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Personality Conflicts


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i still think for the most part everyone here does get along very well... at the end of the day i enjoy being a part of this site. Getting to know some of the guys all through out NY and share what we really have most in common and why we are all here, HUNTING! like i said previously there are a few bad eggs that add spark to the spilt gas BUT thats how it goes.

One thing i have noticed here is that you will RARELY ever if not NEVER change someones out look on something for the most part. I think some guys here take both sides of an outlook and turn it into "well these guys bickering" and its not that at all. if both sides agreed then wheres the DEBATE??

we are all different in a way BUT we all share something far more bonding then a disagreement and the answer is in the title of the website...

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I think the most interesting part of any forum is the personality conflicts... real people saying what they wouldn't say to someones face... it lets some of the weak ones get to say what they feel... it lets stupid ones get in the conversation without being interrupted.

Joe, I think comments like this is what starts the conflict. Like you are looking to argue with someone, not having a discussion. How can you make statements about people you don't even know. Amazing the assumptions you make about people. You know what they say about people who ASSUME?

It wasn't meant to be an attack on anyone or the least bit confrontational.. just a statement of truth not an assumption... don't tell me that you believe there are no weak or stupid people in the world.. who actually never converse because of how some people will view them face to face... here everyone gets a voice... whether you or I like it or not... that is a good thing... you assumed that I was bashing people on the forum when in fact I was making the point that everyone gets a chance to speak here regardless of how you may be perceived by others.. so take your own advice and try not ASSUME what you think someone means based on the way your mind decides to interpret what you think you have read. That is really how the conflicts begin.

Edited by nyantler
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Haven't I read this same thread before? As mods, we aren't here to babysit, and things get taken care of when they get out of hand. Honestly, most of what I do as a mod is to move posts to the correct threads, clean up spam posts and help guys with questions they have about the site, etc. We really don't want to ban, censor and lock threads or tell people they can't disagree with each other. Everyone has a right to their opinion here. If you guys really want to go at each other, do it in a PM, but feel free do disagree and discuss without feeling like the sitter is going to scold you lol.

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In the words of that great American, Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

My gosh people, about once or twice a year we have to get these threads about how terrible it is that members get a bit passionate about their opinions and occasionally step over the line of civility. What the heck is it that has made us so thin-skinned. Do you all think for a minute that just because this forum has a hunting theme that people don't take their opinions very seriously? In many of these discussions, we are talking about the core beliefs that hunters hold. People take their hunting and their views on it very personal. Sure, just like any other mode of communications, people on forums let their emotions show when getting into some of the more thorny discussions. And don't think for a moment that sportsmen and women don't have some very deep-rooted beliefs about issues regarding their outdoor activities (at least I would hope they do). Frankly, I would be more concerned if we didn't. Sometimes it's good to see that hunters, trappers and fishermen can still get a bit passionate about things regarding our activities and the rules that govern them. Maybe some have been beat down so thoroughly that they can't muster a bit of excitement about subjects that should be important to us. That concerns me more than the occasional flare up of tempers.

My ol' buddy Bubba and I get into it when it comes to our B/O arguments, but through it all, there are legitimate points and counterpoints being aired by both. We both feel very strong about our positions and most likely will never change the minds of each other, but like it or not we are both forced to look at the position of the other. And I do believe that it makes others think about the issues also. Certainly more than they would if we just clammed up everytime it looked like things were getting a bit heated. My gosh to listen to some of these replies on this thread , it sounds like you all would like everyone to immediately cease discussion if it looks like there is any chance that it might be a bit controversial and get heated. Is that what we want here .... everyone nodding in false agreement with each other? Frankly, I already know what we agree with each other on. I want to talk about those things where we maybe don't see eye-to-eye. That's where discussions need to take place. And those are the ones most likely to become a bit contentious.

I additionally will say that each and every one of you has the power to control forum content right in your hand. It's called a mouse and it is the mechanism by which you execute your choice to be exposed to some of these disagreements or not. If you really are a fan of censorship, here is the thing that you can easily use to implement it. But you all already know that, don't you?

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It would be cool to have an adult section here, this would weed out the Nancies. Then we could share some even funnier jokes! So pm me if I offend you.

You got that right, Elmer! The great part about this site is that it has very little moderation. You don't have moderators taking sides with one member over another, which will create even more friction in the long run. I would think as hunters we are tough enough to take it, and should also be free to dish it out when we see the need. Anyone who can't handle it, honestly should not bother with these types of forums. I have yet to see any forum where everyone is in love with each other.

Now I could post the Kumbaya video every hour on the hour if it would make some of you softies feel better??? LOL

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As a normal “lurker” and not very often poster, I can see the issues and attacks that occur on this board. Do I condone it? No; Does it make me less likely to post my opinion? Yes. Do I respect the opinions and passion of other on here? Yes.

I watch the site on a regular basis to keep up with the day to day chatter. I’ve even learned a lot about people just by reading their posts. It has been (and I’m sure will continue to be) entertaining and informative… there’s always 2 sides to every story, and everyone has an opinion. The discussions that go on here are also local, and of a topic that I am interested in and actively participate in and therefore in some way or another affect not only me but all of us all.

Because of the anonymity of forums like this one, people may say something important that they might not be bold enough to state publicly, but it can also encourage a sandbox mentality as well. It's just part of what makes this work, and it entails a certain amount of risk.

But it also entails a certain amount of maturity and acceptance of other’s ideas and views.

I am on several bulletin boards for personal and professional reasons. Some require a “full disclosure” (name, location, professional affiliation, etc.) upon registering; this insures that if someone gets out of hand, they can be dealt with. It also insures credibility of the posters. I am also a member of several boards where there is no identification needed; does this cause the board and its members to lose credibility and respect? Only if they hide behind the anonymity of the internet.

Thats what happens when you have literally hundreds of individuals with many different out looks. Every forum is the same... There are always a few bad egss who intentionally stir the pot to create drama. Many threads can go smooth, some do most dont. Nothing any one person can do unless you bite your tounge but sometimes you cant. Sometimes it makes it interesting, you as a member have every right to move on when you see things turn negative...

This is something I learned long ago; it’s something I do today and will continue to do tomorrow.

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You got that right, Elmer! The great part about this site is that it has very little moderation. You don't have moderators taking sides with one member over another, which will create even more friction in the long run. I would think as hunters we are tough enough to take it, and should also be free to dish it out when we see the need. Anyone who can't handle it, honestly should not bother with these types of forums. I have yet to see any forum where everyone is in love with each other.

Now I could post the Kumbaya video every hour on the hour if it would make some of you softies feel better??? LOL

+1! lol

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