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Favorite Whiskey Thread


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On 12/5/2017 at 9:15 PM, Lawdwaz said:

I bought a bottle of Jameson Whiskey tonight for my buddy at camp.  We had some Manhattan's Thanksgiving night with it and it'd damn near knock your socks off if you had more than four or five of them............ :)


My socks are on the floor tonight. :)

(I bought a bottle for myself)


Edited by Lawdwaz
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This is a great thread...... For bourbon I’d say my everyday is makers 46. Black Dirt from Warwick ny is pretty good if you ever get the chance to try it. But my all time favorite is just plain old Jameson. Been drinking it since I was a we lad.....I’m glad I haven’t seen any of that bushmills protestant whisky on this thread........

Jk I’m not even Irish

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I can't see wasting perfectly good whiskey by diluting it or mixing it with soda pop or some other concoction...<<GRIN>>....

I generally sip it straight up and chase it with beer  , although it's  pretty damn good chased with ice cold crystal clear water from a spring fed Alaskan tundra stream too...<<GRIN>>....

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5 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

I can't see wasting perfectly good whiskey by diluting it or mixing it with soda pop or some other concoction...<<GRIN>>....

I generally sip it straight up and chase it with beer  , although it's  pretty damn good chased with ice cold crystal clear water from a spring fed Alaskan tundra stream too...<<GRIN>>....

That reminds me  In 2009 the girls and I visited my niece and her husband in Anchorage  . We did some glacier walking. I took a small cooler and hacked off some ice and we made 10,000 year old margaritas with it

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1 hour ago, Lawdwaz said:

Socks are around my ankles and headed for off-age...........

FIL is here, pork roast is close to being done and so am I. :)

LMAO dawg. Your socks do a lot of falling when you're having fun!! Enjoy the night.

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This is a great thread...... For bourbon I’d say my everyday is makers 46. Black Dirt from Warwick ny is pretty good if you ever get the chance to try it. But my all time favorite is just plain old Jameson. Been drinking it since I was a we lad.....I’m glad I haven’t seen any of that bushmills protestant whisky on this thread........

Jk I’m not even Irish

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's funny I remember McNulty from The Wire saying that
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