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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/16 in Posts

  1. almost everyone on this site has gotten ripped at one time or another.........don't let it get to you.
    5 points
  2. Can't be very many guys that wear an ugly striped outfit like that one guy has in the picture ! He should be arrested for wearing something like that !
    5 points
  3. went out for a run last night before leaving for the shot show today. Dog ran one through this neat old culvert under the genesee Greenaway. Been hunting "near" the Greenaway for years and never saw it. I like finding cool old things out in the woods. It's been there for at least 60 of not near 100 years old. Still strong enough to hold a truck at least. Not that I'd know from personal experience. Dog treed the coon in a brush pile right on the other side. Saw some eyes real quick before the dog found his east into it. Bet he was 30' in there.
    3 points
  4. The question is, why wasn't help sent, to these people who were pleading for it? There were assets well within striking distance and even a drone flying over the area. So who decided not to send help and why?? Was it the Republicans? who said "no we're not spending money to save them" was it Dick Chaney? was it Bush? Was it Reagan's ghost? We all know that the current administration and Hilary had absolutely no control over sending help, so who decided to pull the plug on it?? I bet Halliburton was in on it LOL!! …….What a F'ing joke and what an absolute F'ing disgrace.
    3 points
  5. Rather see real economic activity when we used to produce and sell goods....steel, cars, furniture. Now it's stuff like Gambling and kicking someones arse in a cage that produces something?? This stuff is considered main stream but if you shoot a target with a rifle, you are scum. Gotta be kiddin' me.. Maybe I'd better sign up for yoga, meditation, and charm school and settle down..
    3 points
  6. Fitz is a hall of fame player, on and off the field. No show boating, just play the game at the highest level. Even this late in his career. More NFL players should play the game like he does!
    3 points
  7. They are rare, and rarely seen in NY. Most of the reports of goldens are immature balds. They all breed in Canada and move through migrating. A small number winter at high elevations on the Appalachian plateau. I wrote an article on them that appeared in the NYS Conservationist in December 2014. You can find that on the DEC site if you search. One reason I keep harping on non-lead ammo is because one of our birds died after feeding at a pile of feral pigs that were killed with lead ammo. BTW - The bird that was caught Thursday returned to the same site to feed Friday and Saturday. We never had that happen before.
    3 points
  8. First Fox squirrel! I've been dreaming of getting one since I first heard about them, as a kid. I can't believe how big it is. Got him with my Grandpa's old Winchester model 12. This one's going on the wall, next to the big Grey & the Black. Stoked!!! Sorry pics are upside down.
    3 points
  9. I saw a special screening last night. Thank God we have brave American Soldiers like the men that fought that night. It's a shame that we have leaders like Obama and Clinton. I hope the thought of this night haunts them the rest of their lives. RIP Tyrone Woods Glenn Doherty Ambassador Chris Stevens Sean Smith Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. Very nice crossbow. Now, I just have to put it together. I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do with it yet, since I've always used the compound...........
    2 points
  11. Hillary probably thinks the movie is 13 hours long.
    2 points
  12. My sister sent me this video link of the Benedict Buck. The photographer was able to get some footage of this giant roaming around. https://www.facebook.com/kevinkeenanphotography/videos/vb.584029611723056/795639320562083/?type=2&theater
    2 points
  13. Corrupt pieces of filth, who make decisions based solely on their own personal and/or political agendas are often mistaken as Idiots.
    2 points
  14. It turned out to be a decent game…As good as he is, I just can't like Cam Newton….he's just too into himself.
    2 points
  15. I would think deep snow would be a problem for beagles hunting snow shoe rabbits. They have short legs and the rabbits have "snow shoes". No?
    2 points
  16. Of course but you said tail so we assumed you meant the whole tail which is bone. I assumed
    2 points
  17. Today's check yielded 5 rats 1 mink then a fox waiting home on my back 30 .. he had some mange on his tail so I cut it off and am gonna skin him later ... 18 red fox 1 gray 6 yotes 49 rats 4 mink 8 coon Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  18. Sad part expresso is that even if it was filmed when happening, you would still question it and support the perpetrators. To me that makes asll your statements very biased. What flavor is the koolaid this month? But you never miss a chance to undermine for sure
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. No part of the UNSAFE act has been defunded. Every year, they pass it. The lack of planning and passing the law overnight is why the ammo checks as well as the handgun permit recertification have not gotten off the ground 3 years later. Message of necessity yeah right. From a friend of mine who is an assemblyman, this year will be the push for repeal, as they have the leverage now with the lack of implementation. That is why you are seeing articles like this as well as 3 years later news stories. The ducks are coming into order.
