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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/13 in Posts

  1. And they will continue to be together until a Woman separates them ( Typical LOL !)
    6 points
  2. My bow course... took it at jims archery shop in pulaski on saturday. passed with only one question wrong, so now im an official NY Bowhunter!!! yehaw!!! oh the one thing they stressed like crazy was RAZOR SHARP broadheads... that stuck with me... i think im gonna be doing some sharpening before the season even tho mine are brand new... instructor told a story bout a deer he shot, thing looked up glanced around and went back to eating... he said it was bleeding like a stuck pig and he could see his arrow in the ground on the other side of the deer, anyhow long story short deer stands there eating for a little bit and then drops over dead... easiest blood trail ever lol
    5 points
  3. These will get anyone excited for the season!!
    3 points
  4. Got it in today.... I had 1 1/4 acres limed, fertilized with 19-19-19 and worked up well with fixed cultivators and drags... Broadcast it today with radishes, turnips and rape and then dragged over it with doubled chain link fence.. Hoping for a shower in the next day or two... My next plot is about 2 acres and I plan to do it by Sept 1 with clover and winter rye... The old Ford 9N is getting a workout..
    3 points
  5. Have four cam encounters with these two thus far this summer. July 14, July 27, and two cams this morning. Every time these two are together.
    2 points
  6. I do this every year but never hurts to repeat...Be very careful out there in the woods around blinds and out building...bees are cranky and getting ready for winter so very active...today I went to check a new plot around the old goat barn...while walking past the york rake i catch a large number of bees going in under the barn behind the rake...Then took a cot and some supplies to the lower shooting house...carrying every thing up the ladder ...I caught movement out the corner of my eye and there a foot and a half from my face is a active...VERY ACTIVE hornets nest under the decking..I slowly lowered my sleeves and stood on the rung as some bounced off my hat and buzzed around me....it took a few minutes for me to get the courage to back down the ladder and sprint away...needless to say the cot and supplies where left on the ground,,,I went back tonite and sprayed both areas...25ft away at the shooting house and I could hear them loudly buzzing after the spraying...So just be careful and aware...and safe.... trimming trees..... weed whacking ....cutting brush...ground bees are nasty this time of year as well
    2 points
  7. If a person has nuisance permits to fill. Go for it. Like I said, its not for me. But a person who fills a bunch of these, easy kill, permits and then posts pictures of the deer (some really small) and then brags about it and taunts people by saying how he just throws out the meat, is a stone cold LOSER. End of story,,no deep thinking involved. Not shawnhu though....thats different.
    2 points
  8. i dont understand the scent free craze. the largest bucks evertaken were done without it, as were hundred of thousands of others, probably millions. study the wind, just about everyone forgets this. scent is present with all these gadjets in place. save your money buy land,a new gun,boots, ect you'll still be sucessful.
    2 points
  9. What's the odds of getting stung in the nipple ? Sorry to hear about that Pygmy , but you sure made me laugh.
    2 points
  10. Today 8/12/2013 DMP's are available... DMP Info http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html Online license sales: https://nyfgisales.appsolgrp.com/fgnyia/html/index.jsp Did you get a DMP in the area you wanted?
    1 point
  11. So i checked out that video somebody posted about cam placement and decided to place the cam about 7 feet up. got a whole bunch of deer on cam and none were spooked......not even this guy. i think hes a 10
    1 point
  12. Is anyone familiar with the tag exchange for Long Island after taking a deer? Is the exchange only for public land or is it for all deer taken on LI?
