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Found him this morning!!!!!!! 9am.. probably ran 150yd maybe 200.... Maybe 60 yds from where I stopped tracking last night. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk42 points
Should have went traditional years ago Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk40 points
Not the big guy....but still feels good to feed the family with a bow and arrow.. 4 deer went by me just before sun up Then 30 minutes later he came following a doe....grunting behind her the whole way......i couldn't get her to stop...but he did....dropped insight...awesome.. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk22 points
Unbelievable morning. More details to follow. Lying on ground as a type with Grampy 15yds in front of me trying to kill a buck from ground. Won't give him a shot but man it's exciting watching as I lie prone. Lol21 points
Down within sight AWESOME sauce! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk21 points
16 points
Found the mag lite I dropped out of the tree 2 years ago . It still turned on too !14 points
One more for the recurve and my biggest buck to date Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk11 points
Figures, he's finally moving during daylight and I'm not in the stand 12 yards away! WTF...11 points
Last day bowhunting southern tier....passed on at least 7 small bucks But not taking a tag home at least...no big boys. ..but just shot a crotchhorn that grunted the whole way down the hill following a doe Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk11 points
This doe came trotting in at 8:30, I stopped her at 7 yards and made a solid shot. She went about 100. She looks identical to @Robhuntandfish doe above. Aged at 2.5 and weighed in at 119lbs11 points
Well we’ve arrived here in Nebraska. Can’t check into our room until 11 so we are at a local diner having a big breakfast. Will get checked into the room then head over to the state land to hang stands and hunt till dark. We drove around the state land this morning as the sun was rising and there are deer all over the place!!! We saw at least 75 deer in total. 2 shooter bucks and lots of small bucks. It’s frigid here so they are really on the move. Can’t wait to get in a tree in a few hours. Stay tuned, more to come.10 points
It was the most exiting hunt I've had in a while! Was up in a ladder stand called the bowl stand by moog and the guys. Was in and settled well before light. After having a breakfast fit for a king at moogs house! Was in the stand for a while and caught movement to my right and slightly above. Three doe moving through until they caught my scent and scittered away after some head bobing and foot stomps. Maybe half hour later with no more deer seen, decided to come down to pee. I am most comfortable on the ground, hunting at the deers level. So just set up behind the ladder stand on the ground, after nipping a couple branches. Had a real good view of a well used trail, loaded with fresh scrapes at just a few yards in front, and could see up and down the trail a good ways. And still had a good view of the bowl and wooded hillside over my shoulders. But pretty thick with blowdowns and brush too. So got the message from moog he's coming to pick me up, there's something going on over by phade. So as moog gets almost to me, I glance over my left shoulder to the bowl, and a 110 class 8 point is walking in it 50 yards away! Moog couldn't see him at first. But I figured I may as well try to position myself for a shot if he changed course . Well he did! He was heading my way but I had no shot! I think he caught me moving a half step to the left looking for an opening at 30 yards. So had to freeze and the stare down began. Then when he moved so did I. So we played the zig zag game for a bit until he was out of range for me, and up the ridge he went. But I will admit my heart was pounding! What an awesome hunt! And a beautiful buck! One I'll never forget! Sometimes it's ok when the deer win the battle.9 points
Grampy was sitting over an area we call the bowl. Sitting on the ridge but not really hunting the bowl area or so we thought. He was on the ground below a stand we use. As i was picking him from his stand for breakfast, he looks at me and quietly whispers buck down in the bowl. I got down on the ground and he carefully eased up and creeped over the rigid towards the bowl. Never detected by the buck, I watched a 10 min battle with the buck moving closer to Grampy and Grampy finding a position to shoot him. Buck closed from 75ish to 40ish. Moved away and came back but never offered Grampy the shot he wanted. It was very cool watching the whole thing unfold lying on the ground 10yds behind him. Grampy was cool as a cucumber. Almost got him.9 points
9 points
