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I thought that's why one went into the woods in the first place ?

One a more serious note I try to eat stuff that is calorie dense; about 100-120 calories an ounce most of the time. Mostly some kind of granola type bar.....Pro-bars are a favorite.

I need to eat to stay warm. YMMV

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I limit my eating to camp.I have never been a lunch eater, so breakfast in the am out to the stand and dinner after the evening hunt. I iwll take a bottle of water with me. Iwill take my chances with a growling stomach over the scent of food in the woods.

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When exercising the body needs energy and hunting up and down those mountains from dark till dark is pretty good exercise so I always bring lunch and snacks. Mostly peanut butter sandwich for lunch and fruit, trail mix or jerky for a snack. In cold weather I will also bring coffee or hot cocco. I tend to lose quite a bit of weight in the hunting season (not that I couldn't stand to) and I also get physically tired after a couple of weeks in the woods and if I didn't take a lunch I would get tired even quicker. The lunch also restores my energy and helps me stay focused and retain concentration.

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Oh snacks ? Of course ! Most of the time I pack a lunch in an effort to hunt all day. That usually would be a sandwich of some kind. As for snacks my fav. is definitely Jerky. Either beef or venison. I try to have an ample supply made to last most of the season and if I have to eat store bought it's usually jack link's. I've also been known to take all the left over halloween candy now and then lol. Granola or protein bars are good also. I'll always have water with me. On the cold days gotta have a thermos of hot coffee or hot choc.

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Whatever is leftover from last nights supper usually......cold spaghetti,lasagne,mac n cheese,a pork sandwich,cold burger etc. Water,maybe a thermos of coffee if it's cold. Gummi bears,licorice an apple or banana maybe grapes. I like the bite size candy bars too like the snickers or milkyway bars etc.

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My own trail mix or a candy bar. If I'm out through lunch I'll bring a can of beans or stew and tea bags. I decided a few years back that I was in the woods to have fun. I also figure that if I have a hot meal in me and I'm having fun that I will be out longer, thus increasing my opportunities on deer or whatever else I happen to be hunting. Not to mention it's good to practice those fire craft skills.

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