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Texas Heart Shot


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1 hour ago, moog5050 said:

Having strong faith in God (which I do) does not relieve a hunter from the responsibility to take ethical and safe shots.  I won't try to interpret wolc's intentions or beliefs.  In the end, he killed the buck he shot at, so congrats on that.  Not a shot I would want to take.

Well said. I could not agree more.

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2 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

What vitals besides the neck is anyone expecting to hit when they take this shot? One lung? Liver? 

That does not sound like a good chance of recovery to me.

I just let the biggest buck  have ever seen while carrying a gun run on Sunday morning because I was not presented with a good shot. Also the buck disappeared pretty fast.

Maybe I should have just flung a bullet out there and hope for a good outcome?

I don't think so...

I don't think it is as difficult as some like to make this seem....  A bullet placed SQUARE in a deer's pooper is going to result in a very quick death. I am talking about a shot with a .270 or larger. You are either going to break a hip and drop the animal in it's tracks, or you are going to do so much damage to ANY internal organs that the deer will not survive more than a minute or two. AGAIN, NOT THE PREFERRED SHOT by any means, but it is highly effective. You have to make the decision for yourself if you want the deer badly enough, and it really doesn't have much to do with religion or God, more to do with ethics, marksmanship, and confidence.

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On 11/28/2016 at 0:08 PM, Core said:

Yikes, I just looked up Texas heart shot. Now it makes sense.

Sounds like it all worked out, and with some Christmas venison to the boss you get to keep your job!

I always thought the Texas Heart Shot was in the ham. I think a lot of our heroes were proponents of that shot, Fred Bear among them. There are major arteries throughout that area

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I always thought the Texas Heart Shot was in the ham. I think a lot of our heroes were proponents of that shot, Fred Bear among them. There are major arteries throughout that area

My buddy shot a big buck this bow season hit square in azz cheek killed it in feet. Hit the main artery. I hit one way back this season maybe 6 in in front of rear quarter killed in on 20 yards hit the artery also. While the Texas style isn't a good shot, close range with a gun I take it to. Bc I'm confident that inside 50 yards I can hit the bull every shot especially with a scoped rifle on a good rest. The Shockwave alone thru the deer would probably kill it I imagine.

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My brothers biggest deer, 140 class, was shot after a fellow hunter took the Texas heart shot at the deer on the run. He wound up putting a slug through the right flank. Deer was tracked for a few hours. Leaving a few blood beds here and there. It was pushed onto my property and crossed right under his stand, done deal.

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So a few years ago I shot a beast of a buck on thanksgiving at about 11: 20. Assuming I hit a few inches to far forward of boiler room but not much. I tracked that deer through 2' of snow and many hours and miles. Finally at dark he took me back within 200 yards of where it all started. I kicked him up from the beaver swamp in about 3.5' of water. He booted at 20 yards offering me only an ass shot. Slug gun on shoulder as he jumped unexpectedly and .45 on hip  I was whipped and that shot never occurred to me. Looking back I still wouldn't have taken those shots at azz. Days later his rub line of big trees was hit again so I'm pretty sure he survived. It still makes me sick to think about it. I won't take that shot under ideal conditions. Boiler room or nothing IMO   Cabelas has been out of Jesus ammo for awhile now 

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13 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

So a few years ago I shot a beast of a buck on thanksgiving at about 11: 20. Assuming I hit a few inches to far forward of boiler room but not much. I tracked that deer through 2' of snow and many hours and miles. Finally at dark he took me back within 200 yards of where it all started. I kicked him up from the beaver swamp in about 3.5' of water. He booted at 20 yards offering me only an ass shot. Slug gun on shoulder as he jumped unexpectedly and .45 on hip  I was whipped and that shot never occurred to me. Looking back I still wouldn't have taken those shots at azz. Days later his rub line of big trees was hit again so I'm pretty sure he survived. It still makes me sick to think about it. I won't take that shot under ideal conditions. Boiler room or nothing IMO   Cabelas has been out of Jesus ammo for awhile now 

Two totally different scenarios in my book. once a deer is wounded if all I had to shoot at was and ear and a hoof, I would try to get a bullet in each.  A finishing aZZ shot no issue at all but I wouldn't start the whole process with one. 

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I have enough respect for Gods critters to wait for an ethical shot and if not presented pass. First off, way too many things can go wrong with this shot leading to a suffering deer as well as screwing up a lot of meat. Can it kill the deer? Yup. So can't a shot between the eyes. I won't take that either. We are taught to shoot for the boiler room for a reason it has a bigger lethal target and margin for error. Like that twig you did not see and nip, your slight overpull on the trigger or your weapons moa.

I finished off a doe years ago that someone shot at the ass end and was a bit low. Tore that deer open and guts hanging out. That deer had lived quite some time before it happened upon my salvation.

