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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/22 in Posts
Welp my son has been doing his scouting before school when opening up the chickens. Group of deer moving thru our field a little before 7am everyday this week. We got up at 6am this morning and sat in our "shooting shack" on the edge of the field. Around 7:05 he spooted 2 doe moving from our right to our left in some tall grass. They made their way into a mowed section just under 200 yards out. One stop for a perfect broadside shot, i told him to aim just a little over the center line of her body. He shoots and she takes off 30 yards and is in our woods. Maybe 10 seconds later a doe jumps out of the woods into the field at 180 yards. I cant see blood on it and we quickly decide he should take the shot, she drops in her tracks. We make our way out and the doe in the field is a 1.5 yr old, definitely smaller than the first shot. I find good blood just into the woods and decide to go back to the house, shed a layer and grab a knife. We quickly pick up on the blood and its easy to see this deer isnt going far, 30 yards into the woods shes piled up. He has filled our freezer enough i can concentrate on just shooting a buck if one gets me excited the rest of the season. Im hoping in a few weeks to pack a elk in there so we may not need anymore venison. His goal is to get his first archery kill this year.8 points
I came unbelievably close to shooting a six pointer still in velvet. At 22 yards I couldnt see antlers through the scope. I didn't shoot because it was alone so I was suspicious. Ten minutes later he came back out and I could see his rack. As Im watching him a group of does came in. Huge gal with a fawn first and then this one with no fawn in tow. They all locked up (fug east wind) so I decided to shoot. It was only 45 yards or so. Quartering to which I wanted for that shoulder/neck shot with hopefully no tracking. She went down and never even flinched. Once I was in I started thinking this is a bad idea, its too hot and I have too much to do today. I decided Id sit until 7:30, got the shot at 7:15 and it went perfectly. @Chromeslayer coming through with a butcher was huge! The live deer is the buck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro7 points
Let one walk 40 yards from the car just felt weird… I drew on her twice but just couldn’t do it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
See that I don't get. Wolc hunts how he likes and kills what he legally wants. To each their own no? And yet you have to make disparaging remarks about what he chooses to kill? (And @mowin "likes" it?) He makes a decent point about killing tough matriarch does and the sophomoric behaviors of rutting bucks regardless of age or headgear. He chooses to hunt the deer on his properties which may not hold 130"+ deer and chooses not to chase them around the state....you somehow equate that to him lacking hunting skills? So silly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
I’d venture to guess this is the type of thread BlackBeltBill is talking about that make potential members shy away. This thread is 90% vomit.5 points
Winter Rye is coming in. Wish we used oats but left them at the house accidentally when we went to seed. I think at the least it’ll fill in parts of two plots that failed to take. One buck in particular that we had our eyes on and whom I have a shed from this past season broke off a tine pre velvet peel.5 points
5 points
Well, hunt #2 is in the books. Saw 10 deer total. I saw 2 sets of doe with fawns. The doe were too skinny, the fawns still in spots, and too far from the car, so they got passes. Then while still hunting out I saw 3 bucks. A 6, an 8 and a 10. Each with a doe. No shots I felt good about though. Too damn hot to be out there looking for deer.5 points
Just thought this was a cool pic with the sun rays coming through the woods around the does.4 points
I am in for my last early antlerless hunt, ready for a doe or a bushytail. The rain finally stopped, but the west wind is pretty gusty. Don’t know if anything will be moving. My parents saw deer back here, the last few evenings. I am going to give it till 7:28 (10 min past sunset in this location).4 points
4 points
Really Left field Biden has been shipping immigrants all over for last yr but only places that dont effect him nor his supporters, what Desantis did was well over due. Border states have been onderwatwer with the flood of illegal immigrants yet they get no help from the federal govt. Hell Biden nor harris have been to the border...4 points
Imagine a world where Trump steps aside and backs him? Wont happen, he doesnt have it in him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro4 points
4 points
Exactly. We fight private property rights every year. We get offers offering payoff to leave acreage out of production and the farm runs on over 3000 acres including leases and is 100% organic. People better wake up and know what idiots they are putting in charge of this country. It’s mostly democratic leaders over the years and yet because they don’t like a man even though he had their interests in mind they vote those that could care less about them into office.4 points
