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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/16 in Posts

  1. I keep saying that when we no longer have Jenny (our Lab) we won't get another dog. It's been almost 30 years straight with my dogs and I don't know if I have the patients in me for training another and all the other things that go with dog ownership. Then tonight I'm out front with Jenny and she is doing her business one last time for the evening. It was dark and Jenny was standing right out by the road, staring at a shadowy figure on the other sidewalk. I could see what looked to be a small dog, maybe a puppy. It was white-ish colored and had an arrow straight tail. The handler and dog were staring back at Jenny........I spoke loudly, "hello, is that a lab puppy?" the person across the street said "no, a golden retriever puppy". I said "come on over!!" Almost 13 year old Jenny played with 9 week old "River" for 15 minutes! The lady walking the pup was real nice. I asked if she'd mind if I grabbed my wife from inside to come out and see the new pooch, she of course had no problem with that. My wife is (was) dead set against another dog but that may have changed tonight! What a beautiful looking dog, real light colored, BIG paws, great head and tail. The two dogs were great together. We look forward to seeing River again.
    7 points
  2. One of the few wht. pines we have on the place...We saved it from the goats with a fence for years....It was a great tree to sit under in the summer and read.... Deer loved to bed under it...but it was already mature when we moved here 22years ago and had a 3 part trunk...the wind took out one then another a few years ago and that gave way to insects then disease......Mr B really was hoping that orange in the needles would magically disappear...I knew better and dropped her while he was gone.... Funny how we can become attached to the plants/trees that grow around us. He noticed right away..." So Paulette Bunyan...I see you dropped it while I was away"....It had NO Sap in it and was extremely light to haul away, he wants the big chunks for bomb fires so I chunked it up and the rest went to the fences.
    4 points
  3. I think that you will find that people of that area have resigned themselves to commuting longer distances than many will accept. Rental housing situations across that entire area are far different than in metropolitan and suburban areas of higher population density. And so rental searches usually have to take in a lot larger area than just one small village.
    4 points
  4. Had this a couple days ago .. If you see it grab a few. It's excellent
    3 points
  5. My luck in seeing a bear sucks so bad I can't even open your video on iPhone. ! I wouldn't shoot one myself Takes me an hour to get deer out , don't want a rug , not a fan of tricinosis , meat yield poor and not getting mounted. Not against others shooting one its just not for me. Rather have someone else see it after I let it walk. Congrats on your first bear on cam. Grrrr lol.
    3 points
  6. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes!I have had a great day at work installing fence around a swimming pool while the homeowner swam and enjoyed the pool with their children.Now is my time a few cold Bud's Bacon swiss burgers on the grill and just relax after a 60 hour week.
    3 points
  7. Marching band having a bottle and can drive, always willing to help today's youth .
    3 points
  8. The wife took me to lunch,bought me some nice gifts and is now cooking me a nice dinner. But when I said that I was going out on the porch for a birthday cigar, she got pissed…… Fine ….Still a good day…LOL!!
    2 points
  9. Against a wall, yes. Against putting a stop to illegals and protecting the border, no! Why is it people who mock the wall seem to be for porous borders, illegal immigrants and weak national security? I never hear any of them offering any solution to the problem. I do hear them mocking people who do want solutions to the problem though.
    2 points
  10. A wall will not be practical, cost effective or a real solution to the problem, but at least it is being proposed by people who want to find a solution to the problem. The people against the wall want to perpetuate the problem even further. Maybe the solution is getting tougher on people who are supporting illegal immigration.
    2 points
  11. Don't do it Elmo! Reading this thread has me drinking some great beers. But, eventually you will buy a girly glass to drink those good beers from. Or, when it comes to a glass, you will ruin the beer by putting it in a Jets glass.
    2 points
  12. That's looks and sounds good. Must try. Problem is I'm not seeing a lot of these beers. I guess I need to get out and explore more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. They were in Walmart yesterday in North Tonawanda just as you entered store there was big display of different ones to buy.
    2 points
  14. Sometimes...you just have to laugh...
    2 points
  15. Oh it's getting done!! The 2 four pound beef roasts all dusted up and the shorties not dusted yet Now the shorties dusted Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. I don't know your financial situation, nor is it my business, but it might be worth it to look into buying a small house in Naples yourself and renting it to your son. Then when he's ready to move on you have an income property. It also depends on the real estate and rental markets whether or not it could be profitable. Just an option to consider.
    2 points
  17. He was willing to give up his career and face prosecution over his objections to the Vietnam war. He was one of the first people who got me to question the conventional wisdom about Vietnam. Rest in Peace.
