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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/20 in Posts

  1. Hopefully this big boy hangs around and offers me a chance at him.
    19 points
  2. One for the hit list! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  3. Thank you guys. The Mrs and I took a spin through Letchworth yesterday. Had lunch at the Glen Iris then did a couple walks. Saw three Bald Eagles and enjoyed the heck out of the place. Each trip there is amazing.
    9 points
  4. The smallmouth bite was a bit off on the upper Niagara river this morning. I think the musky were spooking them out of my favorite drift. We broke off a big musky and landed this 40ish inch one. Just 3 keeper smallies (14,16,17 in), and 4 shorts.
    8 points
  5. Big six point. I always like big 6’s. He was slightly smaller last year. Three year old.
    7 points
  6. I'm still in shock about her death. I didn't tell you guys that she would help me butcher my deer I brought home from the Finger Lakes when I was 20 something. This was on Long Island! For a few years we would bring them down and skin them quarter and into the kitchen they went. Mom would run the grinder. She was the best! xxoo
    6 points
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  8. I wouldn’t even have tried that shot with the fake hand
    5 points
  9. Took Miss Piggy off the pit around 2:45. Let her rest 30min, then started serving. 45 min later.....
    5 points
  10. Lobster & Shrimp ravioli, sautéed in butter, parmesan cheese, Old Bay, minced onion, parsley, chives, and a sprinkle of bread crumb.
    4 points
  11. Hunters are a funny bunch. We've been hearing for a good many years now that hunter numbers are dwindling and that we need to bring new hunters to the ranks. Yet when someone mentions that there may possibly be more hunters in the woods this year everyone is getting nervous. It's like yeah we need more hunters as long as they stay at least 2 miles away from my spot.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Unfortunately for the good ones the landowners have heard every story in the book from the bad ones.
    4 points
  14. Holy crap, I have been away too long (not easy being the ac guy in this weather)...so much to catch up on in one thread. Where can I find Rattler’s “I’m taking my ball and my bat and going home” post? Leeland left AGAIN?!? When he comes back what do you think his name will be? Who will be the first to realize its him? Is he now approaching Stormy status? I liked him even though our political views were diametrically opposed. I am all for immigration - LEGAL immigration. My grandparents and parents both came here “on the boat”. Everyone on this sight, if they go back far enough, has someone that came over, unless they are a Native American. I would love to see the immigrants that come here, LEGALLY, do the same thing my parents did, namely: become citizens, speak ENGLISH, pay taxes! Oh, and stop with all this home country flag waiving nonsense, if your country was so great, go back. But, if you come to MY country, love it or LEAVE it! Does anyone realize that you get shot on sight for illegally entering some countries around the world? Sneaking into this country does not make you a citizen anymore than breaking into a house makes you part of the family.
    4 points
  15. Went for a ride today with my little brother. Never seen so many rocks and logs in a bike trail. Technical but really nice trails. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  16. I started working on this plot today. The first step was Bush-hogging the buckwheat and sweetcorn that was holding the spot. I picked about 2 dozen ears of sweetcorn from that patch today. We got about 3 more dozen off it earlier. The coons got at least that much, but I got 3-1/2 of them. I count the one as 1/2, because it escaped with one of my Duke dog-proof traps. Most likely it was "freed" by a coyote because I don't think any coon would be strong enough to shear a no 10 grade 5 bolt. I saw a big coyote run out of the corn one day while I was checking traps. At least they did not dig up any of the coon carcasses this year so far. After Bush-hogging, I went over the plot a couple times with a serrated blade disk. I will hit it once more with that, after a good rain. Hopefully, I will get it planted in early September.
    3 points
  17. You should have told tacks ,he could have brought the academy's mobile bow shop , he could have cut your arrows right in the hotel room .
    3 points
  18. no big bucks like some of you folks sure have but a 6-7 point is a shooter from my treestand. A curious doe and yes I will pass on the fawns. No big boys on cam yet but they were only out a week and only did three close by.
    3 points
  19. We’re addicted to grilled Mexican street corn. With Costanzas French onion soup sausages tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  20. Sighted in with field points on the new arrows yesterday, today was broadhead tuning day seems to have went well. Went with the muzzy one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Finished nailing down the roof sheathing, and finished the wall sheathing. Now I can start the door and start painting it. Will have to wait till next weekend though as the wife and I are going to Pa camping for a few days. Man it's nice being retired! Just another Saturday!
    2 points
  22. Last night. Local brew. Also some tilted barn (no pics). Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. I love watching train wrecks...