Got here and moog picked me up to take a walk around the area we will be hunting. Wow is there a ton of fresh buck sign! Scrape after scrape and all within the last day or so with not a leaf in them. Some were clearly only hours old. Should be a great day to be in the woods, weather we get a deer or not! Moog has been the most gracious host. And has a beautiful family! I was treated to a top notch steak dinner, cooked by his lovely wife Ana. We all had great conversation and I felt very at home and welcome. And a great time talking fishing with Joel, what a great kid! Just tonight, was well worth the trip! Moog is good people. So happy to finally meet up with him. Everything has been awesome so far. The icing on the cake would be to have one of the guys, get one of those beautiful bucks roaming this awesome property. Better get to bed. Got a big day tomorrow. Thanks Brian! Oh yeah....he's cooking us breakfast in the morning too. I feel like one of those fansy dancy TV hunters.....lol will do live from the stand in the morning. Best of luck to all heading out!9 points
A little bit of action early. Almost pulled the trigger on this guy. But let him walk. Not going to have much time out this year from the looks of things. But I still gave him a stay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
Decided today was the day to bust out my new high quality hunting socks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
Live from a truck stop bathroom . From now on I won’t get the full rack of ribs from Chili’s the night before hunting.7 points
7 points
6 points
Ok well we took way longer at breakfast and hanging stands than we should have so we decided to forgo the afternoon hunt and just get settled into the hotel room and have some beer, pizza and wings and relax for the night. My stand is about a 50 min walk from the parking area. After carrying stands down there, we weren’t in the mood to turn around and make that walk again in a rush to beat sundown. But we saw a bunch of bucks just walking down this old rail road line that we use to get to our stands. In total we’ve seen over 100 deer today. Lots of big rubs all around and scrapes everywhere. Confidence is very high with all this action going on! I didn’t take many pics today since we were rushing trying to get stands up so I’ll have to snap some more in the upcoming days. I love this Midwest terrain. Makes me feel right at home again. Even found something I haven’t seen in forever!5 points
5 points
5 points
Hooter in the pic. Just had a yote coming through, moved my rattling antlers and they hit my climber and off he went. Still tryin to get a deer for my bil, plenty of predators in this area.5 points
Big doe at 7:30 this morn. Shot her and wasn't totally sure but thought it was a good one. So I sat in stand and an hour later another doe and a buck right up her rear end sniffing. I stood up and he went away front the doe and to the left and never saw him again. The doe walked around my stand for half hour. Pee'd in the trail and I thought for sure he would come over. So after like 3 hours I could finally get down and went to where arrow was. I see what might have buggered him . Blood everywhere. So I look up and at 40 yards is my doe dead. Heart punch !! She was dead in 30 seconds. Got two freezer queens. Now it's time to hunt for one with some horns!5 points
I just got home and flipped on the boob tube......channel 395 "Sportsmans Channel" on DISH: Full Draw Outfitters is on. First thing I see is a guy drawing his bow back as a big buck is walking across a field. The buck is walking and I'm grunting to myself, hoping to stop the buck for the guy 'cause he isn't! Finally the guy pulls the trigger while the buck is WALKING. I don't know the distance but it wasn's straight down, maybe 30 plus yards?? Lower gut shot is what we got now. But WAIT, the buck runs out of site and the shooter looks quick at the camera man and says "HE"S DOWN, RIGHT THERE!!". The camera man says yup, he's down! They go to a commercial and then come back with the hero shot of the buck on a creek bank looking deader than heck. The shooter thanks everybody connected to the deal and that's a wrap. I'm soooo sick of these bullshiit shows, they make me wanna puke. There is no freaking way that buck died that quick..........liars.4 points
It's 70 don't know why I'm back out except can't shoot em on the couch. Hoping they feel this storm coming and get up. This is the only stand they been hitting reg in daylight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
Congrats to all successful hunters today. But im having a hard time with the visual of , a Dick blowing leaves ..... That Work TF ?4 points
I found it on amazon for 44 dollars and it came with the original evercalm also . My wife yelled at me the other day to get my deer vagina juice off the counter.4 points
4 points