4 points
Had a deer screw with the cam two nights ago. Knocked sideways and off angle. Better lucky than good I guess to pick this one up on cam.4 points
Meant to start this thread on Friday , but couldnt find the time; so what do you guys think about Gov Desantis sending those 50 Venezualen illegals to the liberal bastion of Martha's vineyard. I think it is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!! Also, Abbots similar move to truck a few busloads from TEXAS to VP Harris' front door aint too shabby either, especially since it comes right after she had just given an interview in which she stated that the BORDER WAS SECURE !! lol - I LOVE IT!!! You know, I'm beginning to agre with my man Rob that maybe Desantis might be our guy in'24, whatcha think ?3 points
Hello Everybody, Setup my camp for bow season. Now that I'm retired I plan to spend a bunch of time hunting out of it. Here is a video of the camp as it stands now. Probably will make some adjustments to gear a the season progresses. take care, brian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC_m4XY_1MM3 points
I've been having a hen come in my yard for the past couple of weeks. Earlier this week, my wife sent me a pic of the hen, a fawn and a doe all in a line coming out into the yard. Since then, they've been coming out to feed together pretty regularly. It's funny watching the fawn trail the hen around the yard and it tries hard to play with it! It gallops circles around the hen acting like a puppy trying to play with an old dog, but she's just not having it! I pulled some trail cam cards today and it seems like the two hang together quite a bit! LOL3 points
Yes how cruel. To send homeless people out of an overwhelmed area to Martha's vineyard. Lol. Hell I can't afford to go there. Why again is this so evil? The reference you attached had absolutely no value. How is it cruel to send some of these folks to areas that have the ability and open arms to take them in rather than having them living in squalor in am area overwhelmed by this? If these sanctuary areas are so open to illegal immigrants then why wouldn't they want to go there. So you think they all want to stay in El Paso too? Where they are living on the streets and the shelters can't bring any more in? Illegal immigration is loved by the left, well until it's in their front yard then that's cruel. Buts it's ok along the border where real actual human trafficking is occuring everyday. Last I knew if someone sent you to Martha's vineyard or NYC it wasn't considered sadistic. If I remember correctly most of the countries immigrants thru history were passing by the statue of liberty before they became citizens. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk3 points
My biggest fear is Trump gets the nomination due to his staunch supporters by 2 points in the party and then loses again cause of Trump hate. We and the country can't risk it. How bout a DeSantis Reaganesk landslide and in office 8 years then 4-8 of Haley behind that..... LFG! If Trump gets the nomination vice is likely to be Stephanik. They lose and all the wind is out of the sails for all the rest too. Can't risk it when you got better in the lineup. And [mention=8155]Northcountryman[/mention] I'm hoping in the primary more think like this. I know your a Trump guy but I know you must see his own fault is himself and his ego. He can't help himself and it's what took him down, policies aside. People vote for who they "like" and can identify with. Old Joe and his BS was still more appealing as it wasn't a vote really for Joe as much as it was a vote against Trump. Hopefully Trump's ego won't take it all down again and we never get out of the damage that has been done. As Tacks said I don't see him stepping aside at all, his ego won't let him. But most of the country just wants to be done with it - on both sides. Although I will say this raid is BS and it makes me want to see him push back. But we need to move on and get the Dems moving out. We will have to see where it goes. Don't be surprised if the Dem front runner doesn't end up someone different than Joe or Kamala as crappyice said. Trump loses to Oprah, Michelle O, Tom Hanks, The Rock. Believe it or not that's the world we live in. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk3 points
North, DeSantis is an evil sadistic POS. The sooner you recognize that, the better off you'll be. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/09/a-sadistic-immigration-stunt/671470/3 points
Crew kid had an official visit at Cornell..Mama Crappy done good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
