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NY’s ammo regulations SUCK!

New York Hillbilly

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Yesterday I decided to pick up 2 boxes of 30.06 ammunition for this and next deer season, and to check one of my rifles that has been put away for a long time.  After waiting almost a half hour to get anyone to come to the sporting goods section, the fella that showed up immediately starts apologizing for how bad the process is to purchase the ammunition. Little did I realize how bad it would turn out. After giving my name, address, height, weight, address, occupation, showing my driver license, and social security number, and writing the check to pay, the damned computer said the purchase was being placed on some sort of delay for review, by who the hell knows, and I could not buy the ammunition.  The clerk said it could have a determination “in a half hour or as long as 2 days”. WTF!!!! 

This shit has got to change! NY has gone to hell in a hand basket!

The way things are here, I really think it’s just a matter of time before I sell everything and go back to Alaska. 



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Hunters do not vote, and the NYS politicians know it. It will only keep getting worse as long as hunters and gun owners stay apathetic and refuse to vote a bunch of our ultra-liberal politicians out......Starting with Hochul. We hunters are an apathetic bunch and get exactly what we deserve. We only know how to whine and complain about being abused. Too many people refuse to put their votes where their mouths are.

I do my own reloading and so I am pretty much off the grid as far as the state government is concerned. To me part of the cost of any guns that I buy are the price of the dies and whatever reloading equipment that pertains to that particular caliber. I have a lifetime supply of powder and components, so I am not affected by their silly laws. But that is only part of the battle against those that would try to harass us out of gun ownership and hunting (and believe me NYS is just full of them). We have to stand up for ourselves at the polls. Nothing else will slow this steady growth of abuses.

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1 hour ago, Doc said:

We hunters are an apathetic bunch and get exactly what we deserve. We only know how to whine and complain about being abused.

If there are large numbers of gun owners/hunters that do not vote, I can’t imagine who they are and what is wrong with their minds. I sure as hell wouldn’t consider myself, or anyone I associate with to fall in that category. “We” vote! 

And, any one who has followed this site for the past 13 years or so, there should be little question how, and for who, I (“we”) vote.

1 hour ago, Doc said:

We have to stand up for ourselves at the polls. Nothing else will slow this steady growth of abuses.


1 hour ago, Doc said:

I have a lifetime supply of powder and components, so I am not affected by their silly laws.

For now! Wait until they come knocking on your door asking to see your supply and confiscate it. Think it can’t happen? In New York, don’t count it out. 

Edited by New York Hillbilly
No edit. Checking for grammar. : )
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36 minutes ago, First-light said:

Last few time I bought ammo I had to wait three hours. Now I left and came back the next day but that doesn't work for some people. 

Can you just imagine we have gotten to the point of having to leave and come back if and when “they” decide you can have ammunition to deer hunt? Thank goodness we have our overlords looking out for us. It’s sick!

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Second trip to Walmart to try to pick up my ammunition.  After 45 minutes of waiting for four different associates I chased down to try and find “the only guy who can sign on to check” the status, I’m told “he is on lunch”. 

So here I am, yet more wasted time, gas back and forth, and a major jerk around. Oh, and something else I didn’t remember, there is a 2.50 charge for all this shit show added to the eventual purchase.  

I believe this is exactly how they want to abolish gun ownership in this State. Make it so aggravating you just toss in the towel.  

It will bite them in the ass financially eventually I think, if they get their wish.

When all the hunters quit buying licenses, firearms, ammunition, clothing, and everything else we spend money on they will feel the huge empty wallet. 


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2 hours ago, GreeneHunter said:

Curious .... what Gun / Ammo shop in PA is closest to Albany ?

How about Vermont?   Not as far from Albany as PA would be.   Bennington is like 40 miles away.  There's got to be a Walmart in that town.  I can't imagine they have any restrictions on buying ammo.  At least nothing close to NYS.



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On 11/20/2024 at 11:31 AM, steve863 said:

How about Vermont?   Not as far from Albany as PA would be.   Bennington is like 40 miles away.  There's got to be a Walmart in that town.  I can't imagine they have any restrictions on buying ammo.  At least nothing close to NYS.



Will check it out !

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Now that a full 2nd amendment  friendly Washington DC government has been voted into power, it shouldn’t be too long until abusive state laws, like NY’ s on ammo, are stricken down.  

Until then, it’s not too much trouble for me to pick out my ammo on one day and return for it a day or couple months later.  I did that once this year and it was no problem.  

I have long been conserving my “real” ammunition by doing the bulk of my target practice with an adult stocked Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.  

I also have multiple selections of deer weapons available such that I can choose one I still have ammo for if a run out of ammo for another, and so far at least, ML bullets have not been restricted by the current un-constitutional NY ammo law . 



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3 hours ago, hunter said:

Some of you ask who doesn't vote. Did you not notice there are supposed hunters on this very site advocating for Democrats? 

I think the 2 or 3 formerly active members on this site who did that all left for the other site and only one of them was still pushing hard for the dems over there.  

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Buy this ;

Lee Hand loader

Then buy a pound of H4350 powder, Large rifle primers and your preferred .30 cal bullet.

Having a dead blow rubber mallet, scale that reads in grains and a caliper will help the process.

Then watch this ( Load Ammo , More load stuff ) and never ask for permission to buy ammo ever again for your 30-06 rifle.

My father taught my brothers and I the reloading process with the Lee hand loader kit.