    1 point
  13. Some more pics from my Adirondack lease. That 10 in the night shot is the one I am after....
    1 point
  14. I hiked into our my northern ADK woods to pull the cards from two of my cams. This was after I repositioned them based on a video and some members comments/suggestion that the cams needed to mounted higher than eye level.. I mounted mine at around 7 feet. Was excited to see several bucks from one cam in one area. I did not post all of the videos for as between August 1st and August 9th I had 10 good videos. The other camera needs to be repositioned as the angle is too steep showing a very narrow field of view. I only had one doe on one video. The amount of deer seen by the one cam is really excellent for the ADK woods. We have NO food plots and NO pastures what so ever. This is the most deer I have seen in one area! Take a good look at the two videos with the larger bucks on them. Are they the same buck? I looked at the videos several times I believe they are different ones. What do you all think? Well, I relocated one of my ladder stands near this camera.......we will see if these bucks are around during the early bow season which starts September 27th. 4 point 8.7.13 613am.AVI 6-8 point 8.1.13 728am.AVI spike 8.3.13 325pm.AVI
    1 point
  15. ENJOY!! Well this was a pleasant surprise. Has anyone observed A group of Bucks doing this in the summer ?food plots 089.avi
    1 point
  16. absolutely raggin on the brown it's down crowd. you're doing nothing but senseless killing. You don't care for the meat and you're not trophy hunting. Trophy hunters who waste meat are bad enough. I'm a conservationist and lover of nature first and foremost. You're obviously getting your rocks off from just killing. I know you'll loose 100 times over if the members on this forum took sides. but you can continue to attack me personally... i forgot that you knew me. I've listed my hunting credentials, family, education and profession here. No need to do it again. Enjoy your life. Nuisance permit hunting is generally ok by me so long as the meat goes to use. Just wish you'd stop posting these pictures. Nobody is going to pat you on the back for what you're doing. If you want to nuisance hunt, there's nothing illegal about it. But to be proud of piling dead deer and wasting the meat? Stacking fawns and velvet bucks in a pile? Not my thing, and again I'm not alone. I nice picture with the hunter, the harvest and the weapon is what most of us prefer. ps. put some clothes on. You'll find yourself generally tick free... in the south they wear snake chaps to protect against rattlers. simple ppe buddy.
    1 point
  17. True, but $57 doesn't get much interest in my bank account for the next month anyway.
    1 point
  18. Blurr18us, This is a bit off topic, but what is your fascination with ***bags? Ok, back to your regular program.
    1 point
  19. What a bag! * Watch the language . shawnhu wrote: shawnhu wrote: Wow, you must really have a bone to pick with me. At least you got two warnings. might not be so lucky next time, Newbie Hunter. See ya around
    1 point
  20. You misunderstand. The morality and legality of filling nuisance permits is not the point. Im talking about a person who is such giant loser, that he/she brags about deer he/she took on easy kill permits and then taunts people about it. I think that most people would agree that such a person is a colossal loser. Whats with the "pitching" reference? You have to give the admins more credit than that.
    1 point
  21. how do you do that on the net? Never mind ...I can't do it...they are free for me
    1 point
  22. Mike Tyson had the best quote ever about this sort of thing... "Everyone has a game plan for me, until they get punched in the face."
    1 point
  23. OMG...first year I totally forgot...got to run....
    1 point
  24. These coming election are a one issue race for me. I don't give a rats butt about the cross bow issue. or any of the other hunting stances. It is about their belief they can sidestep the Constitution. Period. I wonder how those down state pantywastes would feel if it were another Constitutional right that was abused instead of the 2nd?
    1 point
  25. Technically its not my cam but on the property we hunt so you could say its as good as my own. Sam, the 11pt, with the "prong" looking G2 was put on the "DO NO SHOOT LIST" we'll see if that holds true or backfires when a neighbor knocks him down.
    1 point
  26. Republican or Democrat most people feel the same about government: Take only as much in taxes as you need, don't spend it foolishly, keep your nose out of my bedroom (email, mail, phone calls, etc.). The large multinational companies of the world have many people fooled into believing that the government is our enemy NOT them. Not the large companies that hide their money overseas, or rape and pollute our land, or have made a non-stop effort for well over fifty year to reverse America's conservation laws. Laws we ALL enjoy and count on to preserve our rich hunting heritage, our water, our air, the soil. The following link will take you the NYSDEC .kmz file download page. KMZ files for those of you who don't know are files that when loaded in Google Earth overlay their data onto the globe. They are a great hunting and scouting tool but If you download and look at some of these files you will be amazed at just how close to you a spill or toxic waste area is to your house. Just don't say how the hell did that get there cause it's mostly likely the guy you pulled the lever for in November. "Potential Environmental Justice Areas"? oops: http://www.dec.ny.gov/pubs/42978.html http://www.dec.ny.gov/public/899.html
    1 point
  27. Yup...Never realized that a male nipple was that sensitive.. Good thing I wasn't taking a LEAK when it happened...<<CRINGE>>...
    1 point
  28. So I'm just trying to imagine the conversation. Farmer brings you to the farm. Ask you to help him with his deer problem. Environmental office which you pick up the nuisance permits from tells you to blast away because they're having major problems in the area. A buck shows up and is munching away on the farmers crop like a fat kid in a ice cream shop. You just sit there and watch. Farmer comes running up to you scream "What the hell!?!? That buck is eating me out of my livelihood!" You turn and tell the farmer. "Nah, I'm saving him till he's a full size trophy 8 pointer."
