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To Close for Comfort


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I have hunted for many years now out of a tree stand which is situated in the corner of one of the fields on my property. As I was walking back to camp this morning I spotted someone else had put up a stand about 70 yards away from mine on the property that borders me. Felt somewhat annoyed and was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? 

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Yes, if it is not your property and area is limited sometimes it is part of hunting.  Other times it is the only main trail through the property so neighbors will put a stand over it regardless of what other hunters are doing.  Residential hunting can have this issue as well. 

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I have hunted for many years now out of a tree stand which is situated in the corner of one of the fields on my property. As I was walking back to camp this morning I spotted someone else had put up a stand about 70 yards away from mine on the property that borders me. Felt somewhat annoyed and was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation?

So that means you're pretty close to his property line as well...

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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You are in control of the outcome of this situation! It can go two ways, either very badly or to just deal with it. If you decide to confront the other hunter, voice your displeasure, deny retrieval rights... it may come back and haunt you! Yeah, I too have stands located on or near property lines. My stands are generally positioned so I can or will only shoot onto my property! I also explain to the neighbors what I'm doing and ask well in advance for retrieval rights if/when the situation arises. If they seem the least bit apprehensive, I move the stand. I also request if they have stands near my property, please don't shoot onto it. Retrieval is fine. I won't shoot onto your property, so I'd expect the same courtesy! Stands that are close to one another for bow season is one thing, but a completely different set of issues for gun/firearms season!! Pissing matches with neighboring hunters never ends well, everyone gets PO'ed!


BTW - Not your situation, but just a general statement... Stands located on/near property lines are prime candidates for theft!

Edited by nyslowhand
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Just bought 10 acres adjacent to my land. Last weekend I found a ladder stand on it pretty close to my stand and in the honey hole area, bedding zone. Took it down and left it at the base of the tree with a posted sign on it. Thought it might be someone from town being dropped off or maybe guys leasing the land across the road. Turns out it was the land owner behind me that did not know his land boundaries. We are all on good terms and connected on a phone call and he asked if I took down the stand. We laughed because I never suspected them and thought they knew the boundary lines. Simple phone call cleared it all up, mystery solved.

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You know, 70 yards may sound awful close, but things like tree foliage and positioning of stands, and the screen of limbs, branches and trunks can make things even that close nearly invisible. Do you know for sure that he even knows that your stand is there?


I remember a time when one of my friends from work had the same situation. Opening morning of gun season, there were two orange lumps sitting in trees that were unbelievably close. neither one knew the other was there until their location was highlighted with blaze orange. Then it all started with who was there first. That got to become a full blown neighbor feud.


My advice: find another good spot and move your stand.

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I've gotten to know some of my bordering property owners and it works out well, we position our stands after letting each other know where and we even walk each others properties together so we know where everyone is. It works out well. Funny when the leaves come down and you look over your shoulder and realize someone has been bowhunting a couple hundred feet from you and you realize that wasn't deer you heard moving in the dark every morning, lol.

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One of my neighbors and I have stands 10 feet from each other and we both usually sit them for opening morning of gun because the deer follow the hedge row when pushed off other neighbors property. For years we had stands 200yds apart but were always worried of shooting towards each other so we agreed on this set up a while back and it has worked great. He shoots the first buck he sees so it usually doesn't take long and me being right there keeps him honest and not shooting one on my side.

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opening morning of rifle season I've had a guy couple years in a row setup shop in less than 100 yards of me in the woods.  I could look over and see him.  one neighbor had him hunting on another neighbors property right next to were I have a permanent treestand.  saw less deer because he didn't pay any attention to wind.  nice guy though he just didn't know.

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Best option in my mind it to stop by the neighbor and talk about it. Explain where your stand is and ask who will be actually hunting from it, their experience level and such. Take the safety angle and just ask to make you that they know where YOU are while in your stand. Tell them you are trying to avoid any accidents. Heck it may not even be the landowner and just someone they gave permission too. I have one stand on a neighboring property like this and after talking to the guy he conveyed that he would only be in it on week day mornings. So basically we aren't in the close stands at the same time, so it became a non-issue.

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I have hunted for many years now out of a tree stand which is situated in the corner of one of the fields on my property. As I was walking back to camp this morning I spotted someone else had put up a stand about 70 yards away from mine on the property that borders me. Felt somewhat annoyed and was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? 

Had a guy that put a permanent up and hunted there for several years and was only 50 yards from my stand. Eventually he stopped hunting there after he didn't see any deer because of my wind. Almost always had a SW or NW wind either way I just kept hunting it. If you wanted to be mischievous about it shave some cheap stinky soap and throw it at the bottom of his tree. We used to do this to keep bucks away from our fresh saplings.

Edited by chas0218
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Only once have I ever had a need to say something to a neighbor..new farmer...had already had his new LS 40 yrds off the line and almost exactly 200ft from each of two of my permanent stands in a triangle pattern as it were...no big deal... but we were talking and happen to be on the property line when he said ya I'm putting my wife LS on this tree.....I said well you actually do see my posted sign  there right? That trees on my land and I have had my permanent stand 200 ft way right over there...I do not plan on giving that stand up.... so will be shooting deer that come up from the gully that way. Thats all that was said about it....he never put that stand up...

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Hunt neighbors lot a guy got tossed off last year for trampling corn but he left a stand. So forward to this year and he asked multiple time if he could hint again and farmer have in now his stand is with in feet of mine. Very frustrating but once heard a guy with similar situation and his reply was in out here to enjoy and have fun so why get all worked up over it. So I will continue to sit in my stand and if he shows oh well lol. Maybe I'll just fart my arse off while he's there

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When I had that problem, if I saw the guy in the other stand, I went somewhere else.  They would also do the same thing.   It is not a big deal, as long as you have enough land with some other options.   With smaller properties it can be tough for sure.  For quite a few years, I had a productive stand on a 6-acre woodlot, until it produced two nice wallhanger bucks for me in one year with a bow and gun.  It was a narrow piece of land, and the next year I had neighbor's treestands less than 50 yards away on two sides.  They wanted some of that action and boxed me in pretty good. That made the hunting tougher as the spot was too small for multiple locations.  I ended up selling, a few years later, after taking only a couple more antlerless deer there.  It was good while it lasted and I was thankful for the "peaceful" hunts I had there.   The cash came in handy for a nice new tractor however.         

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