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Anyone's Season

Geno C

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not going to plan or as it usually does??


this move has my season on such a up in the air status... this is the first year where i have ZERO trail cams out, ZERO scouting and ZERO field time. i havnt even checked my stand locations. im thinking about doing something dif this year, no cams, no scouting. i know the deer are there, i know i have big deer in my areas so why not just go for it? i will be going out to check a stand and possibly move one stand to another location and thats it. Not sure how this season will pan out for me but i do have a positive look! i know i have some big boys running around just dont know how much time i will hunt the island before i move upstate. who knows this could be one of the best season!, fingers crossed lol.. i  did get all my tags the other day and will start shooting this weekend, kind of late for me but it is what it is.


just wondering if any other guys are having a similar situation or even a late start? 

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good to hear things are going as planned

I started nice and early so as long as everything goes well I will for once be good and ready for the first day of hunting.


Good luck on you're late start



good luck! this year seems a bit odd that i havnt been able to do much as of yet...

Have not been in the woods in awhile.been up to the cabin to cut the grass ans fire wood but thats about it.Just gonna let it happen.


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My wife "allowed" me to spend a crap load of money on gear and If I don't bag a deer im not gonna hear the end of it :)


I scouted about twice  this year and got maybe two more in me. trying to find something a bit closer than upstate on the island and I think I found a spot but not sure how much time I will have to scout it so im just gonna pick a spot to go to after work and adjust as needed.


weekends will prolly be my upstate trips but im still not to confident in the woods when It comes to scouting, can find plenty of sign, but have yet to see a deer in the woods. they wave at me on the road when I go home. just not in the woods.

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I have to say, I have been on the grind for the past three weeks but still feel behind. I have had trail cams with no bucks at all but have seen monsters in my field. Last year I had 8 bucks seen on one trail cam location. 4 of them were 8 points or better. I feel less prepared as well but I know they are there. And honestly, I feel great about this season. I think by me not pressuring these high traffic areas by scouting, that I will be able to creep right in on them. Best of luck and I can't wait to see some good bucks down this year. 



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Years ago when we hunted on DEC run co op land there was no garentee of getting the area you wanted,All from the ground.No cameras and no scouting and no food plots,Just looked for sign and played the wind.And we got our bucks and does almost every year.

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I'm way behind, but not worried. Hunting is enjoyment not a competition IMO

i dont think i was saying anything about a competition... as much enjoyment as this sport brings me there is a level of work behind it. i enjoy it so much i do not look at it as work but clearly to to any sane person it is lol. funny enough, i am usually getting it done this time of year and when im not i have a sense of panic behind it. this year i dont exactly have that and it feels kind of good.


no matter the stress or lax feeling i have with this sport i enjoy every second of it... 

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We 'll I just changed deer patterns with the fence...I have so many plots over the whole place...dozens and dozens of oak dropping.  Apple's galore and dozens and dozens of stands and blinds.....the deer could be any where...the wind will dictate my movements

well in order to have all those plots you had to have started awhile ago, long before now... so your pre season started once upon a time. which is a great thing. yes, at this point its exactly how you say it is.


once i get my own piece up there that will be me lol

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well with all the beans you spent i hope you come through for the wife! lol... its always nice to show them it was money well spent haha

My wife "allowed" me to spend a crap load of money on gear and If I don't bag a deer im not gonna hear the end of it :)


I scouted about twice  this year and got maybe two more in me. trying to find something a bit closer than upstate on the island and I think I found a spot but not sure how much time I will have to scout it so im just gonna pick a spot to go to after work and adjust as needed.


weekends will prolly be my upstate trips but im still not to confident in the woods when It comes to scouting, can find plenty of sign, but have yet to see a deer in the woods. they wave at me on the road when I go home. just not in the woods.



I have to say, I have been on the grind for the past three weeks but still feel behind. I have had trail cams with no bucks at all but have seen monsters in my field. Last year I had 8 bucks seen on one trail cam location. 4 of them were 8 points or better. I feel less prepared as well but I know they are there. And honestly, I feel great about this season. I think by me not pressuring these high traffic areas by scouting, that I will be able to creep right in on them. Best of luck and I can't wait to see some good bucks down this year. 



try and stay out of those areas the best you can and let those cams roll. chances are those bucks are bedded off those food sources or very close by if its a planted field. they are creature of habit, you might be able to get the drop on one first few days of bow season if they dont change of their habit once the velvet comes off...

