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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/22 in Posts

  1. Just made 50 in my biggest. And first time I got 2 in a day
    21 points
  2. The Oath ceremony was awesome tonight. I couldn't believe they took her at 7 am and about 12 hours later what we were looking at. Amazing!
    8 points
  3. You just hit the big issue in our country there is no middle any more.. there is extreme right snd extreme left when it comes to who you can vote for. I would bet that 80% of us here fall in the middle and have to make a hard choice every time we vote Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  4. There are members on this forum that dont believe a replica is a legitimate mount. It sickens me to this day that they walk around free
    6 points
  5. Lake View u8 took home gold in the Cal Ripken bracket of the Battle At the Falls Toury. This crew battled out of the basement to take home some hardware. Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. We always bought the previous years model, which were about half as much and basically just a different color
    4 points
  7. My text conversation with my daughter after AT shared some Brittany puppy pics: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. ever try to fly fish for them? I tried it a couple of times. Not easy! tougher than a wily brown! So they would frown on bow shooting im thinking. Did this a few times too.
    3 points
  10. Years back I enjoyed Rat hunting and Woodchuck and a bit of Fox digging with what was called back then "Den Terriers", basically Jack Russells. A couple of the girls picture below, Scruffy with a good size Black Snake she killed and one of the pups I raised Muffin who was a little Stinker as can be seen by her puss. Al
    3 points
  11. Things are happening: This baby Robbin is fertilizing the basil. First appearance of it from it's nest in my neighbor's privacy bush. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  12. Ruby the bulldog with her treat buddy (my daughter) Ellie. Penny the pug, out for her first (and much despised) hike. Boo, or as I call him “Dog”. He’s been by my side for 12 years now
    3 points
  13. Germany Is firing up their old coal plants.. Don't tell Greta
    3 points
  14. Retrieving a chukar that @ATbuckhunter shot
    3 points
  15. Couple of ripe cherry maters and some zucchini coming. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. CT browning cam check today. 87 pics, all does. No critters, no bears, no turkeys, no bucks and no fawns! It's been hot and dry up on the mountain, so maybe the bucks are down the 1/2 mile mountain at the water
    2 points
  17. my Dad used to say the same about chicken wings. When he worked as a chef you couldnt give them away! Now they are treasured too. Def see more tourneys around as this area has a lot of them. There are tourneys on Oneida, Onondage and the St lawrence quite often. Maybe carp fishing will catch on but as far as people from Europe.... what do they know they drink their beer warm so their opinion doesnt count. lol
    2 points
  18. Yeah. Exactly. This stuff does happen. Imagine your son made sweet sweet love to a girl that poked holes in his condom. Not only is he financially responsible for 18 years bare minimum but God knows what else his life has in store for him. Maybe he quits high school to work. He never gets an education. And he lives in poverty taking every type of government taxpayer aid becoming a true leech on society. Then because he is reliant on government aid, he starts voting democrat. And then his kids vote democrat. And so on and so forth. Very scary to imagine.
    2 points
  19. Do you think abortion is a constitutional right? If so, can you show me where it was written? All the supreme court did was make that decision. The correct one in my opinion. It should have easily been a unanimous decision and would have been if it wasn't for judges that don't follow the constitution. Now or 50 years ago. Now if you want to ad an amendment to the constitution making it a right, then the supreme court would uphold it as a right. and BTW, i do believe that little Ms Grouse in your story should be able to get an abortion in the first trimester if she so chooses....and she still can.
    2 points
  20. I think I'd trade my 48 for a 43x. I carry AIWB and I think the half inch shorter slide would be a little more comfortable when I sit down. Of the things in that area I could remove a half inch from to make carrying more comfortable, I'd rather it was the gun. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Thank you all. We get to talk for a while on July 17th. Next time I see her is (no contact) August 8th 12 mile March back from Basic training then We get the weekend with her on the 13th!!!
