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Leftover DMP's are available Wednesday Nov 1st reminder


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Do they just randomly pick, and send them to the hunters. Or will you need to request them? I know once, I was sent a very hard to get 4-H DMP, after I was denied when I purchased my licence.  I did the grampy happy dance, after opening that envelope!

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They actually say usually Nov, 1st, but in the past have been available that day. All licencees, life included, must go online or visit a licence seller and pick from what's available. There are limited amounts so if one runs out it is available until close that day. The next day it is not available.

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11 hours ago, OtiscoPaul said:

I'll will grab 2 more 7j Wednesday morning...if Walmart is open 24 hrs are they available at midnight midnight?

No need to rush like that if you don't want to. When it opens they are available that entire day and not a fist come first serve. at the end of the day they modify the listing based on how many given out for the next day. 

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