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8 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

I wasn't looking to get in a pointless shouting match. There isn't any point in that, I was generally curious as to your stance.

I can't disagree that our president could and probably should be more presidential. But I also can't blame him for not changing who he is because he is the president. There is an argument on the other side that it works for him. It keeps our enemies guessing cause they have no idea what he will do. Especially countries like China, that while they aren't an outright enemy, they sure aren't our friends either. 

Biden to me is just more of the same establishment that will be easily controlled which is why IMO the democrats want him to win. The stuff with his son Hunter and China doesn't look very good either. Buttigieg I have less of an opinion on, but from what I have read, South Bend is in much worse shape since he became the mayor there. I obviously can't vote in the primary because I am a registered Republican but there is a chance one of these people becomes our next president so I do pay attention. 

As far as the stock market goes, it is falling because of the systems in place right now. All the big players are always leveraged to the hilt and now have to hit their margin calls much sooner than in the past to make sure they can make them which is now a government regulation. With the Corona Virus, people have stopped travel and we are a world economy so that effects the market. So when the market falls a little bit now and margin calls come do, these guys have to sell to make the margin call which leads to larger sell offs so others can make their margin call and it just tumbles. It is a two edged sword. Nobody should need a bail out if they follow these regulations, but the market is tumbling directly because of these regulations. 

This country is great because we can all have different views. I am always curious as to other point of views to see if it changes my way of thinking. It usually doesn't but I respect other peoples opinions. Especially if those opinions are what they feel is best for them....

My shouting match comment was not aimed at you, you can shout at me anytime Apexer, we're cool :)

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Don't be surprised when Crazy Bernie is found " unresponsive" down the road in some hotel room, if he gets close to the delegate count he needs..All will offer their "condolences" and sleepy Joe walks with with the nomination. Probably why Usama....I mean Obama, hasn't endorsed a candidate yet. Watch for it.....Hillary will be the VP nominee....they somehow get elected, Joe has a stroke and Hilldabeast becomes Prez...simple.

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45 minutes ago, Merlot said:

Don't be surprised when Crazy Bernie is found " unresponsive" down the road in some hotel room, if he gets close to the delegate count he needs..All will offer their "condolences" and sleepy Joe walks with with the nomination. Probably why Usama....I mean Obama, hasn't endorsed a candidate yet. Watch for it.....Hillary will be the VP nominee....they somehow get elected, Joe has a stroke and Hilldabeast becomes Prez...simple.

I honestly think Biden has Dementia setting in. 

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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46 minutes ago, Merlot said:

Don't be surprised when Crazy Bernie is found " unresponsive" down the road in some hotel room, if he gets close to the delegate count he needs..All will offer their "condolences" and sleepy Joe walks with with the nomination. Probably why Usama....I mean Obama, hasn't endorsed a candidate yet. Watch for it.....Hillary will be the VP nominee....they somehow get elected, Joe has a stroke and Hilldabeast becomes Prez...simple.

This would be the absolute worst case scenario for our country. :stinker:

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1 hour ago, Moho81 said:

So for those who are in the know. Why did two candidates drop out a day before Super Tuesday?

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My guess would be a promise of a consideration for vice president or a high cabinet position with Biden to get them to drop out and not split the vote so Bernie can't win the delegates. 

Plus chances are mayor Pete is actually eyeing 2024 and this was more of a test run and to get notariaty. 

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4 hours ago, Moho81 said:

So for those who are in the know. Why did two candidates drop out a day before Super Tuesday?

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Mainstream Democrats dont want Bernie... it was looking like he was headed for a possible win with the votes split up between all the candidate's.  So those without much of a chance . Dropped out to get behind the leading candidate opposing Bernie. 

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So if that’s the case then they way I see it is the DNC is just repeating their mistakes from 2016.

Bernie in 16 should have been the nominee but they gave it to Hillary and Bernie’s supporters did not vote for Hillary and she lost.

Now in 20 Bernie should probably again get the nomination Over Biden but the DNC will give it to Biden. Bernies supports will again not support Biden and Trump will be re-elected.

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1 hour ago, Moho81 said:

So if that’s the case then they way I see it is the DNC is just repeating their mistakes from 2016.

Bernie in 16 should have been the nominee but they gave it to Hillary and Bernie’s supporters did not vote for Hillary and she lost.

Now in 20 Bernie should probably again get the nomination Over Biden but the DNC will give it to Biden. Bernies supports will again not support Biden and Trump will be re-elected.

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Probably true. Bernie is getting a raw deal .lol.. He had/has a decent chance of getting over 1/2 the democrats to vote for him. Not even close to 1/2 the American voters though... I am of the opinion that there are many who find Trump unpalatable and would possibly vote for a moderate Democrat but not a socialist.

Heck! I'm pretty conservative and many times I wish we had a better choice than Trump..;)

Edited by ncountry
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7 hours ago, Moho81 said:

So if that’s the case then they way I see it is the DNC is just repeating their mistakes from 2016.

Bernie in 16 should have been the nominee but they gave it to Hillary and Bernie’s supporters did not vote for Hillary and she lost.

