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NY Senator wants to ban machetes.....

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 I worked for a utility & every truck had a machete on it . We used them to remove small brush & sapplings from our work area.   Another stupid law from another bottom feeder!

  I always get a kick out of the dept. stores that have all the hunting knives under lock & key but if you go in the kitchen area all the meat cleavers, butcher knives, & other cutting utensils are hanging out in the open !  Again we are the crazies.

Edited by hunter49
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that's the #1 tool I use to clear vines off hardwood trees in the woods, that would otherwise choke and kill the trees.


I keep a machete in the storage compartment of my ATV. Its been there for years. I use it to clear out spots and to get rid of the straggly stuff that hangs down into the trails. One time it did get  out of the compartment and go off by itself to hack people, but that was only one time out of all these years.

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The current knife law in most of New York, with the exception of New York city and part of Monroe county doesn't have a restriction in the length of the knife blade. Their are restrictions, already in place for carrying fixed blades in any area, except while hunting, trapping, or fishing. Some other local multiplicities do have some other restrictions in place, so they have to be checked clearly. The way I read this article, they want to do far more than make machetes illegal, they want to limit the blade length to 4 inches state wide for use anytime.  This is far more serious than just making machetes illegal.


Come on you hunters, fishing, and trappers; their trying to take more of your rights away!

If this subject was about firearms, their be holy hell to pay.



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You know how many country land owners that would make criminals out of? Why not just make Craigslist illegal,Really :rolleyes: Hasn't there been more murders stemming from that than, machete wheilding nut jobs...Dang just hit on a couple of those political correct ,banned words I'm sure.



I posted this on another thread where I saw the article...fools

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Guess they could stretch it to include the cutting edge on some of the axes too.


Very few people killed by someone with a machete in this country.  They should ban the bats, mallets, hammers, and screw drivers right after cars.


Wait two people killed recently by train, guess they need to go too.


How did this guy get into office?  Guess has never been in the real outdoors working on trails, clearing a new field, or a tree farm. !@$#%*@ city idiots.  They only have one view: blacktop, sidewalks, and buildings with no significant grass or or other greenery.

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Price said she visits her son’s grave two to three times each week, adding, “He’d still be alive today if it wasn’t for a machete.”


Then in an alternate universe where machetes are banned:


Price said she visits her son’s grave two to three times each week, adding, “He’d still be alive today if it wasn’t for a hammer.”


Then in an alternate universe where hammers are banned:


Price said she visits her son’s grave two to three times each week, adding, “He’d still be alive today if it wasn’t for a shovel.”


Then in an alternate universe where shovels are banned:


Price said she visits her son’s grave two to three times each week, adding, “He’d still be alive today if it wasn’t for a heavy or sharp object.”


State Sen. Tony Avella plans to introduce a bill to ban the possession heavy or sharp objects in New York.  "We are going to equip every New Yorker with flourescent orange oven safety mitts which have to be worn around the clock.  Failure to wear the mitts will be considered a double-secret felony" said Senator Avella.

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This guy is a knucklehead.  I mean, is it only machetes?  What about Kukri's Bowies, etc?


As a side note:

Clarification of the 4" blade rule in NYC.  It's not illegal to own blades over 4".  Otherwise, every restaurant, business, and home kitchen would be illegal.  It's is illegal to go strolling down the city with a blade over 4" as a EDC.  The law as it currently stands, it is legal to own a machete in your home, transport it to and from your car, etc.  Just don't go strolling around Times Square with one.

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many gangs....spanish gangs in particular use machetes to kill rivals.  All the idiots who wanted gun control got it this is the next step...this is what happens when u give in!  I could be wrong but there are some ppl on this thread that were saying radical steps will not be taken after the safe act....HATE TO SAY I TOLD YA SO

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What comes to my mind are these guys you would find in ethnic sections of NYC that sells fresh coconut water.  During the summer, they'll have a van full of coconuts and for a few bucks, they'll hack up a coconut (with a machete of course) and pop a straw into it for you.

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How would I shear Christmas trees?



Once liberals finally ban Christmas as a hate crime event, the humble Christmas Tree, being too close a  reminder of this former holiday based on the Christian tradition, will off course have to go. All your worries will end on that score.


Instead we will celebrate 'Winter-ville' and  Thor's hammer or Obama's Golf bag will be the new fixture in the holiday home.

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Is Papist off his meds again?


5 Times Liberals Have Tried to Ruin Christmas



Army Advises Soldiers Not To Say Christmas

Last Christmas, an Equal Opportunity Officer from the Army advised soldiers not to say the word ‘Christmas.’

Via Fox News:

Two weeks ago, a routine meeting was held at the Mississippi base with various leaders of the 158th Infantry Brigade. During the meeting, they discussed an upcoming Christmas football tournament. The equal opportunity officer immediately objected to the usage of the word “Christmas.”

“Our equal opportunity representative stopped the briefing and told us that we can’t say Christmas,” the soldier told me. “Almost the entire room blew up. Everybody was frustrated. The equal opportunity rep told our commander that not everyone celebrates Christmas and we couldn’t say Christmas celebration. It had to be holiday celebration.”

The soldier said there was a brief, but heated discussion about political correctness.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/5-times-liberals-tried-ruin-christmas/#ixzz3SK9ItasC


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