    2 points
  21. I don't know how I would feel about someone hunting with hounds on the night before in an area that I was going to try to deer hunt the next day. I think I would be against it. Personally, I try to minimize my own intrusions into a bucks stomping grounds, and do all I can to make him think he's got the whole area to himself. Is that necessary? ..... I don't know. It is just one of those things that seems to make some sense given the mindset of adult bucks. I'm sure a guy could come to my house with a copy of this study, and I still would refuse permission for him to run his hounds through a sanctuary that I had been so fussy about avoiding myself.
    2 points
  22. Knew of the one in Livingston and it the picture is impressive to see it does so much more. I also know a 8s near 160 just in the past few years- hard to image 13-14. Feet of antler w just 8 points. Most of the guys with Giants- don't put them in the books or anywhere (online, NYON)... Too many wanna be pros want to hunt where the big buck was and not is Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. I might do a night in my little hut where I deer hunt this winter , wanted to awhile now. As far as campgrounds , I've backpacked in several western states , hunted out of wall tents in Montana with deep snow and lows into the single digits , canoed in places like the Yukon and had great fun in NYS campgrounds too! We'd go with several families , the kids could just take off for the day on their bikes , no TV no practices , just be kids. We'd have kickball games, It's where my kids learned to canoe , fish , build a fire . We'd make up games around the fire and often other sites would come over and join in. It's not roughing but it's way fun. A winter week end in Letchworths cabins would be fun.
    2 points
  24. lets all get together and do a huge winter camping trip lol
    2 points
  25. I appreciate the apology Cruz put forth yesterday: "Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and [New York Gov.] Andrew Cuomo and [New York City Mayor] Bill de Blasio have all demanded an apology, and I'm happy to apologize," he said. "I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers who have been let down by the liberal politicians in that state."
    2 points
  26. This is the old NYS #1 (before Charlie York's buck) shot in 1930 by Jere Keeler in Ulster County gross 168-3 net 162-5
    2 points
  27. My god that guy is missing his face also! Great deer!!!
    2 points
  28. Gald you are ok and it wasn't permanently debilitating. The guys that do work details with me for my ATV club smirk and make comments when I tell them I don't want anyone going out and doing trail work with power equipment by themselves just for that reason. I've seen way too many people do stupid things with chainsaws and those electric bush trimmers. Last thing anyone wants is to get hurt alone out in the woods 15 miles from the nearest bit of civilization...
    1 point
  29. Ok guys seems Bill is doing a very nice thing trying to pass along info. Hope everyone is appreciative. Many years ago turkey knowledge was hard to get, even guarded., I'm wondering what kind of calls you all use and if you undrstand conditioning pots? How to get the two note yekp from a pot or box? How many know to not pick up lid or striker? How bout scratch boxes, cane calls or other yelpers? Understanding why/how calls work can add to sucess and enjoyment using them. Obviously we need to understand the best calling done at the wrong time is useless or worse. To add to Bill's generous offer if anyone needs help with calls, calling or where to get good ones for a reasonable price (not the stores btw) let me know. You all can pick an afternoon or I can help my best through here
    1 point
  30. some more than others....Biz[emoji57] but in all honesty it's all in good natured fun. I wouldn't take it personallyYou Can't Beat My Meat!
    1 point
  31. My Panthers are really giving it to the Seahags! Cat scratch fever baby! Whoo hoo!
    1 point
  32. hmmm, new, longer growth you say?............. that gives me an idea.
