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hunting on tv rant


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these hunting shows that are on tv anymore are so over rated ! i was watching bob faulkrod's deer hunting this morning what a joke . he was hunting out of a blind , loads of buck and doe come out  and he got a  huge 10 .gets all done and says that he has been working long and hard to get this particular buck ! hmmm, how many of us new yorkers think they put some long hard work getting to find a place to hunt, then see a buck to shot at ? i'd like to see these pros come to where we hunt and see how hard work it is to get a buck . they give the average deer hunter the wrong idea of hunting ! maybe i'm wrong but i've hunted over 35 years and i have only seen 1 live deer the size he got .what a joke !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Exactly,And they never give the viewer full discloser at the beginning of the show to say that they are hunting at a high fensed operation.It's always in Texas or Iowa or Kansas.Never from NYS or PA.And its always the final moments of the last days hunt with the sun going down that they kill the big one.But I guess they give the viewer what they want.Big racks and kill shots.On one of Jim Shockeys shows,He was fuming when he heard that his cameraman didnt get the impact shot, i.e. the bullet hitting the side of the deer.But we watch them anyway.

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I would love to see them try to hunt ny. If they did that you know they would put the word out find someone who already has a big boy patterned and pay him money to shoot it. Those shows are why we argue about ars but we all do watch them. They should come hunt the adirondacks with no help we will see how good they do.

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Most of these guys started out as hunters, now they sell 'antler porn'..

They commit to sponsors, networks that they will draw viewers, and need to fulfill thier commitments. Business is business. Realistically tho, who's gonna watch someone do all the actual work to find free ranging deer that we hunt, and then actual  some awesome bucks that will get viewers to tune in?? So many go the ranch/preserve way, and make it a shooting show, not a hunt. Count how many don't fill their tags every show, and you'll have plenty of fingers leftover.. This is one thing I respected Barta for. Although he wasn't the most beloved TV personality, he never chose any easy way to fill a tag, and often didn't fill one..

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We have talked about this before and these "Pros" hunt the deer ranches where the guide has the stands set up for the shooter and the camera man . I have met Bob foulkrod before . Talk about egotistical !!!  Some of those "tough hunts" are done from elevated stands overlooking a huge food plot . The tough part was probably keeping the coffee warm .

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IMO opinon a lot of work is done.  However you have to realize where the work is being done.  The people that own the ranches do the work.  It takes a lot of hard work to make good food plots that will grow big deer.  It also takes a lot of work to maintian a good QDM program.  High fenced or not it takes a lot of hard work to make a succussful ranch.  High fences may make it easier but still alot of work is needed.  The people who make the shows only have to shoot good.  The people off camera are the people who put in all the work so that the people on camera can make a show that will sell.  This is just my opinion but you can't have huge bucks without having some hard work somewhere.  Its just a matter of who is doing the work. 

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Antone here watch "Gun it with Benny Spies"?  Check it out on Versus friday night.  He's entertaining to say the least.  No high fences, no expensive outfitters, just him and his buddies, a 1973 Minnie Winnie full of guns and beef jerky and the best part is he doesn't always leave with a kill. 

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I agree. I can't stand most of them. Drurry Bros. no thanks Stan Potts etc. same, lee and Tiff I like the least. Waddel is funny and he says he never had a rack scored so he gets a watch from time to time.

The other night this guys passed on a buck,"give it another year". unless he sees it in late bow, so in late bow he shoots it. It scored 160.

Give it another year ??

Lee and Tiff said they are a "working farm" they have something like 400 acres.Then he says he has over 100 fields !!! Um you farm 4 acre fields ???? The farmers in my wifes family all remove hedge rows etc. to make one big field to farm........

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Realistically tho, who's gonna watch someone do all the actual work to find free ranging deer that we hunt, and then actual  some awesome bucks that will get viewers to tune in??

