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I am a big coffee drinker any of you all drink alot of coffee?I have been trying many brands for awhile and still have not found one that taste real good.what brand do you drink and how do you brew/drink yours?I myself still perk on the stove top

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I am a big coffee drinker any of you all drink alot of coffee?I have been trying many brands for awhile and still have not found one that taste real good.what brand do you drink and how do you brew/drink yours?I myself still perk on the stove top

I buy whole beans from Gregory's coffee in NYC. At home I have the all in one coffee maker where it grinds the beans only needed for the amount of coffee I specify. Sometimes I buy from whole foods as well, I like Kona from Hawaii. I drink about 20oz per day straight black over ice. Way cheaper this way then spending $4-$5 a day on coffee at Starbucks or some coffee shop.

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In the morning, I think Dunkin since I'm on the run. In the office, I drink Cafe Bustello made out of a coffee machine because that's what the guy in my office makes and I drink from his batch. I drink that one black, no sugar. At home I drink Cafe' Bustello made from a French press. It's the best economic coffee. Like Biz said, Kona is expensive but they're awesome. I put sugar and flavored creamer in that one. That's my 3 cups for the day but the morning Dunkin cup is a 16 ouncer.

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I do not get what is so great about Starbucks coffee...I have never had a cup that didn't taste bitter to me...We drink Dunkins regular at home and sometimes I'll stop at Tim Hortons..


I usually drink 3 big mugs a day...

that's because most people don't know what good coffee tastes like......I hate Starbucks, and would rather have 7-11 or DD, I'm also fairly sure I don't like good coffee.

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There is a lot of good coffee out there, both in the supermarket and in coffee shops. Even Stewerts and Byrne Dairy have very good coffee. At home, we use Chock Full of Nuts for our morning cup. If we have some later in the day it will be from the Kuerig or an espresso or cappuccino. At work, we sold Paul deLima and our customers said it was the best coffee around. You can find it in Wegmans.

The key to better coffee is in the preparation. Fresh, cold water and one heaping tablespoon coffee for every cup of water. (Not coffee cups, an actual measured cup, usually marked on the side of the pot or coffee maker). For a full pot, I'll throw in an extra tablespoon. If you are making it on a stove top, you know the drill....that pot needs to be watched constantly to get it right, but I love how that coffee turns out! I've never made coffee on a campfire, but I'll bet that is pretty good too.

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J.B. Marshall is what we drink. We get the whole beans and ground it ourselves. Just got a 5lb bag for $29 and it will last us 3 months

Damn that's a great price. Kona is like $16 for 7oz, so that's like $37/lb. I've seen coffee as high as $99.99/lb in whole foods.

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