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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. WNYB you are going to be WAY too busy doing deer heads and taxidermy full time to go after them, so I'll do you a favor and take it from here .
  2. I have 2 walls full of mounts . I probably can get another 3 to fit if I put them up in the cathedral ceiling . My wife asked me what happens when I run out of room . I told her the kid pictures come down next and then the wedding pictures to make more room . LOL
  3. He " was " Attorney General of NY . He went down in flames after 4 women accused him of forcing them to do the whips and chains thingy on his thingy LOL https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/four-women-accuse-new-yorks-attorney-general-of-physical-abuse
  4. The only way I can think of to describe your work : " It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than That "
  5. Are you sure CNN actually has an audience ? LOL
  6. Going to have to try that. So you just add the milk, honey, and jalapeno slices to the boiling water ?
  7. I was wondering the same thing . I've never had that work just putting fresh corn on the grill . It did work somewhat if I left them on at lower temp for longer than I thought. Now I just boil them and throw them on the grill for a couple min to give them a grilled taste .
  8. Going Once ! Going Twice ! SOLD at 2.5 ! But a very nice looking one . He doesn't have the wide skull that bucks develop at 3.5. The blockhead look.
  9. Australia Health Minister Reporting On National News : 141 new Covid Hospitalization Cases . All but one were fully vaccinated . Did someone on a previous post claim that 95 percent of new cases were from unvaccinated people ? https://wsau.com/2021/07/26/sydney-australia-all-new-covid-hospitalizations-involve-vaccinated-individuals-except-one/
  10. Prayers sent for your Mom and family ApexerER . But rest assured , this may be just a bump in the road of life. My older sister was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 2004 . That was 17 years ago and she is alive and well and still the same pain in the ass that she always was while we were growing up . I will be 65 next month and I thank God every day that we still haven't grown up. Stay positive my friend . There is light just over this speed bump and she will continue down the journey of life .
  11. With the wife away for the week there is no need for a big dinner . I was going to have burgers on the grill. And now its been pouring out all afternoon. So I resorted to Plan B My buddy gave me a big zucchini the other day so I made stuffed Zuke with hamburger mixed with green pepper, onion, diced fresh tomatoes, marinara sauce covered with mozzarella and mexican 4 cheese .
  12. Did it go something like " You BETTER have the Honey Do list completed by then or you AINT going NOWHERE Mistah " LOL
  13. Are you doing all those hunts with a bow Trial ? Good luck To You ! I dont mean that sarcastically . I wish you good luck. Those are hard hunts with a bow . Especially the goat ! Quite a while ago now I watched Tom Miranda's bow hunt for a goat . What a challenge . You have to be part goat just to get close enough for a shot on those cliffs .
  14. The wife is away, so the firebugs will play LOL The wife is down in West Virginia for the week doing Yoga training . Beautiful nite for a campfire
  15. Thats absolutely fabulous Jerry ! Congrats ! Love the photo shoot themes !
  16. Nice clarity and color on those vids . Awesome bucks too ! Nothing better than videos !
  17. Stuffed Peppers ready for the oven later this afternoon.
  18. Beautiful Trout ! So in other words , you looked like a typical city slicker tourist gone fishin LOL
  19. Happy Birthday John ! Are you having " Lobster Pizza " with a candle in the middle instead of cake ?
  20. Thats a great combo Nomad ! First you quickly guzzle down the 3 beers then use the cans for targets LOL
  21. Remington has made an offer to the victims families of Sandy Hook . If this gets accepted by the courts and the families, just think of the consequences for every gun manufacturer and every firearms owner . It is now officially the " Guns Fault " and not the deranged shooter. I can picture the Biden Anti Gun Administration just frothing at the mouth to write up new gun laws of registration and mandatory insurance for every firearm owned . Then insurance companies will charge whatever they want to insure each firearm you own just in case the gun decides to slide out of your house at night to shoot somebody . Now picture how many other lawsuits will be filed against every firearm manufacturer for every previous shooting that has happened no matter what the circumstances . Didn't Biden mention he wanted to charge $200 to $800 registration fee for every firearm and high capacity magazine owned ? Since there is no " Statute Of Limitations " for murder , does that mean everyone and anyone that has had a family member shot in many years past can file a lawsuit against the manufacturer ? Even gang members that were shot by other gangs ? Pandora's Box is officially open if this decision becomes precedent . After all. It is now the " Guns Fault " and not the shooter. And if its the guns fault , then they all need to be registered and insured. Right ? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/remington-offers-33-million-families-sandy-hook-school-shooting-victims-2021-07-27/
  22. Happy Birthday Mr BBQ ! Hope you cooked up a feast for yourself today !
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