Repost from live in the woods thread... Got my first bow kill on sat at 4pm. First bear kill also...4 points
This time tomorrow, I'll be heading out to Webster from the Capital District, for a weekend of fun and hunting! Got an invitation from my buddy moog5050, who I've been wanting to meet for some time. Will also get to meet phade, who's hunting skills and knowledge, I've admired, since coming to this forum! Not sure who else will be there, as I know some others, are close by too. moog is already being such a gracious host, and I haven't even arrived yet! Looking forward to the laughs and good times as much as the hunting itself! Though I'm not looking to shoot anything myself, unless one of those big WNY bucks, decides to stop in front of me for a chip shot. I am 'really' hoping that I can be there, to share in the celebration, of one of those guy's putting something on the ground! That would be amazing! This is the first time hunting out of town for me in decades, so just looking to soak it all in! Success for this trip will be measured in smiles, handshakes and good company, more than the deer killed. So even before driving the first mile, I'm certain this will be a successful hunting trip! Hope the weather holds for us!3 points
What's for breakfast for my daughter...tenderloin that was walking around 24 hours ago3 points
Pan fried shrimp for dipping in lrish butter,buffalo sauce and ranch dressing. Of course a bunch will be eaten as is.3 points
Out today in westchester after my mishap at camp yesterday warm and windy but in a great spot.... let's see what happens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3pm - I’m back in 3N Blind where I passed the 3pt yesterday afternoon. Kicked up a bedded doe on the way in 20yds. Hoping a bigger buck moves through today. Heavy rains and strong winds coming the next 2 days. 65 degrees and 13mph winds right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Haha. Yes, It was definitely a sleepless night!! But entry was around liver, exit was around shoulder area. I think he tried ducking my arrow or something and ended up getting caught. Idk. But at least I recovered, the meat didn't look bad either. The processor said he'd call if it was bad. Sent from my HP 10 G2 Tablet using Tapatalk3 points
Wasn't sure if I wanted to post this or not. I'm trying to be humble but this has been one of my best seasons and I'm having a hard time not posting pictures. I was able to take my first buck with a recurve this morning and I'm pretty excited. He came in head on this morning and showed up at 15 yards. I was somehow able to raise my bow ever so slowly and draw as he was passing my stand at only 10 yards. My stand is only about 10' off the ground and he was on my uphill side so he was almost level with me in the stand. With the break over point of cams on a compound I don't think I ever would have been able to draw on him without him seeing me. The release felt great and the arrow sunk right behind the shoulder. I watched as he ran about 25 yards behind me and stopped. He began to stumble and went right down. This is the first deer I've ever killed with a bow that I've had go down within sight and it was a huge relief knowing that i wasn't going to have a long track job. I used the same exact arrow and broadhead that I took my bear with 2 weeks ago, just resharpened the blades. Unfortunately this buck broke my lucky arrow. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Hope you're not in Mendon. If so, have fun picking all those ticks off later!!!3 points
Well...had a shooter come through about 20 min ago. Just ranged a tree he went past at 61 yds. Couldn't count points but thinking it must be the nice 8 I got on camera. Tried grunting and bleating with no luck. Might try rattling ...cant decide if I should3 points
Yes the bow is still available!!! And this sounds like the perfect home for it, send me a pm with shipping address and and I'll get it set up, packed up, and shipped out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Fun day of deer watching. I saw 17 deer and got busted by a doe on the one shot I tried to take. Oh well. Time for beer and World Series.3 points
I didn't see a thing after I climbed up. I got home and my 9yr old climbed up on his stand and saw 9 doe and a six point. He even took pics with his iPad to show me when I came home, darn kid had them all around him.3 points
Wtf. I was expecting “Grampy” to be like some 75-80 year old man. Guy looks like he’s 58. Don’t feel sorry for the guy and give him anything easy. Put him in a stand that requires a 3 mike walk haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Neighbor says cmon over and see what I'm drinking. He only got one from a friend. But he did let me have a sip of sunshine to try. Dang good too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points