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Nothing like a big buck kill flying under the radar for quite some time.


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This was the one a handful of people here knew about. Pics never made it online. Buck fell to a solid guy; no funny business.




Official score came in slightly higher both gross and net - ultimately 202 4/8 and 191 7/8. 

Edited by phade
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Great deer, deer of a lifetime for sure!  I sure hope he took the time to get some good pictures with the deer in the woods.


While I certainly understand where people come from who want "great" pictures, this guy is a normal hunter. A relatable one, and it was refreshing to see. I don't think he was all that concerned about magazine quality photos, but he did take some that were in the field.

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Great deer, deer of a lifetime for sure! I sure hope he took the time to get some good pictures with the deer in the woods.

I agree. Great buck but horrible pic in a truck with jeans on. Why not stay in your hunting clothes and take at least 1 decent picture in the woods?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I agree. Great buck but horrible pic in a truck with jeans on. Why not stay in your hunting clothes and take at least 1 decent picture in the woods? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A portfolio just isn't important to some hunters and the memories are still there. The hunter was there, only reason for a pic is to show it to others.


Great deer.

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I agree. Great buck but horrible pic in a truck with jeans on. Why not stay in your hunting clothes and take at least 1 decent picture in the woods? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


He did take pics in the field, but that's not what this thread is about. It's about a very nice buck and hunter fortunate enough to take him.

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l think many would be shocked at the size of some of the bucks taken in Ny that most people never see.  Some say Ny cant be like Ohio and such because of land layout,people,ect,ect. I dont believe it myself. I know in the areas i hunt down in 8m and 8h there are many great deer taken every year and many seen that are not taken. If some gun dates were changed and maybe some dates of seasons moved around i dont think AR would be needed and within a few short years, more of those 200in bucks would be taken. We take 120-150's just about every year without much trouble so i think with a little work those numbers could go up. Those 8# areas are only places i have hunted. Im sure there are many,many other areas just as good or better!

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Damn that is an awesome deer, congrats to him on a buck on a lifetime. 


Also I know when I hunt alone I can't really get a good picture, trying to handle a deer of that size and take a "selfie" just doesn't seem to feasible. Be happy for the hunter and careless about what someone is wearing in the picture. 

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DDamn that is an awesome deer, congrats to him on a buck on a lifetime.

Also I know when I hunt alone I can't really get a good picture, trying to handle a deer of that size and take a "selfie" just doesn't seem to feasible. Be happy for the hunter and careless about what someone is wearing in the picture.

No kidding, why would I care what he's wearing . Most of my gun hunts I'm in jeans either under cover alls or if weather is not bad just jeans,did not know I was breaking some hunting fashion rule....

Here's hunting buddy in his this year.


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my neighbor hunts in a blue ski jacket and blue jeans... maybe i should inform him hes not dressed the part.... though he'd prolly kick my ass at 76. clothes dont make the hunter nor do they make a photo... stop believing the media get out and have fun!! congrats to this hunter seems he put the time in.

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Got a chance to chat with Tom... really nice guy... beauty of a buck... gonna have his story written by him soon on the website... along with some really cool footage he took of the buck on his trail cam that he showed me. Nice humble fella that was excited as hell... as it should be

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Nice thing about good photos is you can see things and remember things all over again by capturing the moment.  Picture says 1000 words is fitting in these type of situations.  Especially when your camera is back at camp.


Congrats to him on a truly awesome hunt for an epic animal that was only aged at 3.5 wow!  Taking him as his first rifle kill is another amazing part of the story for a seasoned hunter I find that unusual.  Can't wait for the story!!!  Loved his bow encounters! 


I think this picture captures the moment.


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Damn that is an awesome deer, congrats to him on a buck on a lifetime. 


Also I know when I hunt alone I can't really get a good picture, trying to handle a deer of that size and take a "selfie" just doesn't seem to feasible. Be happy for the hunter and careless about what someone is wearing in the picture. 

Funny you mention selfie... he took a selfie pic in the field by setting the auto timer and jumping back in the pic ... he had to do it a couple times before getting a good pic... lol

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Funny you mention selfie... he took a selfie pic in the field by setting the auto timer and jumping back in the pic ... he had to do it a couple times before getting a good pic... lol

Now that's some funny stuff!  Hope he includes all these details in the story, again can't wait!!!

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