    2 points
  18. Had this bunch of long beards spend the winter out in back of my place a few years ago, the wife would clear a little patch of snow on the ground and put out some corn for them and they would come down off the hill and eat it every day. Al
    2 points
  19. I started waging war on the ones around my garden after they ate 17 of the 18 tomato plants we set outb last week. The one that was left had the main stem nipped off so it was a loss too. Shot one 3 evenings ago just 30yds from the kitchen sliding door & missed one down by the garden (about 70yds) the next day trying a shot W/O a rest. Here is my 200yd rig. A 5rmm RF Magnum converted to CF using a Shroeder bolt head & cases. Shoots 33gr V-Max bullets @ 2450 fps. Sighted in 2 1/2" high @ 100yds, it is zeroed @ 185yds & about 1 1/4" low @ 200yds. 1/2" 5-shot groups @ 100yds Groups open up to just over 1" @ 200yds Same energy @ 185yds as a 17 HMR has @ the muzzle & costs me about $15 to load 100rds. I use 6.8gr of Alliant 2400 so I get 1000 loads from a pound of powder. Cartridges are loaded to .015 off the lands so the 33gr V-Max bullets won't function through the magazine, but Shroeder 40gr FMJ RN bullets will feed 3 rounds through the detachable box magazine.
    2 points
  20. Doc I m like you went from the corp world to retirement and never looked back. Started my own little archery shop and had it running for about 12 years, then wife asked me to close down so we did not have all the traffic at odd hours at the house. Now it still is a great place to live, have my own 32 target 3D course setup on 5 acres of land. Have one or two buddies that I shoot weekly with. Love to fish in the local ponds. Life is good for me at 75. Most of all still the best wife in the world who put up with this old fool. Great kids and now grand kids.
    2 points
  21. I saw the light back in 2003, and as much as I imagined that life would become very sedate and calm, with all the time in the world now available to me, what I found out was that I am now busier than anytime involving my career (even with massive hours of overtime). I have seen people who were ill-prepared for retirement, and felt lost by what they perceive as "lost purpose". There is as much preparation along the mental sides of retirement as there is for the financial side. Often we spend so much of our lives and involvement at work that we don't know how to handle freedom. It took a while for me to "re-make" myself, but when I actually did it, I learned that there really is life outside the corporations; Life that is customized to serving myself rather than corporate demands. And believe it or not, there really is more fulfilling activities than just pleasing a boss.
    2 points
  22. Long trail limbo ipa. Left ebc.... waitress sucked but food was good.
    2 points
  23. few different ways i do it. I steep it in the crock pot with Brown's Cherry Raz ale beer (beer that's just as it sounds) then I mix it in with a smoky brown sugar variety bbq sauce after you pull it. little goes a long way. I've used other bbq dry rubs and let it sit in the fridge a while first then use a more of a hoppy beer (I've used Sam Adams Noble Pilsner). then I've also made it with Bud Light Lime-a-rita and dinosaur bbq wango tango habanero bbq. also add some dry heat (seasoning) to it. the bbq sauce isn't really that hot. all of them came out good. hard to screw up beer bbq and venison.
    2 points
  24. St caberlicuos was good. Its aged in white wine barrels. 9% abv. They had a 219 series that was a collaboration with hamburg brewery. No pantius dropus....
    2 points
  25. This thread has been bad for me. Got me drinking fancy beer from a fancy glass now. LOL Spent the morning looking at a house and a trailer. Will be putting a bid on the trailer. Spent the afternoon painting the g/f's parents guest room. Now just relaxing with a Long Trail Double Bag.
    2 points
  26. Papist ---- Don't turn this into a Political / Racist thread !
    2 points
  27. First solo trip on the river today. Between locks 9 and 10. One of my favorite stretches . Saw a mink up close but he scooted before I could get a pic. The launching and landing of the bassboat can be a pain by myself. But it went pretty good today. Oh yeah.....caught six smallmouth. The biggest about three and a half pounds.
