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My Son's First Mount


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Just picked up son's first mount from Fish and Wildlife Unlimited in Oakdale, NY. This guy had a big body but a small 6pt rack. Nevertheless being his first I had to have it mounted. Took about 3.2 months from drop off in November to pick up.



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Edited by Deerthug
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Congrats to your son on his first buck and that is a fine looking mount. I always regretted not getting my first one mounted, a busted up 7-point. I didn't have the cash to do it back when I was still in school and my dad was not all that into hunting. He is a skilled woodworker and he made me a nice little plaque to attach the antlers to. Many years later, my friend had large buck mounted by a taxidermist who did a poor job, using a form that was much too small and looked way out of proportion with the huge antlers.

A few seasons later, he killed another large-bodied buck with a smaller rack. This time, he took that, and the larger racked mount to another taxidermist. That guy made him a great shoulder mount from the fresh cape and the big antlers, and a European mount from the smaller antlers and the fresh skull. I ended up with the left-over mounted cape, to which I attached my first buck's rack. My dad made me a beautiful walnut plaque for the back, and it turned out pretty good.

There is nothing wrong having shoulder mounts made from smaller antlered deer. To me, it is more about "special" antlers than it is big antlers. Obviously the first one is special, probably more so than the one with the largest "score". For me, the first one with a bow was worthy (coincidentally another 7-point), as was the one with the most points, and the first one at camp. It is important that the cape/form size be in proportion to the antlers and your son's buck looks just right in that respect.

Edited by wolc123
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how'd it come out? I had a bad experience with that guy last year....real bad......but either way, congrat's to your son and good for you for getting it done for him, bet it brings you back to that day every time you guys look at it.

Edited by jjb4900
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He was happy. It's hanging over his bed. (Mom is not crazy about that but we said though noogies). I had three done at the same location and I've been really happy with the work produced.

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Thanks all. This is something we will both cherish for the rest of our lives.

I did tell him that the next mount has to be really big to justify the cost. He already has his sights on the big eight pointers that we caught on camera last season.

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Thinking back at the age of 16 I got my first deer. It was a spike horn. I shot him, gutted him, drugged him out,

ate him and had him mounted. All by myself (I shared some meat) This was 36 years ago. He hangs among the giants at my camp and will always be my most special mount. (BTW he spent 4 years ay college with me in the off campus living. How he survived I don't know or….remember!)

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