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Make America great again

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Care to elaborate?  I hate Hillary and Democrats and believe Trump was the lesser of two evils, but I have to say, he's no Ronald Reagan.  He's just the only viable choice we had to return to the rule of law under the US Constitution.

As President, he's making mistakes.  I just hope he is as fast a learner as he's said to be.


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I am not aware of any mistakes. 

He has done nothing thus far that I am against other than he tends to ramble on. 
He has stopped the fact that people were forced to pay for Obama care or pay the fine when they can't afford it. I have a brother that it would have cost him more than what his mortgage payment is. My niece went from paying $5 for a prescription to $40 on Obama care. He is getting jobs going 

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He's doing, or attempting to do, everything he said he would, before being voted in. Been a long time since ANY 'politician' has done that.  He won the election to be our President.. So for the good of the country, help make America great again, or move out of the way !

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  Media doesn't report the good things he has done already in a short time. They need to give him a chance instead of knocking him down. He's trying to make America great again & going in the right direction I believe!   And he tells it like it is.  JMO.   He did give CNN an ear full!

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33 minutes ago, grampy said:

He's doing, or attempting to do, everything he said he would, before being voted in. Been a long time since ANY 'politician' has done that.  He won the election to be our President.. So for the good of the country, help make America great again, or move out of the way !

The problem is all the career politicians are trying to take him out with all their finger pointing and security leaks and other BS. He is fighting a up hill battle and it isn't going to be easy. The ONLY news outlet having anything positive to say is FOX. CNN, NBC, CBS and the rest are doing  nothing but nitpicking and looking for stories that will make him look incompetent and corrupt making his job 10 times harder than it should be.

He can't even get a cabinet appointed because of the whinebags is Washington fighting every step of the way. I like what he has done to this point (with some minor exceptions) and sure hope he catches a break soon.

Had to get me going didn't ya Grampy!!

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Я приветствую вас мои будущие товарищи, когда америка стать русский спутник все мы будем праздновать нашу олигархию с водкой и отварным картофелем, нашего национального блюда.

Edited by EspressoBuzz
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The problem is all the career politicians are trying to take him out with all their finger pointing and security leaks and other BS. He is fighting a up hill battle and it isn't going to be easy. The ONLY news outlet having anything positive to say is FOX. CNN, NBC, CBS and the rest are doing  nothing but nitpicking and looking for stories that will make him look incompetent and corrupt making his job 10 times harder than it should be.
He can't even get a cabinet appointed because of the whinebags is Washington fighting every step of the way. I like what he has done to this point (with some minor exceptions) and sure hope he catches a break soon.
Had to get me going didn't ya Grampy!!

Sheppard Smith was all over him today, mostly about claiming the largest electoral win since Reagan
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Every Leftist entity, including the leftist media, is involved in a conspiracy to destroy this man and his entire administration, so he cannot accomplish anything he said he would.  The things his supporters want, are also the things the left wants to prevent.

He needs to realize half of this country hates him and they don't follow any rules, have no ethics and have no limits, when it comes to their agenda.  I swear if all else fails, they will have him assassinated.

He is making a mistake by underestimating his enemy's resolve and viciousness.  He's not going to win this thing by playing their game or playing fair.  He needs to begin a laser focus on policy and ignore all the static that is surrounding him.  Be smart enough not to let the media and the leftists make him look bad.  Stop giving them ammo to use against him.  

Play to your political base and anticipate what your enemies will be able twist to their advantage before you make a move.  There's a way to get things done when you are being attacked constantly.  Start by learning how Reagan did it and follow his example.

I didn't want a politician in office, but I did want a man who knew how politicians played the game.


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He should give up posting tweets.  He should also ignore the media when attacked.  He needs to forget about personal insults and focus entirely on the country and making it great.

Tweeting is the modern fireside chat. Trump is effectively using it to bypass a press that is ajenda driven and uses it position to filter what is seen on the tube and paper. Plus it tweeks the press up... entertaing it is.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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To paraphrase an old saying, "Put brain in gear before putting fingers to keypad."

The man needs to think about what he's going to put out into the world before he sends it out.  He's not having an argument with someone on an internet forum.  He's talking to the entire world when he tweets.  It's beneath the dignity and importance of his position as the leader of the free world.  If he's going to do it, it better be reserved for important messages, not responses to stupid attacks about his daughter's clothing line.

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He has cleverly found a way to get his message out without filtering it through the commie media. If tweets are what it takes, then tweets it is!

Televised press conferences are another of the very effective ways to get the real news out and Trump has shown that he is very adept at "forcing" his achievements out to the public. The guy was masterful in the way he man-handled the press. It is about time someone stood up to these socialists and showed the world that the mainstream media has been taken over by enemies of the country and our way of life.

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14 hours ago, EspressoBuzz said:

Я приветствую вас мои будущие товарищи, когда америка стать русский спутник все мы будем праздновать нашу олигархию с водкой и отварным картофелем, нашего национального блюда.

not a boiled potato fan

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