Now in 20 Bernie should probably again get the nomination Over Biden but the DNC will give it to Biden. Bernies supports will again not support Biden and Trump will be re-elected.

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i think they pretty much know that any dem that runs this year is a sacrificial cow and that Trump is going to win.  That they are planning that 2024 is their chance thats why the field they put out there sucks so bad.  And Biden has already said he is in for one term.  Although I cant see much of a field for them in 2024 unless Oprah runs and gives everyone a free car. Esp against the possible group the Rep will have in Cruz, Rand Paul, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Pence etc. I think Birnie has lost some of his juice since 2016 and that they dont want to run out a true socailist.  Cant wait to see who the vice will be for Biden.  Hilary?....lol.  I am betting Pete Budigieg or Liz Warren. 

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2 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

i think they pretty much know that any dem that runs this year is a sacrificial cow and that Trump is going to win.  That they are planning that 2024 is their chance thats why the field they put out there sucks so bad.  And Biden has already said he is in for one term.  Although I cant see much of a field for them in 2024 unless Oprah runs and gives everyone a free car. Esp against the possible group the Rep will have in Cruz, Rand Paul, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Pence etc. I think Birnie has lost some of his juice since 2016 and that they dont want to run out a true socailist.  Cant wait to see who the vice will be for Biden.  Hilary?....lol.  I am betting Pete Budigieg or Liz Warren. 

I agree with the thoughts here. They don't expect to win and that is why Biden with be the lead on the ticket. BUT. I think on the far outside chance that it is pulled off, they will have a VP that they actually want as the President. It lines up perfectly for 2024 either way, win or lose. Exposure as the VP candidate or the actual VP for when Biden can fulfill his 4 years. And he won't fulfill his 4 years. I was serious when I said I thought he had dementia creeping in.  

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24 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

I agree with the thoughts here. They don't expect to win and that is why Biden with be the lead on the ticket. BUT. I think on the far outside chance that it is pulled off, they will have a VP that they actually want as the President. It lines up perfectly for 2024 either way, win or lose. Exposure as the VP candidate or the actual VP for when Biden can fulfill his 4 years. And he won't fulfill his 4 years. I was serious when I said I thought he had dementia creeping in.  

Can you imagine Biden doing the schedule that Trump does?  Seems like every president ages double while they are in office.  Biden is def already struggling.  Look at Hilary during just the campaign alone last time she was passing out etc.  

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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Denver Democrat faces backlash after tweeting ‘solidarity’ for spreading coronavirus at Trump rallies

Democratic Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca faced conservative criticism Tuesday after sharing a meme on Twitter suggesting she stands in “solidarity” with the idea of spreading coronavirus at President Trump’s campaign rallies.


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If your party is willing to kill babies and intimidate Supreme Court Justices with threats if they don't let you kill babies, it isn't hard to imagine they fantasize about killing political opponents.  Actually, many leftist Democrats have already said they want to.

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The Democratic party's platform is against just about every single thing my lifestyle consists of, for me it is a party of death by a thousand cuts. Start with the premise of this message forum which discusses and promotes the outdoor sports, hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting etc.

Lets start with the anti gunners, the list is so long that I will just post the link.


Now for the animal rights-anti hunting-fishing-trapping crowd, again a link to the top of the crop but there are many others.


Bottom line is these groups are against just about everything this board stands for and if they could snap their fingers and end it all they would!

Of course the above is just the tip of the iceberg, if you belong to the NRA, believe in traditional marriage and are against abortion and illegal  immigration, our Democratic Governor  makes it plain you are not welcome here in NY State.

How about the green new deal?

I breed and raise a few beef cattle, they have to go because they fart too much greenhouse gas!

No fossil fuels please, get rid of your chainsaws, mowers, tractor, motorcycles, truck and car.

I partially heat with wood and coal, not allowed just put more clothes on!

I have wasted enough of the board's bandwidth posting this stuff but the list of their "want to" bans is endless.

I am not against any changes that are for the good so long as there is a viable cost effective solution in place to replace something bad first.

Common denominator here is this is all Democrat platform proposals and like I said for me it is death by a thousand cuts, no way in Hell am I voting for any of them.

I thank the Lord every day to have been allowed to have been born to live in this  time period because the future for my lifestyle is looking pretty bleak.



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8 minutes ago, airedale said:

The Democratic party's platform is against just about every single thing my lifestyle consists of, for me it is a party of death by a thousand cuts. Start with the premise of this message forum which discusses and promotes the outdoor sports, hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting etc.

I thank the Lord every day to have been allowed to have been born to live in this  time period because the future for my lifestyle is looking pretty bleak.



You do realize that after the fourth or fifth sentence people change Forums .... Right ? Trying to avert falling asleep !

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5 minutes ago, GreeneHunter said:

You do realize that after the fourth or fifth sentence people change Forums .... Right ? Trying to avert falling asleep !

As someone that has been running a forum for 20 years I do not believe that to be true, there are many subjects that require more than a few sentences to explain. You must have a problem when it comes to reading a book LOL! My suggestion to you is if a post is too long just do not read it.



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