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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/12 in Posts
It's a tribal warning... The Kensico is a sacred hunting ground of the FUZZYBUMPER tribe, a tribe of primitive lesbian Amazons. If they catch you there they'll dress you up in leather, engineer boots and a chain drive wallet and lock you up in a mud hut as a love slave.6 points
First coyote bow kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had this dude come out about, an hour before dark. I had to make a nice 41yd shot to get him as he started walking away!!! Nothing wrong with taking out a predator when the opportunity arises.4 points
They have a vacancy. Pygmy knows exactly what he is talking about too. He has been captive their 5 times and his finial freedom didn't occur until the Fuzzubumpers filed a restraining order to keep him away3 points
see here is the thing. I am not in it for the money. I own it I have friends who hunt it with me. My taxes are under 2 grand a year. We have fun, we harvest deer, but mostly it is not about a business thing. It is about a friendship thing. I invite people, especially youth who might not have a good opportunity to hunt otherwise. They bring a parent, and I know where this will go, but usually it is a mom who has no idea about hunting but took a class because her child wanted to. I let them hunt, I teach them and they have fun. I do not need some broker leaser to ruin that for me. 200 a year is more than enough. The smiles on faces and the success we enjoy is enough profit for me. Honestly I did not buy this as an investment. I bought it for friends and family to enjoy. No disrespect, but as a non hunter, I do not think you would understand. Good luck with your investment.2 points
Would be funny if you get abducted and they turn out to be all manly, hairy looking beastly women?2 points
Okay Growie...I'll try to stay on subject...It's just that thinking of Consuela brought back some fond memories <<sigh>>... What a woman...If it were not for her rotten teeth, harelip and that embarassing feminine hygiene problem she would have been darn near perfect. We'd probably still be together if she hadn't run off with that Armenian Bed Pan Technician....2 points
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I just love how he gets a nice, even matching cut on the other side of the pumpkin. LOL Reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield joke. He said that his family was too poor to afford a pumpkin so his mother told him to sit by the window so that only his head was visible on the outside. LOL2 points
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I just choked on my coffee. .....That has to be the funny post of the week!!!2 points
Smear dog poo on it it won't make it go away but you wont want to itch it cause of the smell2 points
No, the only choice in this election is which candidate we think stinks less. That's about it. The people who want to work WILL work no matter who the president is. Those who get handouts will continue to get them. Not like any republican president has ever gotten rid of welfare and neither would Romney.2 points
4 brand new, unopened, Rage 2 Blade 100gr broadheads for $30/Ea TYD. 3pks of Rage 2 Blade 100gr replacement blades for $15/Ea. TYD. 6 never shot (loose) Rage 2 Blade 100gr broadheads. (I'll also throw in 2 used Rage 2 blade broadheads) $50 TYD.1 point
Got another video of the nice broken racked buck working a scrape. Damn shame....1 point
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Dang he looks well fed. Its amazing they can run 30mph cuz lookin at his fat ass if i didnt know anything about bears id say he hed trip over his fupa if he tried running lol1 point
Fcuk the Po-leeeeeece! On a more serious note, NYPD will hire anybody. They are desperate for recruits. Who wants to walk the ghettos of NYC for $35K/year?1 point
They are saying that more of the models are coming together and showing it hitting us tues weds. Fun times as long as it is over by the weekend so we can get out hunting.1 point
Maybe it had something to do with you sitting in the treestand that was set up next to it with your bow .....lol.1 point
I think this is the effect his mother was trying to get by telling him to sit by the window.1 point
I'm in my 60s and have spent a lifetime outdoors and never got it..Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe it doesn't affect me. Of course there was that time down in Tijuana when I met that nice senorita (Consuela) and...uh...er...never mind...1 point
If this storm takes the right path, we all may be effected by it, even those of us in WNY. Hopefully it stays off the coast1 point
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Im not superstitious. All that bad luck juju nonsense means nada to me.1 point
If any of you think democracy is going to save you, perhaps consider mental health care: democracy is demagoguery, or using pleasant and/or scary images to browbeat the population into reacting in knee-jerk ways. Really? You all agree with this statement? And, don't mistake 'not arguing with the post' for agreeing with it. Certain posts from certain posters are better ignored than acknowledged.1 point
I throw my phone in a metal coffee can I attached to my stand and put it on vibrate. When someone calls, deer come running because they think a feeder is going off,lol.1 point
Hehehehehe...Brings back memories..A few years ago when my wife and I separated, I lived in an older mobile home in the woods for a year or so.. I set mouse traps and kept a talley of my catch on a sheet of paper taped to my refrigerator. When I moved out, my score was up to 46.1 point