    1 point
  28. Where I live is a Chipmunk metropolis, they are all over the place and in to everything, my sheds, my vehicles, my lawn equipment, farm tractor, the wife's flower gardens and even in the house sometimes. When you have dogs as do I and especially an Airedale, they are unrelentingly after them wherever they go. I ain't got time to tell of the damage caused around here by the chipmunks and also by the dogs trying to get at them. Anyhow I set myself up with a rig especially for sitting on the front porch and knocking off any Chipmunk that shows itself. A Taurus model 62 22 pump patterned after the old Winchester gallery guns which I can remember shooting at the midway in Sylvan Beach when I was a kid. I made a couple of mods to help with my old eyes, a truglo front sight and a dovetail mounted Skinner peep. Has been working pretty fair so far, I have picked off a dozen or so this week and there are still plenty more from where they came from to go. Al My Taurus
    1 point
  29. Not too shabby! Happy Birthday.......................
    1 point
  30. But where in the video does he offer a solution to illegals and an open border? Besides 2012 was almost 5 years ago now. Where's his outrage today? I say they don't care because all they are doing is criticizing a wall, yet offer no real solutions to a wall. There are solutions, like deportation, cutting off freebies totally, arrest, incarceration and huge fines for employers of illegals. Nobody in the videos, or in public for that matter, is standing up for any of that.
    1 point
  31. The Democrats mock the wall, yet support illegal immigration, and all the freebies that they can supply to illegals as well. They're offering no solutions to illegal immigration at all. They want more of it. I watched all of your videos, twice, but I didn't see a single alternative offered that would be a real solution. Perhaps you could point out the real solution offered by anyone in the videos. I must've missed it. I don't get the impression anyone in the videos is really concerned about illegals, sealing our border or American national security at all.
    1 point
  32. What are you judging for on your potatoes? Yield, biggest, appearance? What variety? Feed them nitrogen up until the blossom's fall off them, after that they like potassium. Trust me speaking from lots of experience.
    1 point
  33. Just look for some premiere bottle shops in your area. Ones that sell individual 12 ounce bottles/cans are always nice to try a certain kind or style.
    1 point
  34. Cheshire is another one that waySent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. South...you have Atlanta North Cohocton,Cohocton,the Far edge of Springwater, Avoca, Wheeler. It's very difficult with minimal info(which I understand) Also you need to consider 2 lane roads and winter commutes. Our son got his house when he was 21...5 acres,2 garages pond.vinyl siding, over 3,000 sq ft 2bath 4 BR....36 thousand...bank sale...He had it payed off by the time he was 25...yes needs work do to being an old farm house...but NO MORTGAGE ans low taxes...That is security. Just something to think about...especially with rents costing what they do.
    1 point
  36. Meant did you buy it at Premiere Gourmet ? lol FYI Sixpointe Puff IPA is new and supposed to rival Heady Topper so keep your eyes out
    1 point
  37. Trial, never saw that one either . I'm losing my beer acknowledgement touch Love ET's beer too
    1 point
  38. Well said ! Pressure from ml booms will make them go nocturnal .And then will have to wait till this time next year to do this all over again . Crossbow full inclusion is best way in my opinion! Time is running out
    1 point
  39. I'll tell ya if you have a rutty buck...it's a great way to cook out that taste/smell...though my kitchen stank for hours and you definitely want to discard the soup water or beer broth you cooked it in.
    1 point
  40. Saving them to cook over a nice wood fire!
    1 point
  41. I'm a boxing fan. Inside the ring he was arguably "The Greatest". Outside the ring, I did not agree with most of his views. I can respect someone professionaly and at the same time think less of them personally.
    1 point
  42. Yup...He was a helluva boxer.... I'll leave it at that... There is nothing else good I can say about him...
    1 point
  43. I 've done the venison roast in the crock pot, I believe I got the recipe from someone on this site? I slice an onion and place it on the bottom of the crock pot. take the roast and do a dry rub (I use Dine BBQ dry rub) Place in crock pot and add water to just cover, set on high for 8 hours. I pull the roast drain most of the liquid, pull the roast apart place back in crock pot and add Sweet baby Ray's sweet and Spicy. goes great on rolls I add Bread and Butter pickles in lieu of slaw.
    1 point
  44. Although this will be of no use for you First-light....I like to can it and make it that way...more work on the front end, but easy on the back end as it just needs to be warmed up in a skillet with whatever bbq sauce that you like. Takes all of 5 minutes. +3 on the slaw....
    1 point
  45. Love me some Bocce club pizza !! Gotta love the pepperoni that cup and hold little pockets of grease.
    1 point
  46. Done. Got a feeling that decisions have already been made on deer management and my survey will be tossed, but thought I'd give it a try.
    1 point
  47. Look on the bright side You're somewhere between my daughter and her boyfriend ......
    1 point
  48. alright we've got some action!
    1 point
  49. My mom lives on Park Club, there are some monster bucks over there. She's sent me pics of turkeys in her parking lot too
    1 point
  50. BOWGUY = Jack O'Connor G-MAN = Elmer Keith .......<<GRIN>>......
    1 point
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