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Is ML season long enough?


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Now, I honestly don't know if this has been posted before. If it has, I apologize. Having said that, I think the ML season should be longer. How about a 2 week gun, 2 week ML season? At the very least, I think that if the ML is only going to be 9 days, then it should be 2 weekends, and 5 weekdays. Just my opinion on the subject.

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what sucks about the late bow/ml season is that it only has 1 saturday and sunday in it. For people who only hunt weekends, they get 2 days.

Exactly. It just baffles the mind. After all, everything else starts on Saturday-why not ML?

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I've been at this for the last two months. I can't complain about the length of the season. Only thing that would be nice is if the ML season didn't open until after Christmas like Pennsylvania and ran for three weeks. That would be pretty neat.

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If you wanted to shorten reg season for ML season why don't you just hunt with your ML in reg season? If you just wated to shorten the season for two weekends in ML season the have the reg season stop that Fri.

I did use the ML this year. But, I also pay just as much for a ML tag, as I do for the regular season tag. I guess my idea was, that if something were changed a little, it might bring more much needed revenue for hunting. Just pondering, that's all.

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Only thing that would be nice is if the ML season didn't open until after Christmas like Pennsylvania and ran for three weeks. That would be pretty neat.

I go more along this line. I'd like it if there was a week or two between the end of regular season and the start of ML. I usually start to see more movement the last 3-4 days of ML season because the pressure has been so much lower and the deer seem to be settling back down a bit.

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I think its long enough, just not late enough.... and regular gun runs too long and runs right into mz. The last 2 weeks of gun hunting around me is always terrible. They are pressured so hard, nothing moves --right through mz they are still not budging. Even most of the fawns are always nocturnal for most of mz because of the reg season.

I talked to a guy in OH the other day, and their bow season runs till Feb 5 this yr. THAT would be a true late season and one worth hunting after the pressure dies down.

Didn't even buy my mz license this yr.

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I've had enough, but if we had another weekend I'd be out there.. Give the deer a rest and let them get ready for 6 months of winter. Chances are some shed out bucks would be killed by accident if the season were extended and everyone would bitch next year that there aren't any bucks around.

This is the time of year to hunt the horns without the bucks attached...heck, some of the the most impressive antlers are the hardest to find making them quite the trophies themselves...the little ones.

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A large number of landowners who grant access for the snowmobile trails will not allow that access until after hunting season. The snowmobile clubs will fight any attempt to extend the hunting seasons and further delay the opening of the trail systems.

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I think the seasons are to long as it is. I would rather see a break in the action!!! Have bow season....couple weeks off....Have rifle/shotgun season...couple weeks off Have late bow/muzzle...end of season. We chase those things around for like almost 3 months up north. Really a season after christmas...That would kill all kinds of bucks by guys using either sex tags. I guess if it was bucks only it might work but im sure not in all areas.

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A large number of landowners who grant access for the snowmobile trails will not allow that access until after hunting season. The snowmobile clubs will fight any attempt to extend the hunting seasons and further delay the opening of the trail systems.

Good point.

I noticed some of the local snowmobile

clubs have already put up trail markers.

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I would agree wwith a couple earlier posts. Take a holiday break and then open muzzy up for a couple weeks after the 1st of the year. I've never really seen bucks dropping much before Feb. and even that is early in my parts. I suppose it does happen but normally they hang on to them long enough for a late muzzy season..

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in the north where I live we get two weeks for the ml. One before regular season, one after. And archery starts 9/28, so plenty of time here to hunt. Ml ended here on 12/11. I had an opportunity to head south for the weekend, but I passed and stayed home. So my vote would be another late week here and end the same day as sz ml.

Edited by bubba
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A large number of landowners who grant access for the snowmobile trails will not allow that access until after hunting season. The snowmobile clubs will fight any attempt to extend the hunting seasons and further delay the opening of the trail systems.

I used to consider this too until NYS priced me right out of snowmobiling, now I care more about deer hunting. My sleds never leave the farm now so I can ride them whenever I want.

Seems like most years anymore, at least around my area, the general "snowmobiler" population would be better off if trails opened later anyway. Always seems like we get 2-3" the week after Christmas and there is always some goofball who wants to get his moneys worth out of his new sled and rams around tearing everything up because there's no base. But that's an argument for an entirely different thread I guess. B)

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I hunt with my frontstuffer all gun season so it doesnt matter to me. never needed more than one shot. I think its catching on because Ive talked alot of people into hunting gun with muzzleloader. Very rare anymore to hear a volley of rounds where I hunt though there are still a few machine gunners out there. I finished off a doe last day of gun that someone shot the leg off of. I was cleaning her out and here they come tracking her. They all had muzzleloaders, not a shotgun in the group.

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