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5 hours ago, G-Man said:

All day hunt??? Never.did such a thing.. Why?

Because I drive an hour and have killed as many deer in midday as early morning or early evening. If I'm hunting and have the day off , I'm hunting all day. So thermos of coffee gets drank throughout day   Can think of a few times I've put cup down to shoot a deer. Last 2 years in fact. Consider it a good luck charm now. 

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Yea kidney stones suck!!


Early season i always have a bottle of mio water, usually apple or tea flavored. When it gets cold a thermos of hot coffee goes as well. Nothing like holding out for 2-3 hours in 10 degree weather and then pour some hot cofee and a snack to bring me back to life!!

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When you camo for the night do you have anything on you that acts as a shelter, so you build something, or just stay under the stars?

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I have an 8x8 piece of tyvec "house wrap" ironed flat then vacuum sealed in a pouch on my vest. It is used for boning out a deer and a tarp if I have to camp for the night.

I have used it a few times for cutting up deer but haven't used it as a shelter yet, hope I never do but I'm sure it will work and it fits in a cargo pocket.

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yeah for me its ONE cup of coffee and a thermos of twining english breakfast tea or the irish one too and two 1L waters but im on water pills and what goes in comes out and man with those you gotta go theres no holding back . i take along these things i get called brief relief long haul truckers use them too, what they are is a plastic bag with powder in it and when you use it it gels up and you seal it and no scent and i just carry it out with me it comes as a kit w/ hand wipes but i use my own from dead down wind theres no scent and the best thing they're landfill safe just throw them in the garbage

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I tend to bring gator aid, the small bottles for a few hour sits. I plan to not bring coffee this season and only drink it before I leave the house.  Plan to bring hot tea w/ honey this year. Tea stays hotter longer and is hotter to start with and doesn't leave you shit mouth like coffee does either.  We'll see how it goes.  Also a bottle or 2 of water for all day sits.

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Coffee before morning hunts but I always carry water or vitamin water in my pack. I dont bother with hot stuff as a thermos is heavy and if I'm gonna be out there all day the coffee is gonna get cold anyways, and I hate cold coffee. Keeping hydrated is the name of the game and pure water is king at that. Vitamin waters are delicious and don't leave me thirsty again like Gatorade or Powerade does.

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