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4 deer in 9 seconds

Uncle Nicky

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"skeets716" started off with "Didn't see a single clean kill".....

"Early" was eager to agree....

"GreeneHunter" (staying true to his name) is happy suckling skeets teat....

"JJBat150" couldn't even watch the whole video???....

"BUCKANDAQUARTER" called me out for my bad shot on the deer that was "walking" under me.....

"UpstateNomad90" pretty much summed it up with "I agree with everyone else"....


Watch the video and read their comments.......It's obvious that these people are not legitimate hunters.

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Actually, opinions are like certain features of human anatomy. Everybody has one. But everyone is entitled to theirs and this being a forum, I am guessing they have a right to express their opinion. And my opinion is that nothing I have read or seen in anyway indicates whether they are or are not, "legitimate hunters". I see a lot of opinions on shot selection, and I am happy that people concern themselves with that. I worry when they don't. I also recognize that not all are going to have the same opinions on that subject. I can live with that, and I still consider all to be legitimate hunters.

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Sometimes we forget that this is a killing sport... like it or not. There will be those in the world that believe that none of what we do is ethical... Having an opinion based on how you decide to kill deer is fine.. it doesn't make you right or wrong as long as it gets the job done legally. There is no difference in wounding a deer that is standing or running, most of us has done one or the other or both. On one subject we say here that as long as its legal its okay... yet on another subject some say that if you don't do it my way it isn't right or ethical... if we're going to except deer hunting for the killing sport it is then we shouldn't get upset for anyone's choice of how they legally fill their tags... that doesn't mean you can't have your opinion about how you might do it, but to call someone else's choice wrong or unethical or say they aren't real hunters is a bit over the top.

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Sometimes we forget that this is a killing sport... like it or not. There will be those in the world that believe that none of what we do is ethical... Having an opinion based on how you decide to kill deer is fine.. it doesn't make you right or wrong as long as it gets the job done legally. There is no difference in wounding a deer that is standing or running, most of us has done one or the other or both. On one subject we say here that as long as its legal its okay... yet on another subject some say that if you don't do it my way it isn't right or ethical... if we're going to except deer hunting for the killing sport it is then we shouldn't get upset for anyone's choice of how they legally fill their tags... that doesn't mean you can't have your opinion about how you might do it, but to call someone else's choice wrong or unethical or say they aren't real hunters is a bit over the top.

Well stated !

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Posted Today, 06:21 AM

"skeets716" started off with "Didn't see a single clean kill".....

"Early" was eager to agree....

"GreeneHunter" (staying true to his name) is happy suckling skeets teat....

"JJBat150" couldn't even watch the whole video???....

"BUCKANDAQUARTER" called me out for my bad shot on the deer that was "walking" under me.....

"UpstateNomad90" pretty much summed it up with "I agree with everyone else"....


Watch the video and read their comments.......It's obvious that these people are not legitimate hunters.




Whoa...back up the horse... get off the train and hold the boat!!! You didn't just say that...really ??...Come on!!.... Don't like their opinions...say you think the opinions are not quiet accurate from your view and the experiences as the shooter...

But don't step off the platform and into the train by using the same type of opinion toward them as they used or you perceived they used toward you...I hate this term....seriously hate it, but..there comes a time to say "WHAT EVER!" and just move on...Agree to disagree and not have to be the last one kicking sand as they leave the sand box....

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"JJBat150" couldn't even watch the whole video???.......

Watch the video and read their comments.......It's obvious that these people are not legitimate hunters.

Someone who knows very little if anything of my hunting style or history says I'm "not legitimate hunter"... just wow.

This is why I don't post much here about my hunting success or failures... I've got nothing to prove to you or anyone else on this board.

I've also noticed there's always a few folks around that feel that their ***** are bigger then everyone else's and need to prove it with their prowess in the great outdoors.

Sad part is, I"m pretty sure I actually complemented you in my second post, so yep you've shown me that you're is definitely bigger.


Edited by WNYBuckHunter
Inappropriate language
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Remember, MDhunter is the self proclaimed "real deal". He has someone scare deer from point A to point B and shoots as many as he can and then posts his video to show us how good of a hunter he is. Well that proves it, he's really is the real deal... 

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And if you can't hit a running deer at that distance then don't. It isn't an ethical issue. If you don't have the skill, do a little more practice or at least don't hate on those that can. I think this guy can. Little back on #2 but with 4 der and 4 down it was not luck.

Thanks for the support. I've been reading these comments and it's obvious that many of these "hunters" are just haters. Just because they don't have the ability to do something they don't think anyone should. No clean kills? I put a 12 ga slug through the lungs of the first deer at 30 yards. Dead deer, end of story. If these people can watch this video and still make comments like this, then they are probably on PETA's side.

