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Fair Chase ?


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DISGUSTING!!! Was Jimmy Houston actually calling to that drugged deer tha was trying to just get out of that pen? They should throw all of them in jail. At least take all or their licenses away for life!

Edited by ants
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Although i dont agree what was done on that farm that day, I dont believe that any buck under the drugs that i use would be able to run around with his tail up,jumping limbs and smelling does. This video is from back in 2004 and 2005,Thats digging way back in the archives if qdm is trying to dig somrthing up to downgrade something to try and make themselved look better. I have no problem with other peoples beliefs and some like high fence as shown by the millions made by high fence hunting each year. Kinda to each their own kinda thing. Qdm is trying to fight a battle they cant win. Todays problems with the hunting world has nothing to do with high fence. With todays fast paced world, very little hunting land, Bucks that never make it to 2yrs old,Very few deer in some places. Lazy people and todays youth that would rather sit in front of a video game,a computer, go see the girl friends and even drugs for some. The good ole days of going to camp every weekend,although it sucks its happening, is going by the wayside. High fence hunting is just going to get stronger as time goes on if the world stays on the path its on. What happened on that farm by one bad apple does not even come close to speak for the many high fence ranches i have seen. There is 2 shows on the pursuit channel one is keith warren and the other is Wild River Whitetails. One show is on deer farms an the other is on high fence ranch life. They are very good shows with lots of info on both parts of the whitetail business. Bottom line still comes down to the to each their own on what people believe and if this one video of 8 or 9 years ago is all they have to fight with that shows you that they do not have alot of bullets for their fight!!!!

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Four Seasons - It's only too each his own until it's against the law or more strictly regulated - and I don't think the majority of hunters would defend it. It sounds like you have some high fence hunting operation - since I've never been to one - I'm curious how yours works. How many acres of the pens? What are the drugs you referred to used for? I understand that it's not so black and white and that a fenced ranch of say thousands of acres is a lot different that a 3 acre pen.

BTW - I don't know where you're getting a consipracy from "QDM" (assume you mean QDMA) - I thought the video was produced by some other organization - Wildlife something or other?

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Dispicable to say these people are hunters. Hunting takes skill weather you are in a tree stand on private propterty with 3 achers or are stalking a buck miles in the wilderness. This should be called hmm not sure but not hunting. More like shooting fish in a barrel. To be proud of this kill is just stupid. Took me over 20 years to accertain my 1st mature buck and I had to work for it... Nothing I am more proud of than gettting the skills, disiplin, knowledge and luck to get this mature deer. This is just lazy stupid money pen hunt.

This is what people with no class and no respect for the animal and themselfs do to say "I am a hunter"...

You could not pay me to hunt in any fenced area ever... GRRRRRRR this just pisses me off!!!!

Pathetic to call this hunting. Need a new name for this crap. Killpen$hunt?

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I have to agree with 4seasons. It's not fair to condemn all high fence hunting because of one bad operation. This video is disgusting, but I think it would be disgusting to many high fence operators, too. I have hunted high fence before, it was a real hunt as far as I was concerned. I will do it again, too. I'm not fat or lazy, I hunt free ranging game all year, and I have a good set of hunting skills. If it's done right, I bet you could blindfold a hunter, bring him into a high fence ranch, then take the blinfold off. On a good operation, the hunter would probably not know he was even behind a fence. I know my opinion won't be popular, but oh well.

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That video was disgusting, and Im glad that the operation got shut down, but I am also not going to say that every high fence operation is like that. That would just be ignorant. Would I pay for a fenced hunt? Depends on a bunch of factors. Would I ever participate in something like what was seen on that video? Hell no.

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i have gone on a fenced pig "hunt". it was not a hunt imo just away to gather meat, i used a blk powder pistol, and took a pig with one shot at 20 yards. the "guide" was telling us how guys go in and shoot 3-4 times with high power rifles to get a pig. he looked at me and said reload...the pig went 20 feet fell over dead. he tried to make it seem like it was so unusual and was shocked at how fast the pig died. oh by the way it was supose to be a 3 day hunt on a 30 acre enclosure the guy i went with and i were done in 35 min... like i said not a hunt. if i didn't win it at a fund raising auction i would of never went. But the meat was delicious. :)

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TOTAL B.S. those people should all be locked up! What a bunch of crap ! Talk about slob hunters they make them look good compared to these guys! I watched a show the other day that wasn't much better it was at Quest Haven lodge in Pa. all these big name" hunters" were in baited stands shooting monster bucks all over 180" it did not look like fair chase either. It's no wonder people are down on hunting & hunters when they see this crap.

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I have to wonder how many of the hunter-heroes that we see on TV actually engage in this kind of hunting. Many of us sit around and amazed over the massive racks that these guys routinely take every week and shower these guys with something near hero-worship. Maybe this video gives a little different perspective on what kinds of hunting tactics may be behind these consistant trophy hunters who pose as hunting experts. Could be these guys are just a different kind of "market hunter" who are catering to a different kind of market.

Is it all just harmless? Well as the guy in the video points out, such footage would make powerful recruiting media for the animal rights people. It's rather easy for someone to paint all hunting with the same broad brush that is being shown here.

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Skillet - what's been your experience - what size was the fenced area you hunted? What would you say is typical of these operations?

It was for a boar. The area was 300 acres. I have not hunted enough of these places to be able to say what is typical, but there is footage from only 1 operation, not enough to say that this kind of abomination is typical. The guy in the video obviously had an objective, to end ALL high fence hunting. It was the most disgusting, upsetting footage he could find, intended to get other sportsman fired up and to get them to gut react & condemn all high fence hunting. While I can't be sure what is typical of most operations, you can't assume that it's typical for high fence operations to be run as unethically as the one in the film. No sportsmen would condone hunting drugged animals, or animals trapped in a 3 acre pen.

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