    2 points
  22. Here we go… Little sally grouse goes off to college. She’s 18 and this is her first experience away from home.. on her second week there she meets little Johnny phantom at a frat party. Neither of them have ever had a real sexual experience before and between the alcohol and their hormones they decided to try. They go back to Sally’s room. In their buzzed state sally hands little Johnny grouse a condom from the stash she got from the student center. What she doesn’t know is in the dark she grabbed a magnum. Now little Johnny phantom has a tiny pencil pecker and there is no way that magnum is staying on. So halfway through this 2 minute ordeal that giant parachute of a rubber slides off of Johnny’s needle pecker. Neither of them know any better and Johnny gives sally a good old shot of the baby juice. Upon waking up in the morning Johnny sees sally grouse in the light of day and realizes what a ugly troll she really is. Before leaving he gives her a fake phone number and heads out on his way… you know, to tell tall tails to his friends about the not so hot girl from West Virginia he nailed the night before. Any way 10 weeks later after two missed periods.. the innocent sally from West Virginia begins to throw up in the morning. After a few days of this she heads to the student medical center. Here she finds out that Johnny phantoms love juice somehow made it past the condom she supplied and she is now pregnant. The shame builds she realized he never called, she doesn’t know who he is and that she will have to raise this baby on her own. She goes to a very large SEC school and none of the bordering states around her offer access to abortion and her redneck West Virginia parents won’t help her travel to get one. Should Sally’s future be over by the choice of someone else because she made one mistake in her first few weeks of college? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. The West Point Starbucks upcharges for almond milk, I'm literally shaking Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  24. Remember this one? This is an old Lawdwaz gun. CZ 452 in 17. First kill.
    2 points
  25. Looks like a purple variegated dingleberry to me.. They are common in areas downstream of Chinese outhouses...
    2 points
  26. I’ve canoed all over Canada from the Yukon to Quebec, backpacked from the ADK to the canyons of AZ and on and on . My friends shoot Mullies , whitetails ,elk and antelope almost at will in Montana . To me the traveling out there , packing for weather from 10 below to 60 ,buying a cooler, getting it cut up ,shipping it home , is juice that’s not worth the squeeze. I also have no desire for another mount , I have two, and the kids will throw them out when I die as it is . But for many it’s a dream and I hope they get to experience that . I would do another remote wilderness canoe trip,the Blow river is one that intrigues me, getting there is extremely difficult , last I knew it was believed to have been canoed . https://travelingluck.com/North+America/Canada/Yukon/_5904099_Blow+River.html
    2 points
  27. Many don’t really care. I always thought folks would jump at a chance to hunt somewhere else for different game. But the fact is it’s just not a priority for most. I’ve been doing a hunting and/or fishing trip for the last 32 years (missed 2019 due to illness,2020 because of Corvid restrictions). For me, its been a awesome time; but now I understand that its not for all
    2 points
  28. Boothbay Maine-Mine Oyster Oysters then a lobster paniani. Cup of clam chowder to go.
    2 points
  29. Blackstone tortellini and kielbasa cooked with dashes of Italian dressing , pesto with side of homemade air fried garlic bread.
    2 points
  30. An hour after a mouse in the stone wall .
    2 points
  31. Athena - English Bulldog Indie - English/American Bulldog mix Charlotte - French Bulldog Stuff gets chewed around here. But it's all good. I have to keep an eye on the sheds I find or they literally disappear lol. Always wanted an English bulldog. Have to say this far in, the French bulldogs are in a league of their own in terms of disposition and maintenance. I was not super excited about adding a third dog to the mix and a "Frenchie" at that. Boy, was I wrong. We'll likely be in the French bulldog category going forward.
    2 points
  32. She wants to pursue international intelligence. Her mind is so open and will be exposed to so much it may change. For now that's the plan. Good luck to your girls, where they headed?
    1 point
  33. Nobody killed them if they married the girl and supported the family. If not, they got shot. That was American.
    1 point
  34. Trico (RIP) used to get a kiddy cone of vanilla from the Mr. Softee truck who would stop In front of the house. He would sit and eat it neater than the kids if I held it for him. Even nibbled down the cone in correct circular motions! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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