Ohh please don't try to insinuate that that is a ticketing offense...because you are dead wrong...believe you me!....I know that law inside and out and you can sit in a stand in BO...grunting away...with a loaded weapon what ever you want next to a persons house you have no right to hunt next to....but it is ALL perfectly legal UNTIL you fire your weapon What is illegal is to fire a weapon with in 500 ft of a dwelling you don't have permission to hunt near1 point
Well, seeing as its illegal to shoot a deer with buckshot in NY, you be illegally hunting deer with that setup, time of day wouldnt matter. If a DEC officer encounters someone with a shotty loaded with buckshot, it probably IS someone predator hunting.1 point
Put peanut butter on a mouse trap . If he get the PB and doesn't spring the trap , his tongue will no doubt stick to the roof of his mouth and he will die of starvation ..........1 point
safety harnesses, will either kill ya or save ya...they say suspension trauma is not a bad way to go, you just kinda fall a sleep and your friends find you there hangin like a side o beef.1 point
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I did find a bullet hole through my Obama/Biden election sign at the cabin. Doe and Steve could ya fix that for me this weekend. Steve remind Doe to flush, he aint at his camp!1 point
It would be a good idea to let the area calm down. With the rut around the corner, you will want the does to feel comfortable there. Even if there are no big bucks there now, once they start cruising for does, they might come from a few miles and if the does are around the bucks will find them! The bucks will be unpredictable during the rut, so a trailcam won't be much help.You noticed a decrease in daytime activity around a good food source. So it looks like they've patterned you. They'll either avoid the area or visit in the dark. Good luck and keep the ladies(does) happy!1 point
Interesting stuff. I never used a scent and probably never will. I feel the negatives of introducing a new scent into the woods outweighs the positives of getting a buck to come in.1 point
All I've seen the last 4 times I've been out is squirrels. Missed a doe a week ago with the muzzeloader and haven't seen one since. I take whatever walks in front of me because you can't eat horns. I hunt to fill my freezer, not to decorate the wall. If I get that chance, great. If not, I still have meat in the freezer. And I'll need that espeically w/ the new baby coming1 point
Back on topic......... I killed a doe yesterday. 15 yards, coming to grab one of the last apples on the ground from the tree. East wind dictated using one of my favorite stands. East wind and a little drizzle.........works almost every time! Spent a few hours taking care of business due to the warm temps. Hang, skin, run to town for a couple bags of frozen water, quarter, bone, bag (2.5gal ZipLocks) put on ice in cooler, clean up, wash up, change, drop off hide at friends, dispose of parts, beat feet for home.1 point
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looks big enough to make a nice rug out of smoke that critter! Very hard to judge the size of a bear even from a still shot. Keep us posted on your progress!1 point
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In the clover and wheat. Last pic was a turkey roosting 20 yds. in front of me. On fly down, nearly hit my ladder stand on Oct. 16th.Haven't seen one since. Season opened the 20th here, go figure1 point
Its amazing to see the amount of responses these deer baiting threads get, especially here in NY where the law is cut n dry, baiting is not allowed. That being said it amazes me how you will never hear a single poster say hes a baiter but it seems everyone hates them and would like to see them hung and its only a few bad apples or a very small percentage of the NY hunter population that would do this. Then i wonder why the local Tractor Supply and Agway cant keep enough 50 lbs bags of corn on the shelves this time of year and how sales drop off dramatically after the holidays??? Is it just that the local livestock gets hungrier in the fall?? Funny the month of May seems to have an effect on the local livestocks appetite also??1 point
i shut mine off.Well try.My wife likes to text me.I usually just ignore them.Only get 2 months to hunt.leave me alone.1 point
Pre- Rut maybe, people kill me every year its the same thing, Its gonna be an early rut, Granted a few deer will be coming into heat here and there, But the Rut ( by that im assuming the chase phase) Isnt really gonna kick in until around halloween and then it will be another few days to a week before its full blown, Then around 28 days later the secound rut will come in, Mostly the activity you are seeing is normal interaction between a very social group of animals, Think like this guys you enjoy the way a women smells right, well Guess what so dont bucks, Just saying, Ive spent countless hours watching deer over the last ten years or so even in the middle of summer you will see deer following each other around, But for those who dont watch always assume that the rut is on when bow season opens normally Oct. 15th , Some guys on here have been bowhunting longer than ive been alive and out of all them years how many of you have you seen the rut ( by that i mean the chase phase )start before halloween, And how many times. I really need to know? Im part of an achery club and we have 100 or so members out witch i know almost all of them, Out of all of them only a small few are not hunters, And after talking to them most will say that maybe once or twice in the last 30 or so years has the rut ever been actually early,1 point
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