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Grow, I definitely appreciate your concern for safety.  I was on the receiving end of one of those deals one time (you even "liked" the story in that other thread) where the guy saw the doe, but not what was beyond it (me).   This time, when I was the shooter, the buck was not "sky-lined".   I was about 5 feet higher than him as he approached a narrow draw that ran into the valley.  I could clearly see the other side of the draw, and that is where the bullet must have landed after passing lengthwise thru him.

As far as the ethics go regarding the shot, as stated, I was 99.5 % sure of making the kill in the conditions that I found myself in.   I really can't help those folks who need more certainty than that.  I had fired that rifle twice from my 100 yard bench, with ammo out of the same box, a month or so prior to the shot in question.   Those shots struck less than 1" apart, centered on the bull.   That buck was at 50 yards, standing still, there was a light wind, and I had a good rest.  Mathematically and ethically, there is no reason that the bullet should not have gone straight up the poop shoot, which it did.

Where the "Divine intervention" comes in was the fact that it must have been almost perfectly centered there, for there was no mess at all in gutting and no significant meat damage (just the loss of a neck roast).   We just finished the tenderloins for dinner in fact and they were delicious.  

For those of you who are not having the best season so far this year, think about picking up a Bible and reading it a bit, maybe even in your stand.  I am no expert on chapter and verse, but I do remember reading somewhere in there that: "He knows where every sparrow falls".  To me, that indicates that He must also know where every Whitetail deer ends up.  Why not send them to "Deer heaven", otherwise known as "Our food supply".  Somewhere else in there it says that: "Man is supposed to eat animals with cloven hoofs that chew their cud".  That sure sounds like deer to me.   Happy hunting everyone.              

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If I'm tracking a wounded deer then anywhere I can get a bullet into flesh I'm taking that shot, but taking risky shots and hoping for the best is the stuff that gets my blood going. I don't hunt with a few people anymore because they shoot at "flags", it's irresponsible as a hunter. You shoot for the vitals or you don't shoot. Period. Deer are not targets we should be trying trick shooting on. The fact that the OP took this shot shows his pathetic regard for God's creations ( and no I'm not religious whatsoever). I just believe these animals deserve the utmost respect and a quick death, like any animal. Makes you wonder how many animals the OP has wounded and not recovered, he certainly wouldn't post those on here I'm sure after he takes a marginal shot. Noone that intentionally shoots a deer facing away would ever hunt with me, you can Bible thump all you want, I'd figure someone of your faith would put a little more emphasis on life and the respect that comes with it. Rant over.... PS. Don't come crying on here about the one that got away the next time you take a risky shot.

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Chris, I have hit (5) deer that I did not recover over 35 years (3 shoulder blades with bow due to string jump, all of which likely survived, and one hit too far back which certainly did not).  Another, that I know did not survive, I lost due to a poor tracking job after probably hitting him right where I aimed with my ML.  I remember all of the details of those losses more than any of the successful recoveries.    In the last 3 years, since turning everything over to Jesus Christ, I have cleanly killed every deer I have shot at (6 total).   Faith in Jesus might not guarantee that I will not loose another but it certainly has not hurt.   It just goes to show that there is hope for everyone, even a messed up sinner like myself.         

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Seeing you addressed me let's get a few things straight...what ever comments I made, were using your word ...copied quotes from you.

 NOW  as to quotes, it was you that said ,out of 3 shots you not being perfect missed 2 times. I don't much care what you did off a bench rest...You and that deer ended that situation on pure unadulterated luck for both of you. You may want to look up, 2 Corinthians 11:19. ...It is your words that make that passage come to the forefront of my thoughts.

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The fact of the matter is ethics boils down to 1 person and that's the one in the mirror. If you can look at yourself while brushing your teeth and shaving then it ethically ok. I have taken the same shot and would again tomorrow. Never did I or would I depend on Jesus or anyone else to help me as I know myself and my equipment are more than capable of doing the job at hand if I didn't I wouldn't do it. The thing that I find funny is how many people say it's unethical but think head on shots are fine, news flash with a powerful enough cartridge it's the exact same shot.

That being said if I was sitting like Wolk was I wouldn't have taken that shot I would have gotten him to turn. Still hanging and tracking it is a different game all together.

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You lost me completely on that one Grow.  Maybe go back and read the quotes to see what you missed. I will pray that your luck gets better this season.

What she said is that she used quotes from

Your own writings to show proof of your bow back tracking...... if I cared enough I could most likely go back and find more. I could care less what you believe and don't believe, but making bad decisions in the name of jesus makes you just as ignorant as a Jihadist

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Grow, you stepped over the line when you falsely accused me of making an "UNSAFE" shot.   The words "sky-lined" were the specific words you "assumed" and used.   I understand you are having a rough season, but that is not a good reason to go into attack mode on those of us who are not.  I don't mind your attacks on me (my skin is thick), but please think twice before going after others.


Chef, I give you some credit for making me stick with the "Butt-out 2" after a couple earlier failures.  It worked perfectly on this buck.


I will say a prayer for both of you to hopefully avoid some "tag-soup" in the remaining weeks.   The "texas- buck" is now aging comfortably at 35 degrees in the old "deer-fridge" out in my garage.   


