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4 deer in 9 seconds

Uncle Nicky

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  On 12/27/2013 at 3:07 PM, WNYBuckHunter said:
You wont get any crap from me. As long as its done legally, and the herd in your area can sustain it, stack em like cord wood if you want to.

I know that...you scored quite a few yourself!

Also I harvested mine in 3 wmu's and a dmfa...I'm not depleting any herds that is for sure.

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  On 12/27/2013 at 3:08 PM, Meat Manager said:
The guy that only shoots a mature buck every few years is not helping pop control at all, often to the detriment of other potential trophy bucks.

That said to each his own, but numbers of does taken in overpopulated areas is a critical stat.

If you guys would prefer red tags where bald bucks are getting dropped 24/7/365 that's your opinion, id rather see a hunter do it in season under regs.

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I never said anything negative, my point is regarding those that act like they're better or superior hunters because of numbers alone. Both types of hunters are needed.

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  On 12/27/2013 at 3:28 PM, Belo said:
I never said anything negative, my point is regarding those that act like they're better or superior hunters because do numbers alone. Both types of hunters are needed.

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I agree with that sentiment...I'd put myself in a 3rd category:

Doe population manager, yearling buck protector, mature (age not rack) buck hunter.

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I find it funny..with all the "I only take lung shots" ppl talk about ....having a deer going a distance before expiring should be a common sight to you....I've seen deer run 100yrds lung shot.......I hit my doe high this year she kicked and ran then stopped behind a tree...took a bit before she stepped out for a finish shot....it happens...shot went through her one loin under her spine and out the top of her lung...actually the shot should have paralyzed her I still don't know how she managed to run...stuff happens...only thing that bothered me was the...I couldn't resit comment...really? why not?

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If its legal and he wants to do it ….Okay..but I don't know why anyone would post a video like that. He certainly  wasn't demonstrating any great hunting skills. He was just stacking up does. Some people love to brag about crap like that. Not impressed. 

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  On 12/27/2013 at 3:01 PM, zag said:

 Big ego's maybe?


No doubt. I will say the guy is a good shot, especially with a slug gun.


I couldn't picture myself doing this, he's got a lot of work ahead of him....


I did hunt with a guy years ago, felt sorry for him because it was late season, and he hadn't gotten a deer yet. I took him to one of my spots, walk-in access only. He knocked down 3 (doe & 2 fawns). It was too far to drag all these deer out, so I got a rowboat. Got the deer in the boat, 3 hunters, 3 deer, and only an electric trolling motor. We wound up rowing most of the way back, he didn't go back out the rest of that season, said his back was too sore, LOL.

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He took down 4 deer in less than a min.  While this is not going in my favorite list I see nothing wrong here.  While his second shot was bad, his 3 other deer basically dropped...  One follow up shot is not bad on 4 deer IMO.  I do not see anything wrong with his ethics or shooting.  Population control is more than likely why he did this and probably has more doe tags to fill.  If he uses the meat I have no issues with his ethics.  Remember it takes a few seconds for all the deer to stop moving so he can figure out which needs a follow up shot.  Not something we are use to but if its legal so be it. 


Remember perspective!  We have many fellow hunters in other states that can do many things that are illegal here in NY.  Baiting, shooting multiple deer, using dogs are some of the thing we can not do but other states allow.  We often get on our high moral horse and say bad to others for stuff we are not allowed to do, don't fall into this rut we are all brothers and should support each other as much as possible. We fight with each other often enough over many things, this doe harvest should not be one of them.  I see no moral or ethical code broken here as this state probably has a high population and is allowing hunters to control it. 

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Nothing wrong with it, you can take 10 doe in certain areas. I just wouldn't shoot up the woods like that. Ruins the whole hunting experience for me, that is just me. 

If there was a scenario where a wounded animal could get away it would be that. His first two were shot and eventually would of died but he didn't know that. He opted to shoot the last two before finishing the first.

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  On 12/27/2013 at 3:56 PM, NFA-ADK said:

He took down 4 deer in less than a min.  While this is not going in my favorite list I see nothing wrong here.  While his second shot was bad, his 3 other deer basically dropped...  One follow up shot is not bad on 4 deer IMO.  I do not see anything wrong with his ethics or shooting.  Population control is more than likely why he did this and probably has more doe tags to fill.  If he uses the meat I have no issues with his ethics.  Remember it takes a few seconds for all the deer to stop moving so he can figure out which needs a follow up shot.  Not something we are use to but if its legal so be it. 


Remember perspective!  We have many fellow hunters in other states that can do many things that are illegal here in NY.  Baiting, shooting multiple deer, using dogs are some of the thing we can not do but other states allow.  We often get on our high moral horse and say bad to others for stuff we are not allowed to do, don't fall into this rut we are all brothers and should support each other as much as possible. We fight with each other often enough over many things, this doe harvest should not be one of them.  I see no moral or ethical code broken here as this state probably has a high population and is allowing hunters to control it. 


Theres nothing illegal in NY about shooting multiple deer at once as long as you have the tags for it.

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That's some pretty good shooting.  Only 1 walking shot, got 3 running and only needed 1 follow up.  Took a few seconds to put down the 2nd one, but considering he just dropped 4, gonna bet the adrenaline was pumping a bit, and probably needed a moment to actually get on target to finish it.  4 in the freezer is probably a bit too much venison for me, but I wouldn't hesitate to drop 2 (as I have on occasion) or even 3 if the chance presented it's self.

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Let me rephrase what I meant by sloppy shooting, Yes he hit every single deer and only missed once that is a marksman. But how I hunt I would never take 5 shots at 4 different running deer. I can't safely make sure the area behind each one of them is clear in the 9 second time period there is no way in hell I will be pulling the trigger. So I might not be as much of a hunter because I didn't drop all 4 deer in one sitting, but I like the idea of shooting my deer as safe and ethical as possible. 

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Some nice shooting right there! Not quite 4 deer in 9 seconds, but close. My son shot 3 deer in about that time frame. All safe, ethical, safe shots.  Only difference was he used 3 shots, all kill shots. I only wish I was that good with a firearm. The venison tasted real good.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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  On 12/27/2013 at 5:49 PM, UpstateNomad90 said:

Let me rephrase what I meant by sloppy shooting, Yes he hit every single deer and only missed once that is a marksman. But how I hunt I would never take 5 shots at 4 different running deer. I can't safely make sure the area behind each one of them is clear in the 9 second time period there is no way in hell I will be pulling the trigger. So I might not be as much of a hunter because I didn't drop all 4 deer in one sitting, but I like the idea of shooting my deer as safe and ethical as possible. 



As close as those were if you didn't understand your back drop or possible dangers in the are prior to them showing up I would agree that you shouldn't be shooting

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that is not hunting, that is animal abuse. Cool you can shoot a gun and paralyze deer, you are an amazing hunter. NOT! You aim to make single shot clean ethical kills so the animal doesn't know what happened. By the time they die they are still in shock and feel no pain. Piss Poor video. DISLIKE!

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  On 12/27/2013 at 6:22 PM, The Jerkman said:

that is not hunting, that is animal abuse. Cool you can shoot a gun and paralyze deer, you are an amazing hunter. NOT! You aim to make single shot clean ethical kills so the animal doesn't know what happened. By the time they die they are still in shock and feel no pain. Piss Poor video. DISLIKE!


Well, at least you have your screen name right.


Animal abuse, pffft. Arent you late for your PETA meeting?

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