about it, provided your aim is true. I've killed a couple aiming for the heiny-hole (rifle, wouldn't attempt it with a muzzleloader, slug gun, or arrow), my results were slightly different, it made a mess of the insides, but a rinse in the creek or with a garden hose fixed that. Obviously, it's not the preferred shot, but it's just as ethical as attempting a neck shot or shooting at a deer facing you head-on.

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I love how more stuff comes out as these post continue..."Everything cam together"....

A texas heart shot ..very narrow target, on a moving deer and sky lined at that, on public land?....


The trail he was on led straight away and disappeared downhill in another 20 or so yards


Him over a half hour to let me find him when he dissapeared after my last of 3 shots (yes I am not perfect and missed the first two).  

You know what prayer I see answered?

The prayer some other guy made that was hunting that area..... to make it through the day without being shot.....

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religion and deer hunting have no place in the same sentence  Here let me explain  this will be easy. Deer exist they are tangible. god does not exist. he is neither tangible, because you cant touch the money you gave to your church ever again. look people save your jesus for your religous web pages. stop being confused and go to the range and shoot your gun  and then you can be your own god good luck bible pushers.


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This forum is amazing.  You get used to 80% of threads turning into petty pissing matches.  You see a thread about shooting a deer in the a$$, and come in expecting to see a heated debate about what is clearly an unethical shot.  Just when you think you know how it's going to go, PLOT TWIST! It's a debate about religion.  M. Night Shyamalan would be proud of this one. 

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Usually don't weigh in on these topics but I've read the Bible many times over and wouldn't take that shot. To me it's not about having faith guide a very ill advised shot to make a kill. Making a clean textbook kill is the only option. I could "probably" have killed a pile of deer with shots to the ass and other spots but wouldn't. Still though congrats on the harvest. Not all hunters are the same glad you recovered and it worked out. 

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This forum is amazing.  You get used to 80% of threads turning into petty pissing matches.  You see a thread about shooting a deer in the a$$, and come in expecting to see a heated debate about what is clearly an unethical shot.  Just when you think you know how it's going to go, PLOT TWIST! It's a debate about religion.  M. Night Shyamalan would be proud of this one. 

I wouldn't call this thread about religion more about someone using religion to be a A hole

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Who are we to decide what another hunter does as long as it is legal? This was a quick humane death to a deer...Isn't that what we all look for in our shots? 5 or 6 years ago when the biggest deer I had ever killed was a small 4 pt. I had, on the last day of the season, a buck come out of  a ravine and walk straight away from me. I was down on one knee with a steady rest and my cross hair right on the backside. His rack was much wider and taller than his ears. I waited and waited for that deer to take one step to the side and turn but he never did. He walked right out of view. I still play that incident over and over. Some days I wish I pulled the trigger. Other days I wish I whistled or yelled and tried to make him turn. Some days I am glad I did the "right thing" and let him walk away. Other days it feels like I did everything but the "right thing". If I had made the shot and dropped him in his tracks I wouldn't have had one regret about it. On the other hand if I wounded him, and never found him...I would still be sick over it today. We all make choices as hunters...some work out. Some don't. I don't want to get into a religion debate, but I really hope nobody in the woods is making choices that they know are bad, and assuming God will make them ok. That would scare the crap out of me! So wolc123, congrats on your harvest. I hope you made that shot because you knew it could be made and was within your ability and not because God was guiding your bullets path or something crazy like that. I wouldn't want people thinking that way anytime I am on in the woods and double that when my daughter is out there with me...

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Who are we to decide what another hunter does as long as it is legal? This was a quick humane death to a deer...Isn't that what we all look for in our shots? 5 or 6 years ago when the biggest deer I had ever killed was a small 4 pt. I had, on the last day of the season, a buck come out of  a ravine and walk straight away from me. I was down on one knee with a steady rest and my cross hair right on the backside. His rack was much wider and taller than his ears. I waited and waited for that deer to take one step to the side and turn but he never did. He walked right out of view. I still play that incident over and over. Some days I wish I pulled the trigger. Other days I wish I whistled or yelled and tried to make him turn. Some days I am glad I did the "right thing" and let him walk away. Other days it feels like I did everything but the "right thing". If I had made the shot and dropped him in his tracks I wouldn't have had one regret about it. On the other hand if I wounded him, and never found him...I would still be sick over it today. We all make choices as hunters...some work out. Some don't. I don't want to get into a religion debate, but I really hope nobody in the woods is making choices that they know are bad, and assuming God will make them ok. That would scare the crap out of me! So wolc123, congrats on your harvest. I hope you made that shot because you knew it could be made and was within your ability and not because God was guiding your bullets path or something crazy like that. I wouldn't want people thinking that way anytime I am on in the woods and double that when my daughter is out there with me...

I agree completely but he has said more than once he took a marginal shot because he knew jesus would help him

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11 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

I agree completely but he has said more than once he took a marginal shot because he knew jesus would help him

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I haven't read that but if that is true...That is scary as hell....Where do you draw the line? I saw a hunter over there a few minutes ago but I know nothing will happen because Jesus is on my side....I know there is a housing development over that ridge, but God is on my side so I am going to shoot that deer on top of it...I know those guys are driving deer toward me and I should wait until the deer moves past me to take the shot but I know in my heart god will guide my shot....Look, I have nothing against religious people...but if they are thinking that way, the aren't religious, they are coo coo....

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yes it was...
I agree completely but he has said more than once he took a marginal shot because he knew jesus would help him
and did this to boot:
my last of 3 shots (yes I am not perfect and missed the first two).  

Yes I even believe during archery this year he said the angle was bad but he knew jesus would guide his arrow!

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Having strong faith in God (which I do) does not relieve a hunter from the responsibility to take ethical and safe shots.  I won't try to interpret wolc's intentions or beliefs.  In the end, he killed the buck he shot at, so congrats on that.  Not a shot I would want to take.

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What vitals besides the neck is anyone expecting to hit when they take this shot? One lung? Liver? 

That does not sound like a good chance of recovery to me.

I just let the biggest buck  have ever seen while carrying a gun run on Sunday morning because I was not presented with a good shot. Also the buck disappeared pretty fast.

Maybe I should have just flung a bullet out there and hope for a good outcome?

I don't think so...

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What vitals besides the neck is anyone expecting to hit when they take this shot? One lung? Liver? 
That does not sound like a good chance of recovery to me.
I just let the biggest buck  have ever seen while carrying a gun run on Sunday morning because I was not presented with a good shot. Also the buck disappeared pretty fast.
Maybe I should have just flung a bullet out there and hope for a good outcome?
I don't think so...

Why not you don't believe that jesus will give your bullet wings and guide it to your target

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