    2 points
  24. Another thank you to@turkeyfeathers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  25. That is a sure way to stop trespassers. Signs do just two things: nothing and sh1t. Sometimes someone else can do the dirty work for you. I depend on a highly motivated neighbor for that over at my folks place. Over there, we were plagued by trespassers, and piss-poor hunting, in spite of posted signs, until an energetic guy bought the over-grown field that provided the easy access from the trailer park. Since he laid down the law, it has almost been like hunting a high-fence game preserve. I have not scene a trespassers in 3 years. Prior to that, it was rare to complete a hunt without seeing at least one. My family has paid the taxes on that land for almost a hundred years, but I have acquired more venison on it in the last 3 years than the total of the previous 97. That included big-bodied mature bucks on 2 of the last 3 years. My biggest buck over there prior was a scrawny 1.5 year old 4-point.
    2 points
  26. How in the world is that statement “racist and offensive”?
    2 points
  27. I have three of these cams. For the price can't beat them. They don't take great night pics but I'm not looking to frame pics just want to know what's out there. If you got does you'll have bucks...build it they will come... And trail cams sure help get you ramped for the season!
    2 points
  28. Homemade biscuits and gravy??? Nice job Mrs. Plav!
    2 points
  29. 0-4 today...lovely! He did come home and insist on cage time so that’s about all I can ask (especially when Mama Crappy was on baseball duty today!) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. Don’t be cheap with the cheese! Looks good though, they are great
    2 points
  31. First melon, I let one go bad didn't realize it was wipe. Yes it is suppose to be yellow. Shishito peppers are from one limb that got to heavy and broke off.
    2 points
  32. Well not to one up anybody, but I'm pretty sure pygmy AND moog have grabbed my butt. But I wouldn't bother trying to sue either as I totally understand I'm hard to resist. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  33. Thank you@turkeyfeathers via distributor TCIII Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  34. I was surprised that NYS is one of few, that doesn’t allow this . Also I can see how people here erroneously think the DEC can just come on private land whenever they wish ,because in most states they can . Come from behind and place tape over lens , and accidentally lose a box of nails on the nearby road ....
    2 points
  35. Man it felt good to be in a treestand again. I just sat in each of them for like 10 minutes just cause. Got all my stands in 6S set. Shooting lanes cut, new straps on my 3 stands there. Also put up 3 trail cams to soak til labor day weekend. Had to replace a bottom rung on one of my stand. Apparently there was dirt in the bottom and it held the water in and split the legs on the bottom. I saw it in muzzle last year so I was prepared. It worked out I have another stand like it that is in a spot that is only a 9ft so had the bottom ladder and just traded them out. My favorite stand there has soybeans in the field this year. I like corn better as it's easier to sneak into it. But might be better early season this year. Probably work on 7F lease tomorrow. Felt great to be out doing this today.
    2 points
  36. Im thankful that we moved her into hospice at assisted living. After that it was ok to visit and sleep over. I doubled up with my sister and did every other day. For the last three weeks I had such a great time with her. Many other families lost their loved ones in the hospital never seeing them . I was lucky. You guys would of loved her.
    2 points
  37. I am right in Oneonta with two kids that graduated in the last 3 years. Like most schools nowadays, they come out plenty book smart, but it is up to you as a parent to teach them about the real world, responsibility, work ethic, etc. That is just the way it seems to be anymore. No complaints about the teachers, administration, or communication, which made it very nice. Very under rated for deer hunting, as most years I have a few bucks to chase after during bow season that are 3 and up. Wish i could say my success rate was just as good, but it is usually about every 2 or 3 years on a big buck. Definitely no problem getting does for the freezer. And, if you are content with basket rack 8 points, you can get one every year if you have the time to put in.
    1 point
  38. With the nature of sensitivity in today's world I would consider any statement against "Hunting, Fishing, or Trapping" offensive and possibly racist because of the lack of diversity in the sport. Problem is I can't drum up enough support for a protest.
    1 point
  39. Tried to work on 7F lease this morn. About slapped myself stupid from skeeters even after a spray down. Bailed out of there. Need a cooler day before I tackle that swamp again. Pulled a couple of cards but just does and fawns the horny critters will show up once season ramps up.
    1 point
  40. No bucks on this pull.plenty of doe around though
    1 point
  41. I still want to see garden tomatoes sliced as the “sauce” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Very sorry for your loss
    1 point
  43. Burt, Deeply sorry to hear of your families loss, may she rest in peace and be comforted along side your father. Condolences to your family. Dan
    1 point
  44. Met up with @LET EM GROW today to get that LH mathews outback he had for sale.cousin scooped it up as he wants to get into bow hunting.only missed the target once,glad he likes it.shot well for a first time bow owner!!!lots of practice ahead of us.i had to give it a go(target pic)even though its a LH.solid bow for sure!!Thanks again Bryan,much appreciated!!!!
    1 point
  45. this... I live in 4f and know the area pretty well. What are you looking for?
    1 point
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