I would. I would like to see shows that I can relate to. And maybe a show here and there that has some real useful info. If these guys are such "experts", what is wrong with doing a bit of education along the way. Frankly, I could get into shows that focus on certain specific aspects of hunting. For example, how many of us know everything there is about blood trailing, or scouting and all the interpretation of various kinds of sign, and how about all the decisions that go into stand placement in different circumstances. Or how about a show on the selection and use of trail cams or other pieces of hunting equipment. I like the Deer & Deer-hunting style shows where they actually try to tell you something interesting and/or useful. Yeah, I would like to see some of that "actual work" in real average hunting areas and hunting situations. I do not really get off on the rather boring parade of ridiculous farm-raised deer. Frankly, I think some of those genetic freaks look rather stupid. There is an awful lot of info about hunting that doesn't even involve shooting a deer that could be tailored to conditions that real actual hunters encounter every year. 

What I have found with most of these whitetail hunting shows is that they are predictable, routine, and just plain boring. Everything is the same except for the particular hunter-hero playing his role. You could pick any show from the past 20 years and replay it and everyone would think they were brand new. There is nothing memorable or unique about any one of them.


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dont care too much for most of the shows.  the best I've seen so far is on your own adventures, all DIY and public land.  this show isn't for people who have to see monsters killed every show or anything killed for that matter.  in my opinion this is the most realistic of all the hunting shows.

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I think someone on this thread mentioned that the deer in NY state "go nocturnal" after opening day. I must strongly agree. The odds at seeing a buck drop dramatically after the 1st shots are fired. As you go through the season one can observe even the does become very cautious and skiddish. Many times deer are only seen just before dusk. I agree deer hunting in NY is much much harder than on these TV shows and perhaps harder than a lot of other areas in the US.

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Realistically tho, who's gonna watch someone do all the actual work to find free ranging deer that we hunt, and then actual  some awesome bucks that will get viewers to tune in??

I would. I would like to see shows that I can relate to. And maybe a show here and there that has some real useful info. If these guys are such "experts", what is wrong with doing a bit of education along the way. Frankly, I could get into shows that focus on certain specific aspects of hunting. For example, how many of us know everything there is about blood trailing, or scouting and all the interpretation of various kinds of sign, and how about all the decisions that go into stand placement in different circumstances. Or how about a show on the selection and use of trail cams or other pieces of hunting equipment. I like the Deer & Deer-hunting style shows where they actually try to tell you something interesting and/or useful. Yeah, I would like to see some of that "actual work" in real average hunting areas and hunting situations. I do not really get off on the rather boring parade of ridiculous farm-raised deer. Frankly, I think some of those genetic freaks look rather stupid. There is an awful lot of info about hunting that doesn't even involve shooting a deer that could be tailored to conditions that real actual hunters encounter every year. 

What I have found with most of these whitetail hunting shows is that they are predictable, routine, and just plain boring. Everything is the same except for the particular hunter-hero playing his role. You could pick any show from the past 20 years and replay it and everyone would think they were brand new. There is nothing memorable or unique about any one of them.


You nailed it Doc, I often thought about a blood trailing episode and how it could help so many hunters. Like you said-boring!

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You really nailed that one.  These "experts" should really have a lot of information that they could share to the average hunter.  I think a blood trail type show would be great.  Especially if there was a non lethal hit put on a deer.  They could show you what to do in such a situation.  I actually just got done watching a show and all they showed was the shot and then the next scene was the guy holding the deer.  If they showed all the things you mentioned I really think that a lot of average type hunters would be more interested.  There would be a lot of things to learn and actually see instead of just reading about. 

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There was a show on a few years back on the outdoor channel. It was short lived but I loved it. The host and his wife hunted and had a camerman. They claimed to only hunt public hand and had footage of dragging climbers around with them. I dont know how true it was but they did have a few shows where they did not harvest anything. I personally liked that show and wish there were more like it.

Here in WNY there was a guy a few years ago who filmed a show on his game farm. It was the funniest thing you'd ever seen. He would be in the treestand and say "oh look a 10 point" and then boom you'd here the gun go off. There absolutley no footage of the deer until he was holding it. I think I saw 4 shows with the same buck being used. Pitiful to say the least but I watched it for entertainment sakes.

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