Buckmaster, thank you for your support.    Thanks also for your service.

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It was your own words that accused you. I  did not makeup those quotes they are here for all to read. Now perhaps we differ on sky lined deer..but it was you that said, you knew he was just 20 yards from disappearing down hill and out of sight.  To me you ski lined him. For whether you could see the side of the next hill or not. You admitted there was a drop off just beyond him that he would disappear out of sight in. Thus you should have known anything could have just as well popped up behind him with out you seeing it...That is sky lining to me in hill country....Perhaps  you need to go back over your own words...then again, look up 2 Corinthians 11:19 (KJV) for I'm done with this.

BTW... please do the Christian thing and  save your prayers for more worthy things. I do  not need to fill a buck or doe tag that bad. There a difference between a natural occurring frustration over things to vent and laugh about..Which I do, thus the many Lol's I use. Over a need to fill a tag requiring prayer. When I need guidance I'll ask the spirit of my grandfather to help steady my aim and guide my decisions,not steer  my arrows and bullets. Let God worry about the important stuff.

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Grow, you stepped over the line when you falsely accused me of making an "UNSAFE" shot.   The words "sky-lined" were the specific words you "assumed" and used.   I understand you are having a rough season, but that is not a good reason to go into attack mode on those of us who are not.  I don't mind your attacks on me (my skin is thick), but please think twice before going after others.
Chef, I give you some credit for making me stick with the "Butt-out 2" after a couple earlier failures.  It worked perfectly on this buck.
I will say a prayer for both of you to hopefully avoid some "tag-soup" in the remaining weeks.   The "texas- buck" is now aging comfortably at 35 degrees in the old "deer-fridge" out in my garage.   
Buckmaster, thank you for your support.    Thanks also for your service.

Listen first off why do you assume I am eating tag soup? I already connected during bow season for starters, and with my buys schedule this year I have not gotten out as much as I'd like..... and I'm ok with it. I know you most likely feel attacked. But all we are asking you to do is be more responsible and safe and not use God as a excuse to be dangerous.

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This is not a shot I would ever take. If I can't  get a broadside shot, I let it walk and hope to see it again. I tracked a 9 pointer this year that a 14 year old made a Texas heart shot on, after his Dad telling him to do it. I impressed upon the boy not to ever do that again and I don't believe he will. 

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19 minutes ago, outdoorstom said:

This is not a shot I would ever take. If I can't  get a broadside shot, I let it walk and hope to see it again. I tracked a 9 pointer this year that a 14 year old made a Texas heart shot on, after his Dad telling him to do it. I impressed upon the boy not to ever do that again and I don't believe he will. 

There it is folks. Spoken from a man that will track more wounded deer in a season. Than most hunters will in two lifetimes! The voice of reason and experience, from someone who's seen the results of poor shot selection. No one will ever convince me that the butt shot is a good shot selection. Because in my experience it is not! And I've tracked my share of these shots over the years as well. I can say that it's a quick kill when it goes well. But more often than not, it is a gruesome injury and slow painful death for the deer. Simply put, wait for the deer to turn, or let it walk and catch up to it on another day. That is what an ethical hunter should do! My advise, to any young or inexperienced hunters reading this. Is to NEVER take this shot!

Also, ones beliefs and religion, should have no bearing on what constitutes an "ethical" shot on a deer, or any wild game.

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Don't feed the trolls, a bullet fired from a 30 06 at relatively close range still carrying most of its speed and kinetic energy travels from the anal opening through the entire deers body exiting the neck and the guts came out clean as a whistle.....ummm yeah ok. Just another story teller to try and convince people he's a mighty hunter. Taking high risk shots, bad angle shots all the while thinking there is some kind of divine intervention guiding the bullets and broadheads shows that the shooter has little to no care nor respect for the animals they hunt. Worse yet is these same people brag it up all over town and the Internet and it paints a poor picture of all hunters.
Claiming that people that call you out as being under pressure from not filling a tag shows that you just don't grasp the concept that while this outcome was a quick death doesn't mean they all are going to turn out that way,,, play low odds long enough and your going to come up the looser.

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Don't feed the trolls, a bullet fired from a 30 06 at relatively close range still carrying most of its speed and kinetic energy travels from the anal opening through the entire deers body exiting the neck and the guts came out clean as a whistle.....ummm yeah ok. Just another story teller to try and convince people he's a mighty hunter. Taking high risk shots, bad angle shots all the while thinking there is some kind of divine intervention guiding the bullets and broadheads shows that the shooter has little to no care nor respect for the animals they hunt. Worse yet is these same people brag it up all over town and the Internet and it paints a poor picture of all hunters.
Claiming that people that call you out as being under pressure from not filling a tag shows that you just don't grasp the concept that while this outcome was a quick death doesn't mean they all are going to turn out that way,,, play low odds long enough and your going to come up the looser.

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Awesome post thank you! Very well said

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