    1 point
  29. Where there are farms there are plenty of deer, especially if nuisance permits are being handed out. A few deer taken in the off season legally is not going to hurt the herd, if anything it may help. Please try to keep this convo civil.
    1 point
  30. Supporting a candidate that has already demonstrated a willingness to vote against the Constitution becasue he tosses you a few bones in another area is wrong. You already know their view. I Would rather take a chance on a new person in office and if they don't deliver get rid of them also. Whatever Sweeney's views are on other topics do not matter. If her were spear heading free licenses and doubling the amount of state land I would still say he has to go.
    1 point
  31. Yes - it is a shame. A shame the population is not at a level where hunting alone in season can control the damage. Good job helping the farmer protect his livelihood.
    1 point
  32. I think you mean... what a LOSER!!
    1 point
  33. I'll take some deer antler velvet spray! Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  34. Cograts, Now Practice,Practice,Practice.
    1 point
  35. Thought this was a cool action shot, two does fighting in my clover plot. Time to thin out the herd..lol
    1 point
  36. A doe always drops twins in the woods behind my house every year. Of course, we don't know if it's the same individual from year to year, but there is always a doe with twins so we say that's the case. Curiously, when we are outside with our chickens, the deer will approach quite closely. I suspect that they use the chickens as indicators of risk-- deer do this with wild turkeys. It makes sense... a turkey can see forever, and a deer can scent (and hear) forever. I think that the deer use the chickens in this way as well, and as we pose no threat to the chickens, we are little threat to the deer. This is only a theory but I have noticed that even though the deer don't react at all to our voices and scent, if a neighbor drives by or steps outside, they spook. Regardless of theories, the doe always brings her fawns quite close, for whatever reason. We always just sit quietly and enjoy. They come quite close. This is full frame-- not cropped. The twins, together.
    1 point
  37. One? Put in 6. Batteries last for a year in most of them now. After the bastards are caught, have the judge give THEM the bill for all damages, cameras and batteries. My advice is gratis.............
    1 point
  38. Come on September 27th!!! Four days to use last years tags then start fresh! All though I like hunting in bad weather I hope this year I do not have 4 straight days of rain, again...
    1 point
  39. Absolutely, there are places in this state where you will have no choice. The ones that voted for the so-called Safe Act will be being opposed by others that are also anti-gun. However, if gun owners boot out the ones that voted for the act, just think of the powerful message that will have been sent. I maintain that the new holder of that office will be thinking twice before blatantly slapping the faces of gun owners again regardless of his actual feelings on the issue. It's all about the message and the demonstration that voting against the 2nd Amendment has consequences. Now whether we can actually pull off the unseating of these characters or not still remains to be seen. I already have seen some indications that gun owners don't really have the courage of their convictions, and it is very difficult to get gun owners to unite around any issue. And perhaps we are getting exactly what we deserve. But it occurs to me that we will never have as good an opportunity to galvanize the entire gun owning community for a positive statement as we have with the safe Act incursion on our rights. We have seen the brief outrage that took over the community. And while I have to admit that the issue has nearly faded into oblivion, I am hoping that the anger can once again be rekindled when election time comes around. Consider the message that gets sent if we do not act in a decisive fashion at the polls. We will be publicly declaring, loud and clear, that it is open season on guns and gun owners and that our political will is simply a paper tiger that can be shredded any time a legislator wishes. I'm hoping that is not the message that gets sent.
    1 point
  40. Don't spray you arrows with all that crap. Get one of these. Twist while you pull it out. My 9 year old can pull out the arrows with this.
    1 point
  41. Yes it is free. I think we all appreciate that. But, I don't think that's the point of why people are complaining. At least, not for me, anyway. If I shake a man's hand, I make a deal. It's my word. Sure, things come up. Glad to see BJ getting through it. Kids are hard work.
    1 point
  42. For me it's a promise . . . Free or not. Follow through is all. And some people have paid to help support this free site
    1 point
  43. just spit out some of my coffee. thanks for a good start to my Friday!
    1 point
  44. Why in the world would you want to get rid of the tree tops. Logging is the best thing you can do for your property when it comes to increasinig the quality of habitat. Deer will bed like crazy in and around the tree tops, tree tops protect new growth trees by acting as a natural fence, and the deer will feed on the tops. You do not want your deer woods looking like a park, you want it to look like a thick nasty woods where you can not see past 30 yards with lots of sun hitting the ground. Leave to the tree tops, unless you want in to look like a park, and not hold quality bucks. Everytime I have had logging done, the hunting that season and seasons after has been better!
    1 point
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