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Oddly enough I finished a week ago .. All stands are up n in good working order, bow and rifle are dialed in , last cam check done till I check em one last time last week of September n maybe one or two more evening sits to lay eyes on em , n then it's game on ! Now all I have to do is find the time to sneak out for a sit here n there during season with all the research projects , presentations, exams etc . Grad school is not fun but worth it in the end ... I'm sure I will, always do some way or another, pretty dam hard to keep me outa the woods for too long...

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I have hunted the same property for more than 50 years, so there isn't a whole lot that changes from one year to another. Occasionally, there are little hick-ups in the food sources, but a quick covert walk through the area can reveal that. A lot of my scouting occurs in season as things begin to change. Right now the deer aren't doing many of the things they will be doing a month from now.


As a matter of fact, I may be doing a lot of my hunting right around the house. I have a deer problem regarding yard plantings so I may be waging war on some of these critters that have taken up residence around the house. In fact during gun season, my front window may become a gun-port ..... lol. That doesn't really require a whole lot of scouting.


The fact is, I am more concerned about my late start with my bow practice. A bit of tendinitis has held me back from starting and even now I have to go slow with the duration of practice sessions to make sure I don't get it going again. 

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I'm right on track. 


Shot the bow twice; I have a problem that needs addressing.  The timing of my peep sight and string loop are both off 150 degrees.  I guess a trip to the pro shop is in the works for this week unless one of you guys/gals has a fix?


Rifles are ready to rock, Doc.  I could hunt with the rifle later this morning if somebody gave me the nod..................<grin>


Trail cams are in place, two were checked and the other got a 10 day later start so it hasn't been checked yet.  Anticipation mounts!


As far as stands go, I walked by one a couple weeks ago and looked up at it.  Does that count??


Like others have noted in different threads, apples trees are LOADED.  I've never seen such heavily laden trees.  That shoul sweeten up the venison!


I'm ready........................



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I'm right on track. 


Shot the bow twice; I have a problem that needs addressing.  The timing of my peep sight and string loop are both off 150 degrees.  I guess a trip to the pro shop is in the works for this week unless one of you guys/gals has a fix?


Rifles are ready to rock, Doc.  I could hunt with the rifle later this morning if somebody gave me the nod..................<grin>


Trail cams are in place, two were checked and the other got a 10 day later start so it hasn't been checked yet.  Anticipation mounts!


As far as stands go, I walked by one a couple weeks ago and looked up at it.  Does that count??


Like others have noted in different threads, apples trees are LOADED.  I've never seen such heavily laden trees.  That shoul sweeten up the venison!


I'm ready........................



     1.    How old is your string? Brand new, problem is natural and can occur from initial string stretch.

     2.    Worse problem. String could be getting ready to let loose from age/wear.


Problem number one re-adjust location of peep and the problem will take care of itself. Problem number two .... do not draw the bow back, and take the bow to a pro-shop immediately.




I've got the rifle all set too. I still drag it out periodically just for fun.




Apple trees ..... the ground around my apple and peach trees is starting to look like a barnyard. When the weather cools off a bit like its supposed to do in a day or two, I have a couple of my favorite trees to check out, and I'll be refreshing the ground blinds while I am there.




Trail cams ...... Well, as usual I am merely taking hundreds worthless pictures around the house. A whole lot of doe pictures and fawns and the occasional spike and 4-point. Not much of a true scouting activity. Just spying on my local shrub eaters. Kind of lost the will to set the cameras too far away from home since I got that one stolen last year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Get shooting your bow and get out there. Like you said, you know there are big deer in your woods, and if you've hunted the property for a few years, you probably know more than you think you do in terms of scouting. If your a serious enough hunter to be on this site, your probably the type who learns a lttle more about his deer everytime in the woods. . I wouldnt fret over the trailcams, plenty of big bucks were killed before they were invented, just get out and hunt!


Goodluck bud

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I wouldn't say I am 100% ready, but that's rarely the case. Only once every few years do I feel "ready"...Hoping I can get some glassing in and the chance to fix one or two minor details that need fixing in the time ahead of the season.


It's coming up quickly.

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I'm guessing you do fine. In my case our Dads did zero scouting, no stands or cameras yet somehow they got deer.

Me I'm all set. Hunting same ground for 25 plus years,I know it pretty good. My spot is an island In a sea of crops, I'd say crops run at least a mile and a half of me North/South,so I'm often at the mercy of what is planted where and when it's cut,where they feel like eating and sleeping.

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Way behind, but I aways am. fortunately my spot won't need a whole lot of attention just some trimming and I have to move one ladder stand. I have only been out a few times in the past two months and the last time out, it was so hot that I pretty much turned  around and walked right  back out as soon as I got to my first stand. I told myself I was "scouting". I haven't even shot the bow yet, but I put the field tips on my arrows last night.

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