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Non political corona virus thread

Al Bundy

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26 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

I heard they are renaming the coronavirus to Cotton Eyed Joe. Where did it come from, where did it go?

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I’m impressed you know that song !

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio revealed Friday a 75 percent spike in coronavirus hospitalizations since a day earlier but rejected the suggestion that the spread could have been caused by massive protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

"I would be surprised if that's what's causing it," de Blasio said Friday of the sustained demonstrations that have broken out in the Big Apple and cities throughout the world. "I think we're much more likely in the next week [or] 10 days to see a manifestation, if there is one."
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Guns Don't Kill People, COVID-19 Does

In at least five instances, gunshot deaths have been classified as coronavirus.

Thomas Gallatin · Jun. 5, 2020

Like the parlor game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, seemingly any deaths registered since the China Virus pandemic hit the U.S. end up being listed with COVID-19 as the cause. As the mainstream media keeps a daily running total of coronavirus deaths, like macabre theater highlighting it whenever some “milestone” figure is reached, it becomes patently apparent that the motive is sensationalism and sowing fear. It’s as if the MSM is perpetually screaming, “This is a big deal!”

Therefore, it comes as little surprise to learn the running total of COVID-19 deaths is, to put it bluntly, padded. Now, this is not primarily the fault of the MSM, though reporters and pundits certainly have done little to clarify the situation. Instead, much of the fault appears to lie with the confusing guidelines for classifying COVID-19 and a monetary incentive to err on the side of assuming the possibility of COVID-19 as the cause of death even if no definitive testing has been done.

However, even these factors fail to explain how gunshot deaths could possibly be misclassified as COVID-19 deaths, but, according to a recent Freedom Foundation report based upon Washington State Department of Health documents and statements, in at least five instances they have. Washington State’s DOH health statistics manager Katie Hutchinson noted, “Our [DOH COVID-19] dashboard numbers do include any deaths to a person that has tested positive to COVID-19.” She then explained, “We don’t always know the cause of death for a death when it is first reported on our dashboard. That is true. Over the course of the outbreak, we have been monitoring and recording the causes of death as we know it. We currently do have some deaths that are being reported that are clearly from other causes. We have about five deaths — less than five deaths — that we know of that are related to obvious other causes. In this case, they are from gunshot wounds.”

Now, of course, five is not five thousand, and this is not a major scandal. But it does prompt questions about whether the data can be trusted. While presenting rich fodder for comedians, the concern is whether anyone knows the real number of people who have died from COVID-19.

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Can we trust any of the virus info we hear?

On May 22, a dubious hydroxychloroquine study that appeared in the medical journal The Lancet surmised "that treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients [with the drug] actually increased their risk of death," Reason reports. But, lo and behold, "Three authors of the study are now retracting it." The retraction statement explains: "Our independent peer reviewers informed us that Surgisphere [a medical data aggregation firm] would not transfer the full dataset, client contracts, and the full ISO audit report to their servers for analysis as such transfer would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements. As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process." Peer reviews are not only necessary but are to be expected. So it goes without saying that failing to submit to an audit is rather suspicious.

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How about this:
Boy’s baseball coach calls.
“We were scheduled for a tournament next weekend and ITS ON!”
Me: “what? How?”
Coach: “don’t know - the hosting site (in Orange County) said they have been renting their fields to individual teams for the past three weeks.”
Me: “what about the COVID, social distance, stay at home orders”
Coach: “They don’t care and no authorities are stopping them. We will not play next weekend since I won’t send kids out without some team practices and a check of their physical conditioning (good coach!) but it’s time for the boys to ratchet up their training and get ready cuz once it opens officially, GAME ON!”

It seems that so many of the agencies that would normally “police” facilities are being pulled in a thousand directions so it’s “every man for himself”

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15 minutes ago, crappyice said:

Hey Ratt...for someone who reads so much you sure do skip some details....”non political” is in the thread title...just saying!

From where I am sitting the whole Corona episode has and continues to be nothing but political from the get-go!


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From where I am sitting the whole Corona episode has and continues to be nothing but political from the get-go!

Not disagreeing....And yet it has real world, personal implications which is somewhat non political....IE: no TP, dealing with homeschooling, sick elderly, etc.

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30 minutes ago, crappyice said:

How about this:
Boy’s baseball coach calls.
“We were scheduled for a tournament next weekend and ITS ON!”
Me: “what? How?”
Coach: “don’t know - the hosting site (in Orange County) said they have been renting their fields to individual teams for the past three weeks.”
Me: “what about the COVID, social distance, stay at home orders”
Coach: “They don’t care and no authorities are stopping them. We will not play next weekend since I won’t send kids out without some team practices and a check of their physical conditioning (good coach!) but it’s time for the boys to ratchet up their training and get ready cuz once it opens officially, GAME ON!”

It seems that so many of the agencies that would normally “police” facilities are being pulled in a thousand directions so it’s “every man for himself”

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They're kids, how are they already not in physical condition to play baseball ?  Kid's don't fall out of shape like adults do .

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16 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

They're kids, how are they already not in physical condition to play baseball ?  Kid's don't fall out of shape like adults do .

Speak for yourself.  My beer gut looks the same as it did  6 months ago and I haven't hit the gym in months.

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This week will be pandemonium! We all know many bars and restaurants have been quietly opened for a few weeks now locally but.....

Legally NYC phase 1 tomorrow

Legally Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, etc. Phase 2 Tuesday

And the YES, the markets will be green tomorrow AM

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