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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Saw some doe in my food plot out back and by the time I snuck up there they had departed. Tough hunt. Hahaha
  2. I set my inline up with XTP’s, accurate and we’ll see how it does on deer this year hopefully. Unfortunately my Mustang isn’t BH 209 compatible so for now I use Goex until I run out. I plan on trying Alliant Black MZ soon.
  3. He didn’t remember. Lol Still hunted our way down a hard wood ridge and worked in on some doe. Before I could even get out the words, get a solid rest, he touched one off. We tracked it @150 yards before the pin drop blood we were following stopped. After a couple circles (and 3 hours) I called it off. Kid learned a lot of lessons today, the hard way unfortunately.
  4. Is this near you? I saw it posted here. http://www.thelcn.com/lcn05/woods-and-waters-mysterious-deer-roaming-hills-in-livingston-county-20180922&template=mlcn
  5. Haven’t had time to get out yet this year but, tomorrow I’ll be out with my youth with his rifle and crossing my fingers that he remembers to aim.
  6. Strange ain’t it? Cant wait for the field report if he ever goes.
  7. Took my son out for the youth weekend yesterday, he got his limit over our dog. I don’t bother with pheasant, too many dummies and I’d rather hunt Woodcock and grouse.
  8. Too funny, I just lit ours after basically the same internal discussion.
  9. There are some guys on the loading dock for Fed Ex that bring in 60-70 a year riding around on a forklift. Zero education required, you just have to show up and work. Same for drivers, after three years you are at max rate and there is so much over time it ain’t funny. I am so glad I made the switch from a salaried desk job to one where I control how much I make. And I enjoy it.
  10. I use a 5/16 G5 Meta peep and basically everything lines itself up if your anchor is solid. I never have paid any attention to sight housings.
  11. I don’t think all of the sandy plains is open to hunting. Check into that.
  12. A little tidbit on the arrow numbers, manufacturers are all over the map with what their numbers mean. A 340 refers to the spine not the grain or weight of the arrow. Typically you see that shown as grains per inch or gpi. The reason is simple, if you shoot an arrow at 30 inches and I shoot the same one at 25, mine will be lighter. It’s better than the company’s explaining weight at X length etc. Some times 400 arrow will have a weaker spine than a 340 but not always. Carbon express goes the opposite direction with their numbers, a 450 is beefier than a 340. Why? Because they can. Lol
  13. You are over spined, shortening will make the spine stiffer. To weaken the spine add more weight to the front. Or get different arrows.
  14. I saw a dude last week that had a heaping helping of different products. So much so that his car was squatting from all the weight when he loaded up! The number of guys that bait/cheat is insane at this point.
  15. Usually don’t recommend this but, don’t chase the tuning and just adjust the sights. As long as you limit your shooting distance having it tuned to a T is not worth the head ache for you because you are new at it and replacing the bow next year. This from a guy that is obsessed with having his bow tuned as good as he can get it on his own.
  16. In the bottom pic you can see the kernels (227) and then in the top pic it’s gone (245). It even looks like the bear got a kernel stuck to their fur in the second pic.
  17. Hoyt Nitrum Brand new Truglo single pin jobbie I bought Monday. Like the single pin so far. Rip cord Ace rest
  18. Same here, I have a dog named Lucic. The deal was we could get another dog and I could name it if the B’s won the cup. He was whelped the day they won the cup and the rest is history. Funny was going to a town near Montreal to visit a dog trainer with a dog named Lucic that next spring. For or those not watching because of trap defense ect., times have changed. Speed and offense from D men is the name of the game now. The refs still ruin games though.
  19. Nice corn sprinkled on the ground there. Am I the only one that saw it?
  20. I lost part of a doe once, it took them 45-60 mins to clean the one side completely off, ribs and all and didn’t leave a speck of evidence. The up side was I didn’t have to gut it.
  21. Late to the party but I wanted to add, I shoot Piledriver 350’s, 29” draw, 65 ish pounds and had to bump up to 125 grains to get a good tune. I rechecked mine the other day, still bullet holes.
  22. Good call, the last roof guy you had damn near lost a finger and bled out when he stopped for a sub on the way to get stitches.
  23. It’s easy, somewhat crappy website but easy. You only need the info from the certificate as far as I remember. Oh and it must be done on a pc, I pad ain’t gonna cut it .
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