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So opening day is over. What happened out there?


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I had a great afternoon, bright sunshine, temps in the low 70's, I also saw for the first time a lot of deer, I had 3 mom doe's walk by the ground blind with a total of 6 fawns. Also saw one turkey. It was just great being out there with the smell of fall in the air, lots of apple on wood trees, they smell so sweet, the bee's were out on the apples. I have seem the mom doe's most of the year, but never saw they all together, they were hitting the apples hard. One fawns came so close I thought I could pet her with my hand. Now I sure wish a big buck would walk by like these 9...

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Well, so far up here in the NZ,  Hit this decent 8pt on the afternoon hunt on Saturday, called in "hunting" to work on Sunday and recovered the buck first light, no coyotes which was a great stroke of luck, butchered him up and had to work Monday thru today, Will be back in the stand tomorrow afternoon! Really happy to have used the leftover tag from last season and not waste it! My buddy stuck an 8pt about the same size in the SZ yesterday afternoon, outside of those, only saw one guy up the road got a doe on Sat as well. It may be warm but there is a ton of sign & food for the deer this year, I have a feeling we are going to see the best season in years! Good luck all and shoot straight!!!! - 'Slayer!f0fb1975-efbc-4820-acd9-3e65a9357163_zps

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I saw 2 small doe scoot past me around 5:30 pm. They came through so quick I couldn't get set. I thought more would follow, but none came. Turns out my wife, kids, and dog where on the lake taking pictures, and must have pushed them toward me. Now I can't go out again till next week. Learning the patience part of hunting is some hard

S¥%# man! :)

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Wife drew back twice on a buck yesterday AM but couldn't get a shot and then wasn't sure so did the right thing and let down. She also had a lil one come in but passed on it as did my pop's. Fun morning and the best part was I was close enough to watch my wife and the deer. Now I have to wait for the weekend to go again.

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Had to work yesterday morning. Got out of work at noon, was in the stand by 3:30pm. I forgot my binocs but I saw what I thought was a deer a field over from me around 445. Anyway, shortly after 6 I have a fork horn at 24 yards and a spike is following him. Well the fork was in my shooting lane he lifts his head in the air, licks his nose and is sniffing hard. The wind was blowing in my face, he shouldn't have been able to smell me. He stands there for about a minute and then works his way into the woods and the spike takes the same exactly path. I'm glad I choose to let him walk because my dad goes over the radio he needs a drag rope (which neither of us had). He arrowed a nice fat doe. Needless to say I'm happy with my stand placements thus far lol. We also forgot to have a processer lined up for such a warm day. Luckily a buddy came up big with a phone number and we will have her back on friday.

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Ive heard of maybe 2. Lots of guys i talked to have seen deer just nothing they wanted to shoot or they werent in range. Im headed out tomorow mid morning/noon time. Then ill probably go again around 3pm. Dad saw quite a few tonite and got busted drawing on a doe and another busted him from behind. They did see some good bucks too


generally what I think I've heard, what I've done and I think what is happening. Lots of deer could be down, but a little early to stick a doe or small buck. I like to save my dmp's for later because unless you're loaded with them, they're the best bait you can have come late October.

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First year in a while I know of nobody personally who connected on a good buck opening day. Wind direction wasn't ideal for the afternoon hunting locations I had really wanted to sit, so me and a few friends headed to another parcel loaded with deer numbers. Each of us seen deer pretty early on in the afternoon.


I also baked in the sun...sat in a stand facing s-sw-ish and unobstructed view of the sun. It was hot.

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Today there was a crazy switching wind...start wsw changing to wnw...they never get the times right so I decided to hit the blind...so glad its early and I'm not quite into shooting mode yet...(remember boys aren't here yet)....I get to the blind and of course both hunting boots don't fit on the rung...hikers do...well bad knee...I sounded like a bull in a china factory and it took me for ever to get 10ft...I'd already moved deer that were in the sorghum ...but they just trotted off no snorting ..leafs are crazy crunchy..any how settle in...and the crow go crazy just as it gets a little light...roosted over blind....a huge doe,  fawn, spike and large doe all come to the corner of the woods and field...bingo...girls waiting for school bus have a ruckus...then the bus air brakes hit,,deer gone...nothing but that pig of a wood chuck...so pulled card on the Bushnell that faces the blind and a scrape I made...blind legs lft upper corner....not one pic after Sept 30th...lol and my first time in that area...PS tried out new cot way too comfy...this will be the sleep over blind if I want to hunt mornings...just bring kindle like today...read..play games and do puzzles like today...may try this afternoon...though I do have some mice to kill.. :fie:

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Had a doe come from the corn field behind me down wind, not sure if she winded me but only stopped for a second before quickly moving across the field, she was at 25 yds but I didn't even get the chance to grab my bow before she was out of range.  Had a young 8 pt show up around 640PM prob about 100 inches, he was out of range (70yds) and not a shooter for this property.  I did come to full draw on a doe at 40yds around 7:00.  She knew something wasn't right, she was a good distance away, and there was less then ideal shooting light so I ended up passing.  Was hot and the mosquitoes started to swarm around 645.  Overall it was a great first sit.  We will see if luck changes this afternoon!   

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Opening morning was slow. Didnt see anything until I got down out of the stand around 8. Walked about 50 yards and saw a buck with only half a rack about 100 yards down the draw slowly walking away from me. He must have walked down the side of the ridge in the only little area I can't see due to trees. I slowly stalked him for about 200 yards and got within 20 yards. Ground was soft from the morning dew so it was quiet walking and no wind at all. Was cool to stalk up on him so close and I could have arrowed him but it was a young 8 with his right side broken off already. Save him for next year. Afternoon I didn't see anything. Tons of sign and tracks though. My stand is at the bottom of a draw with a swampy area and real thick brush behind me. With a trail that's beat down like a cattle trail crossing the edge of the swamp crossing about 20 yards in front of me. The trail leads up the hill on to my left and crosses a power line into some nasty thick stuff I believe to be the bedding area. A Lot of deer sign all over this place it's going to be hard to hunt it this early in the season. I think the rut will produce a lot more deer sightings as they run between the ridges chasing down the does.

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Been out first two days sat 4 hrs in the mornings, and 4 hrs in the evenings. See 1 small doe opening morning at 7:30 and nothing since. Lots of chipmunks. No deer, no hunters out around here. Too darn hot !! All pics on trail cam are still midnight til 4 am too. Maybe next week when it cools off.

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