    1 point
  33. Bubba: Posted 14 January 2016 - 07:01 PM "Ruined is sduch a strong word. So the guy strolled in and moved birds out. If that is all it takes to RUIN your hunt, then you do not know what a hunt is about. Granted, I would have been disappointed, but In would have been thankful I had the time out in the woods." Bubba: Posted 15 January 2016 - 05:04 PM "So all you had is a typo? Not hot air at all, it is reality. A hunt is ruined by a guy walking onto you public land is quite simply whining. If that ruins your wholehunt,that just shows the superficial side of you. Buy a big chunk of your own land to avoid the dramatic ruination of your whole outing" I'm not looking to Piss in your Wheaties Bill, but I'm not seeing where Bubba did anything wrong, that could possibly warrant you wanting to leave the site. He posted his opinion, which you didn't agree with. In your response, you chose to rip on him about a grammatical error. Following that, Bubba still didn't sink to that level, but simply posted another comment showing his personal opinions. The little bit that he snapped at you was justified, in my mind. Not sure why you got so upset. Don't dish it, if you can't take it.
    1 point
  34. Time to get after our representatives and let them know it is time.
    1 point
  35. A few years ago three of us and 2 dogs went into a 5 acre swamp (in brush so thick visibility in most places is under 15 feet.) We hunted this swamp chasing rabbits, pheasants and grouse for over an hour. There was quite a lot of shooting/laughing/talking as we walked out of it with 3 rabbits and 4 pheasants. As we exited and started to walk out the dogs jumped another rabbit who sought safety in the tangled morass we had just left. The dogs ran the rabbit around that swamp for 10 more minutes. It was after all this disturbance/ barking/ shooting. that we saw 5 does sneeking away and discretely exiting the swamp using a scrubby swale as a path taking them to another brush-lot on the property. While anecdotal that convinced me that the deer somehow knew we were small game hunting and that dogs, guns and laughter didn’t bother then in the least, if they think they are not the target of the disturbance.They did not want to leave the swamp but we finally disturbed them enough to slowly, without panic, move 300 yards away. After that I have no problem when a hunter asks to run their dogs for coons or coyote on my property. (Most don’t because I 88 is real close.).
    1 point
  36. The Mermaid and I are going to a matinee to see it Tuesday..After the show we're going to Red Lobster to spend a gift card that we received for Xmas..
    1 point
  37. i think you're at the point where it's better for the Chiefs if he decides to stick around and muddy the waters in Denver. But I'm thinking Elway cuts him loose
    1 point
  38. I doubt it will be entered as he is deceased. None of his deer were entered to my knowledge and I believe he had around 8 to 10 deer over 140, with most in the 40 to 60 range. Do know he had one over 170.He is deceased after some life events spiraled pretty quickly. I wont talk ill of him personally but I will say he was a textbook example of when chasing antlers becomes too important in life.
    1 point
  39. Good response…..good answer. ...right up there with "OH YEAH??!!"
    1 point
  40. Banned in 1997,amateur bouts allowed not professional... CUOMO must be getting low on personal funds...lol
    1 point
  41. Onside kick and that's the game. KC gets to go home.
    1 point
  42. Another valuable use for a trail cam. Too bad there isn't a legal season where one could use an old bear trap. Really sucks. I had a trail cam taken. Card, mount and all. I use python bike locks now.
    1 point
  43. I loved this show in the 70's. Looked forward to it every week! http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/15/entertainment/dan-haggerty-grizzly-adams-dead-feat/index.html
    1 point
  44. Expressobuzz. You should go see the movie and then come back and give me your opinion who should be held responsible for allowing Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith to be left so vulnerable. Furthermore, who should be held responsible for the rest of those Americans that were left to be slaughtered. In my opinion it was the responsibility of the President and Secretary of State. That being said. I don't want this thread to turn into debate on who's worse, Bush or Obama. That would be a political discussion. Instead, I would prefer to talk about how BAD ASS tough these guys are. And how lucky we are to have men like this in America. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  45. Enough already with the apologies and "I misunderstood" and blah blah blah and back to the main question ..... Do Hawks taste like chicken or not ??? LOL
    1 point
  46. Yup, they run a huge circle and usually come back to right where they started. Cottontails usually don't run to far away like snow shoe
    1 point
  47. I never said hunting a hawk, I said OUT HUNTING a hawk. The last couple times I've been out there a hawk has taken two rabbits I was about to shoot at... so my reference is to beat the hawk this time out. Perhaps before you get all up in arms you may want to actually read instead of jumping to conclusions.
    1 point
  48. So many good hunters don't share their successes or belong to clubs or contests Thanks for the pic J Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
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