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By the way, reviewing the video, I did notice that there was only one (the second one) of the four that were actually seen to be running, and that was the one that he screwed up. The first one was just barely trotting (straight-line). The other two we have no idea what they were doing. If they were standing dead still, it wouldn't be the first time I have seen a group of deer do that after a shot.


Yea, the 3rd and 4th deer froze at about 28 and 35 yards & dropped in their tracks.

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I grew up with people who hunted deer MOSTLY by driving...


If you couldn't hit a running deer, you didn't get much venison..


TRUE some deer were wounded and lost, but over my 50 years of deer hunting I have seen lots of deer wounded and lost by stand hunters and stillhunters as well.


There are LOTS of hunters out there who are perfectly capable of killing running deer, ESPECIALLY when they they as close as the  one in the video... The camera makes things  look farther away..he probably could have hit that deer with a slingshot.


The second deer was probably only at 12 yards when I shot.


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Not really…He was more  concerned with stacking them up rather than clean kills. Thats why he didn't even pay attention to the first one he hit, to make sure it was out, took a crap shot at the second deer and immediately just started shooting at all the rest. Nothing illegal but IMHO a total loser move.


Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. I've been hunting deer with a shotgun for over 30 years. I shot the first doe through both lungs at 30 yards with a 12 ga slug.....dead dear, no follow-up needed..end of story. Maybe if you knew more about hunting and weapons then you'd make more knowledgeable comments.


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This, to me, is pretty much representative of many hunters who post on here:  Hunt from a high stand...and place the emphasis on the product...not the process.   I would suspect that the stand hunters here would find this A-OK......Genuine hunters may question it a bit.  So....you decide:  are you a deer hunter...or a deer killer??  That will determine how you view this.


Stand hunting is ambushing, not hunting.  The guy in this video was/is a stand hunter.  If you hunt from a stand, do not criticize what he is doing.  If, on the other hand, you wish to confront a deer on his own level and see this as something other than hunting....I agree!


I can already hear the squeals from the stand "hunters".  Say what you want...a person hidden in an elevated stand...a person who is not fit enough or not willing to walk to get a crack at a deer...is NOT a hunter.  He/she knows not what hunting means.  So....they will love this video.....Real hunters will NOT!

Wow, what a self righteous pompous ass.....

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I'm curious as to how many of those that defend this guy for his shot choices because he has the necessary skill level to make these shots are also the same people who criticize people for taking head shots?


I guess it's like basketball.  If the guy makes the shot, it's a great highlight reel shot.  If he misses, it's like WTF was he thinking?


The dude took 5 shots to dispatch 4 deer.  None of the deer I see suffered for more than a few seconds.  The 2 that was off screen could not have been running because they were just off of the cameras angle.  If they were on a full run, they would have been shot way off from the camera's view.  So odds are only the second deer was the only one that was moving.  Maybe most of us can't make these kinds of shots but just because we can't doesn't mean he shouldn't because clearly he can.


PS:  For the record, Michael Jordan never took a bad shot.


You're right, deer 3 and 4 froze at close range, dropped in their tracks. Nothing like the power of a 12 ga slug!


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You guys are a bunch of sissies..


I have seen videos of Barry Wensel, who has shot MANY more big bucks than ANY of you, shooting deer on the run with his recurve.


Of course, the key to his great success was the fact that he had his stupid looking hat on sideways..


I think you guys who can't kill running deer are just wearing your hats the wrong way.


....my hat was on sideways.....


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I just watched the video a second time... even worse than I thought because this guy was shooting at second and third deer before the first one even stopped running away from him. In my opinion, thats a solid definition of a slob regardless of your opinion on running pot shots. 


Then maybe you should watch it again. I've repeated this many times, so here it goes again.


I've been hunting deer with a shotgun for over 30 years. I shot the 1st doe through both lungs at 30 yards with a 12 ga slug. Dead deer, end of story. I know what a 12 ga slug does to a deer and knew that deer was dead, no need for a follow-up shot. I spine shot the second one and it dropped. I figured it was over when the last two started running, but then they stopped at close range and froze. They were standing still when I shot each of them, dropping them in their tracks. It did take 25 seconds for the follow-up shot on the second one. Yes, it could have been faster, but it wasn't. It is what it is....

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Something that occurred to me when reading this thread that I think most of us can relate to is tracking. I hunt a lot of thick areas and I realize this is pretty open hardwoods, but the first thing I do after shooting is to try and watch the deer as it's running away. Perhaps mark a few trees it ran buy in case it doesn't bleed right away like some slug wounds are known to. Now what if he fatally wounded the first deer but the exit wound plugged? Would he have any idea even which direction it ran because he's focused on shooting more deer?

Idk... Just asking not making any statements.

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Again, that deer was at 30 yards and I hit her in the shoulder, putting it through both lungs. I know what a 12 ga slug does to a deer and knew that deer was dead.


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