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How to break up your silhouette in the stand


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So How do you guys break up your silhouette up in the stand , anyway, Especially when there’s snow on the ground ? I mean , I try to keep as many branches around my climber as possible , but you can’t always do that ; plus , with a ladder , you have to do a lot of trimming anyway to seat it properly . Any other ideas ?

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When possible I pick a branch with plenty of branches to the side, and also am careful not to trim branches on nearby trees too excessively. Be sure the sun isnt highlighting you. I dont worry about the ladder stands...mine are up year round. The stands mean nothing to the deer by themselves, it is the movement in them that gets attention. Other than that...dont goof around with cell phones, etc. be still and watch as far out as you can. I prefer a stand with a rail that holds my rifle up in a semi ready position, so I have to move as little as possible. 

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Lots of good advice given ,but much is land specific. There’s not a pine or hemlock with in miles of my woods, I do,love triple trees ,but they too are rare .

Most of my ladders are in single hardwood trees , sitting still seems to work and in the rut when a buck is after a doe you can get away with almost anything . It took my buddy three shots to hit his buck this year , that buck only cared about where the doe was not the bullets hitting branches around him . Or, joe in a wide open tree for that matter .

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2 hours ago, Daveboone said:

When possible I pick a branch with plenty of branches to the side, and also am careful not to trim branches on nearby trees too excessively. Be sure the sun isnt highlighting you. I dont worry about the ladder stands...mine are up year round. The stands mean nothing to the deer by themselves, it is the movement in them that gets attention. Other than that...dont goof around with cell phones, etc. be still and watch as far out as you can. I prefer a stand with a rail that holds my rifle up in a semi ready position, so I have to move as little as possible. 

Yeah , I agree , they always seem to bust you when you reach for your gun lol. I like to have mine up on the rail too but it’s hard to maintain discipline . Also , it seems that , only after you’ve been sitting for hours , bored , cold and tired without seeing a damn thing do you - all of a sudden - get Some action- but then you can blow it all in a split second ! 

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22 hours ago, rob-c said:

Something I’ve been wanting to do is take branches  from a old fake Christmas tree and use them around a stand . 

Done that and just got another christmas tree to replace the 10 year old ones that are up now

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Really your set up is the most important ,if your sitting in wide open woods ,deer will see you unless your really high, set up in heavier cover where you can hear a deer coming , and when you see it its in range already and your shot is mere seconds away haveing drawn your bow or raised your rifle while it was just a sound coming innyour direction. 

A stand site should not afford you the best view ,but should allow to a oppertunity at a deer that you may see. 

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