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Plastic please


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A possible law to get rid of plastic bags in NY has been introduced to legislation.  Madison county has looked to do this a couple of times and I believe NYC area as well.  

Personally I think it's because legislators are afraid we may ask them to put those over their heads and breathe deep.  :pleasantry:

But remember when we had to get rid of paper bags because we were killing trees and it was harmful to the environment.  And if you didn't use plastic bags you were part of the problem......yeah.  

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18 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

next thing will be we cant have plastic water bottles and will have to drink water from the faucet.......whoa is me what is this world coming to... what would we ever do without the govt......

wait til I bring my wheelbarrow to Walmart .... 

That's just it. Do we REALLY need a law passed, to govern every little detail of our lives???  Or more laws passed to protect us from ourselves???  It sure does seem that way sometimes.  

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That's just it. Do we REALLY need a law passed, to govern every little detail of our lives???  Or more laws passed to protect us from ourselves???  It sure does seem that way sometimes.  

I’m with ya grampy, that is what annoys me the most. Let’s keep adding laws so the masses know exactly what to do. We seem to be headed towards less and less freedom as they make more and more laws.

I know this is just about silly plastic shopping bags but where does it end?

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6 hours ago, NonTypical said:

Here in Suffolk county, they passed a 5 cent tax on all bags, paper and plastic. So now everyone has started to use these reusable bags. It’s a real pain in the neck. 

The reusable bags are okay but should be washed often . They are germ carriers !

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well my two cents,we all can just be a little more concienous  thats all .As a boat owner i HATE them i can count atlest 6 xs i had them wrapped around my outboard intakes once by coney island the alarm went off and the motor idled down i had to stop and raise the motor very quickly cut it off with a knife .It was in coming tide and almost wound  up on shore[ the russians were sunbathing i got a nice view so it wasnt all bad]. But when im hunting or even fishing i use them alot. for my pbj sandwiches and other stuff  But @ home  we reuse them alot before we throw them out. Believe me im far from a tree hugging environmentist but when i go to aldis and b/j and costco i keep them in my car and use them over again .See i lived under bloombergs thumb and everything he came up with had to do with dollars and cents  like he proposed a dime a bag and it went no where . so the state and city look at something and say OOOoo lets raise some and solve a problem at the same time and you know what the public is getting wise to their games.

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