It's bare bones and is only useful for bolt and lever action rifles, but it works.





Edited by Shoots100
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At this point in time reloading your own ammo is the only relief from the draconian NY Democrats and I am sure they are looking for a way to regulate handloading. It is never too late to get started and I suggest not wasting any time getting into it.

Shoots100 suggestion of a Lee Handloader will get the ball rolling for a small outlay of money. From there the sky is the limit for whatever one can afford. Believe me you will not be sorry for taking the plunge as things around this state regarding firearms and ammo will probably just keep getting worse.


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The only ammunition I buy is .22lr and since I bought a lot of it over the years when Ammo was cheap, you won't find me waiting in a store for big Mothers approval in this lifetime no matter who's in charge.

I haven't bought ammunition for any of my firearms since I started reloading in 1978 at ten years old and I still have factory ammunition that was part of the deal when purchasing a firearm way back when.

Some here might remember a store chain called Service Merchandise that sold sporting goods from a catalog and had in store purchasing.

You could buy a rifle or shotgun plus ammunition in the same purchase !

Wait there, watch it get picked and roll down the conveyor to the cash register.

Blasphemy !!!!

I sure do miss the good Ol' days when America was Free.

Free Men reload, Slaves Don't.


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On 11/19/2024 at 2:50 PM, New York Hillbilly said:

If there are large numbers of gun owners/hunters that do not vote, I can’t imagine who they are and what is wrong with their minds. I sure as hell wouldn’t consider myself, or anyone I associate with to fall in that category. “We” vote! 


That is one of the big problems with thinking that hunting forums represent the thinking of ALL hunters and gun owners. Get outside of the forum and start talking to hunters and other gun owners. I think you will be surprised how many of them do not vote. Also, as someone already pointed out, even some of the forum members vote Democrat. To me that is unbelievable, but I have seen it here for myself. No, if we could ever get all the hunters and other gun owners to vote pro-gun, we would not even be discussing the NY ammo regulations.

I spend a lot of effort preaching about the need to vote to anyone who will listen, but the way things are today even something as simple as voting seems to be too much of an imposition. It is a real shame.  

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On 11/19/2024 at 10:41 AM, New York Hillbilly said:

Yesterday I decided to pick up 2 boxes of 30.06 ammunition for this and next deer season, and to check one of my rifles that has been put away for a long time.  After waiting almost a half hour to get anyone to come to the sporting goods section, the fella that showed up immediately starts apologizing for how bad the process is to purchase the ammunition. Little did I realize how bad it would turn out. After giving my name, address, height, weight, address, occupation, showing my driver license, and social security number, and writing the check to pay, the damned computer said the purchase was being placed on some sort of delay for review, by who the hell knows, and I could not buy the ammunition.  The clerk said it could have a determination “in a half hour or as long as 2 days”. WTF!!!! 

This shit has got to change! NY has gone to hell in a hand basket!

The way things are here, I really think it’s just a matter of time before I sell everything and go back to Alaska. 



So have you made the effort to break yourself away from Hochuls teat by learning how to and starting to reload, moving back to Alaska or are you just going to continue to complain about it on the forum ?



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3 hours ago, Shoots100 said:

are you just going to continue to complain about it on the forum ?


I haven’t said anything about this in 9 days. So, I’m not sure why you decided to troll me? I would have anticipated this type of comment or behavior from a bunch that jumped ship for greener pastures, but shocks me coming from you. 

I didn’t realize there was any bad blood between us, or between me and anyone else on this site for that matter. Especially surprising from you, considering you previously writing to me about coming and hunting coyotes on my land. 

As far as breaking away from anyone in NY's teat, it’s not that simple. At my age, the thought of being forced to move away from ones children and grandchildren, with the prospect of being faced with dying alone is a sad reality. It's a hard decision for me make, as I suspect it was for the exodus of seniors (and others) who fled to Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Carolina’s, etc, to survive financially, leaving their family behind.

The ammunition issue is just the icing on the proverbial cake for me. Learning or not learning to reload is not the rub for me in itself. It is being forced yet once again to suck it up, and find away around the bull$hit that comes from living in this State. 

Until I read your post to me, I did not plan to mention, or “complain about it” any further here. And, after this response to your question, I will make sure not to speak of it again. I try very hard to avoid being drawn into Pi$$ing contests and controversy these days. I have neither the time, patience, or interest in bickering with others after all that has gone on in the (and my) world over the past decade. 

I hope I answered your questions. I wish you well. Have a nice day. 



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I don't like getting involved in political BS on a hunting site. NY will never be a red state. Rules governing gun ownership and ammo purchases will get tougher. It's going to kill the little guy and leave the big box stores for purchase. I purchase most of my ammo in Bath or Arkport. Wouldn't it be simple that you fill out your own info online for the store of purchase. They get the ok, you are notified its a go and you show ID at purchase. No waiting at the store and such. You can work with any Gov agency online why not this?? 

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Overnight session the skipped due process and created the SAFE act ignorant of many basic facts.  The overwhelming one is this.

#1.  Criminals don't obey laws and really don't care about you making a new one.  Especially those that are for actions that are already illegal. 

The background check system is now being used in a way it was never intended and is overloaded.  This could be fixed but they really don't care since the agenda is to drive the firearms business out of NY.  Like Remington. 

Sadly, many of these gun shops are Ma and Pa businesses that have been around for generations.  They will not survive as so many are gone already.  They were "Cracker Barrels" of people with like interests.

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