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This is the first year.....


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I'm scrambling to use up the deer meat....Mr B has all but stopped eating red meat...venison 2x's a month now...instead of every other night and I'm not into cooking two separate meals...Our Son eats venison but his girl friend didn't...notice didn't not doesn't...so Now he'll be taking some...Daughter eats venison and so does her boyfriend ...just little room to store food in apt. sized fridge...so....

I'm making meals ahead of time and freezing them...yesterday I made a bunch of venison sausage and today I fried it up and made 2 big pans of zucchini lasagna ...one with zucchini...venison...cheese mixture/sauce...sliced portabella...venison...cheese mix/sauce...final layer eggplant and sauce...the other dish ....just the zucchini layers....well had to try them for lunch...OK that was worth the time mmm....good

Lots of meat balls have been made and frozen and some meat loaf...the next this will be pulled venison BBQ...So I should have plenty of frozen meals ready for deer season...when I have to call and say...honey throw this or that in the oven on 375....The deer have me stuck in the stand...or I shot one and need to wait to get out of the stand...gotta keep him fed....keeps me happy...lol

How are you doing using up your last year kills?

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From 2 deer, I have two packages of steaks left, and one will be devoured tonite..Other than that, one sirloin tip roast which will either become stew meat or I may corn it.

I have 12-15 pounds of burger..It will be used as meatloaf, meatballs or plain deer burgers, and probably I'll do up a 5 pound batch of cured venison salami out of it..

In any case, there won't be any left when it's time to put some fresh meat in the freezer along about November.

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Those are good Ideas...never though of cured sausage from the frozen meat..always got mine done when fresh....I have also put up french vegetable venison soup and of course there will be the chili frozen for camp...and my favorite Spanish rice with lots of venison peppers and onions...I may have to borrow a pressure canner and can some up this season...

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Slice Zucchini the long way scoop out the seeds just leave the meat,put in cut up pieces of venison,diced tomatoes,onions and what ever other vegies you like,add spices,put them in a crock pot add just enough water to bottom of shells,slow cook for 4 hours.both halves fit in my elec. crock pot.YUMMY.

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I have 2 single serving sized packages of tenderloin left and 7 pints of canned venison. I've been rationing my canned venison to make it last all year! I like to have some to have on hand to have during hunting season, as it makes such a quick, easy, and delicious meal after a long day of hunting!

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Last year was a good year for myself and my son .. we nailed three ! We've been busy BBQ'ing alot over the summer and still have about 30 lbs. left . We've been putting alot in the crock pot with sauercraut(spelling?) prior to going to work everyday and enjoy when we get home . Have made and frozen a few meatloaves and a bunch of meatballs !

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Unfortunately for me, only the guys in my family eat venison...it makes it tough to really eat it as much as I would like (same issue with preparing two meals rather than one). I usually can go through 1/2-1 deer a year the past few years...and most of that is via ground or sausage. The times where I can slap on a venison tenderloin/backstrap with the guys are few and far between. Usually we try to do that at a Bills game or something.

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I had about 2 deer total in the freezer last season (cut up 3 but one was small and the front shoulders and neck were shot out plus I gave some away) and I have some sausage, a few packs of short loin and 1 section of backstrap. Weve backed off from eating it so much lately because we are getting low. Im hoping for one more this season and we should be fine.

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It actually used to be law by April 1st. That has since been taken away. It was in the days of one or two deer were all the tags you could get. It was to prevent poachers from killing more deer and putting it in the freezer with last years tag numbers on it to look legal. That law was enforced much more then too. All packages had to have the hunters name date of kill and tag number on it. That is still the law, but not enforced much.

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The only time you have to use venison up by august is if you add pork to it..pork doesn't freeze..so it is always decomposing or going rancid if you will. pure venison if packaged properly will last more than a year. its one reason i use beef talow in my ground instead of pork.

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I have 3 packs of loins, 6 packs of steaks, maybe 10 pounds of burger and 15 or so pounds of various sausage I made, Oh and 5 packs of sticks.

Most all of this will be gone in a month except a few sausages. I had two in the freezer so had to make it last.

I will do up a big chilli and a burger vegi soup that will kill most of the burger.

The steaks go quick and I save a few to fry up on the taigate to have on bread with horsey sauce during break in bow with the boys. YUM

The sticks I had to hide to keep this long!

And I am sure my bro will be stealing more sausage.

Edited by Fletch
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