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How do you walk?

Five Seasons

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It depends for me ,if I have my muck boots on,I can afford to be more generous where I step,if I have my Frankenstein boots on it seems like no matter where I walk they make a ton of noise, and there is really nothing I can do but look ahead to see what runs away.

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Doesn't depend on lots of factors?


If you are new to the area, looking for sign could be the priority to figure out how deer use the property.

If you are walking to a know spot/stand, looking for movement could be the priority.


I look for worn trails or prints. If there are fresh prints, I know I can't be too far from the deer since I am in their range.



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I'm always looking for sign regardless of new or well known spot .... But , scan for deer as well , to me if your choosing one over the other your missing out either way .... Sign continuously changes over the course of the season and I've capitalized on subsequent hunts because of it , no reason why you can't take your time , scan for deer, quick look around for sign , take a few steps , and repeat

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I agree with deerpassion. If you go slow enough you can check for sign and movement and bedded deer. Not to say that I don't spook deer on a regular basis. But not as much as I used to.

If my stand is a long ways into the woods I just try to get there. If it is not very far I try to be sneaky.

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I move like the wind , silent and swift .

I walk "in" along field edges , maybe a few hundred yards, then my stands are 30 yards or less in the woods or thickets . I may scan the fields I guess , I don't walk around or look for sign .

I do,have one stand that's about 225 yards across a hardwoods, I made a nice trail with my leaf blower to it the end of bow season which is when I put it up. The deer started using it a couple days later ( the trail not stand ...) Next year I may make a bunch of trails so they walk where I want them to.

Oh and after I dragged my buck out in bow season I walked with a bad limp for well over a week , right hip was killing me.

Edited by Larry302
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