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Bucks in staten island getting vasectomy


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From USA Today

Deer in Staten Island might get vasectomies


Staten Island isn’t fond (err, fawned?) of its growing deer situation. So, the city has a $2 million birth control plan: deer vasectomies.This week, the Comptroller’s office gave the Parks Department the go-ahead to contract the process, Staten Island Advance reports. In 2014, a survey found more than 750 deer in over 18.7 square miles of Staten Island.City officials say vasectomies, which will take about 15 minutes per deer, are faster, cheaper and more humane than sterilizing females, Fox 5 reported when the plan was made public.The three-year plan, which would start in September, calls for hundreds of bucks to be tranquilized, captured, given vasectomies and released back into the area's parkland.

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I don't doubt that the procedure itself is rather quick to do, but how long does it take to get their hands on them to perform the procedure? Perhaps they have become completely domesticated so the can simply walk up to them and put them to sleep with an injection while they perform the surgery. But it seems to me that the surgical procedure would be the quick part, and getting the deer's cooperation while they do it would be an entirely different matter. It would be interesting to watch how it is done.....lol.

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I guess it would depend on how they perform this. Some members who farm livestock could comment on castration. That would deplete their testosterone I would think, but a true vasectomy would keep hormones intact i would believe?

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This is the residents of Staten Islands money and what they want. But it is ill conceived.


They were told that sterilizing does increased buck movement. So they thinking they are smart ( kind of like hunters who also  think they are biologists) surmised well we will neuter the bucks then. However, as you know deer have a polygamous breeding strategy. If they sterilize 349 bucks, number 350 can still breed some number of the 350 doe, maybe all of them. Do the math what is the net reduction in population? 


Then they say it is cheaper. Maybe it is. But darting only bucks takes longer than  if its brown its darted. If they are paying the USDA wildlife services by the deer that is one thing, but if they are paying them by the hour, it might cost more. 


A more important issue with Staten Island, which impacts the rest of the state, is proposed legislation by local assembly and senate reps to force the DEC to deal with the nuisance turkey population.


The DEC refuses to trap and transfer Staten Island's turkeys because they are not 100% wild stock.Some feral domestic turkeys have bred with wild turkeys. Local residents have lobbied their senate and assembly reps (one is humane society of the US endorsed to begin with), and these legislators say that the science is ridiculous (almost a verbatim quote). They want the turkeys released upstate. 


Of course that differs than the deer matter, because it does impact the wild turkey population that belongs to everyone. The impact of mute swans is far more serious than the impact of genetic pollution from domestic or domestic x wild turkeys, yet the Legislature stuck together to accommodate a few of their NYC and LI colleges and twice passed legislation ( by a huge majority ) upsurping the DEC's mute swan plan.  So don't think it cant happen with turkeys.


Here is more food for thought. Surely some blowhard is going to sound off how i redirected this to mourning doves, I suggest you do what I do and block them, it works great, one of the best features of this site. But its not about doves, it is about information we have from our petition. We have had an excellent response from Long Island and NYC, especially Brooklyn. The exception is Staten Island. We only have one signature from Staten Island. The moral of the story is get with the program if you live on Staten Island. The antis got your voice and are eating your lunch. 



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Okay , so they tranquilize X number of bucks and neuter them . Will they put some sort of tag on the buck so they can identify it don't waste time and tranquilize it again ? 


That is a good point. They probably realize that, but the news media doesn't report that part. Why? Because it isn't interesting to readers; and, because it points out this an effort that needs to be done over and over and thus paid for over and over. And, it only might slow population growth, the deer are not going to go away as advertised.


You know wish them luck and say whatever. I personally would have ignored this, except I had happened to hear some of the state legislators from the region speak about the nuisance deer, geese, and turkeys. It was their believes that stuck out to me. Indecently, they believe the geese should live, but if killed done so with a chemical euthanasia, which renders them unfit for food pantries. They argue that slaughtered geese or less sanitary than meat obtained from a supermarket. They obviously never worked in a slaughterhouse nor cleaned fish or game.


I am being hyper critical here, and I shouldn't be -  these lawmakers need to to be befriended by the hunting community. They do not only act on local issues within their districts, they are state lawmakers that vote on statewide hunting issues. We need to educate these folks and get them on our side. Obviously, a large part of that is getting hunters who live right there involved.

Edited by mike rossi
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I think they may have been confronted with other issues regarding sterilizing does. The gestation period is 190 to 210 days - about half of the year they may not want to kill the fetuses. Or after birth of fawns, they will be nursing them for 4 to 6 months or longer. I am not sure if sterilizing does impacts milk production. Not much of a window if all that are concerns. All that on top of the discussed drawbacks of sterilizing bucks.


It is apparent these people are serious about sparing animal lives - they are willing to endure the impacts of deer longer than necessary and fund what can be loosely characterized as expensive experiments with a very small probability of a favorable outcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can they just band them like bulls?


they band bulls when their young under 6-8 months old after that they have a big pair of pliers that crush the veins therefor stopping all his desire to be doing what comes natural, its a quick move they put them on squeeze and they roll up and crush the desires out of them i would assume this would be the option used hence there would be no open cuts to get infected. their is also vets out there that castrate by cutting (and removing the marbles) they spray a anti septic on the animal and let it go recover either one should have to potential to make so interesting rack configurations in the fetcher


look at the bright side all those possibility's have to be better the setting in a cold dr office just waiting your turn for a snip stitch and ice pack       

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