For the sake of irony being so ironic. Wouldn't it be something if the deer being hunted was cornered at the fence and got it's horns stuck in it..... How sporting. Lol I just can't ever see how anyone would ever want to do this. Let alone pay money for it. Seems idiotic to me. I have no idea if a fence hunt is "easy". But by definition it is a fence. So it's an advantage. For me I wouldnt do it as I would be basically embarrassed to say I shot a fenced in animal. A 200 inch deer would mean as much to me as buying antlers on eBay . I don't know that it's because it's "easy" but because it isn't right. At least to me. And I'll say 10/1 this hunt never happens. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk3 points
These are the ones that I killed the last (6) seasons, which one are you saying is halfway decent ? The third from top (last antlered buck that I killed on our farm in 2019) had a significantly higher scoring rack. The third from the bottom had a crappy rack but made the most meat and had the largest body. Age wise, from the bottom up, I am going with 2.5, 1.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 2.5, 3.5. Taste wise, they were all about the same. The little one on the dark wood is the only 1.5 yr (remember the Texas heart shot buck from up your way). An Adirondack (6) counts the same as a southern zone (12) to me. My meat supply is good now, so I will be holding out for a buck with at least (4) points on a side, or clearly a 3.5 year old, for the rest of the seasons this year. I will be doing my damnedest to fill my other (4) antlerless tags though. You will be happy to know that I will also be doing my damnedest to avoid button bucks with those remaining tags this year. With one of those killed on New Year’s Day, there’s still plenty of that “special occasion” vacuum sealed meat in the freezer. The main reason I am focusing on mature does this year, is that the deer population is too high in both areas where I hunt (wmu 9F, and 6C). As far as the bucks being easier, maybe that’s not true for you, but it is for me. I have killed just (4) mature does over the last (6) years, and (3) button bucks. I have averaged (1) of those, every other year from the start, so I am right around (20) on the “baby bucks” right now. That is simply the result of my using my antlerless tags on the largest “in range” deer at the earliest opportunity. Any other other practice leads to more unfilled tags. The DEC prefers that hunters fill those tags. The new early September antlerless, and Holiday ML seasons have afforded me the luxury of being more selective with my antlerless tags. Prior to that, filling antlerless tags was tough in my two local spots. The local farmers hit the antlerless deer hard on their nussance permits, prior to October 1, so that by the time bow season opens, the antlered to antlerless ratio has been averaging 4:1 over the last 35 years.3 points
I wouldn’t shoot that doe that was with the fawn .. But I’d shoot this one3 points
Ain't nobody done this with bone!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
They lost their minds when Those windmills were proposed off their beaches a while back...how 'bout that?2 points
The whole thing is funny and telling . The limousine liberals isolated from reality on their largely White Island of 15k lose their sh!t when 50 people show up , meanwhile border towns are expected to deal,with tens of thousands of them . Call in the national Guard !2 points
Can Chef target a mature doe in your pen? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points
I have been using this set up for a couple seasons. I added a Alice pack frame to get it up on my shoulders and nicer to carry. Hawk full size sticks are great. Not the lightest but pretty light compared to older climbers. I think this is a great mobile setup that can go anywhere.2 points
Sweet camp...when's the Blackstone arrive? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Opening the door for The Rock or Oprah or Michelle O with his arrogance as he did for Joe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
His offer hasn't changed, only the rules you want to play by have. I'm kinda on your side, I'd actually like to see you succeed in getting the target deer, and hear about what you really thought about the process. I'll most likely never go on a high fence hunt. Not because I think it's easy or unethical, but because I really have no interest in paying for a whitetail hunt weather it's fair chase or high fence. I can shoot a whitetail in my backyard, no it's not going to be a monster, but it's still a whitetail. If I ever go on hunting trip, it's going to be for something I can't shoot in my backyard. Love to go to Texas and hunt African plains game. 10,000+ acres fenced in doesn't seem like it would be shooting fish in a barrel.2 points
Sale pending.....deal is supposed to be made tonight. Will update accordingly tonight if sale goes through as planned. Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk2 points
Wouldn't take the challenge? Why would I go on this hunt ? I can't think of a single reason. Why would I go do something I know I wouldn't enjoy? Like I said I have no idea if it's easy. I don't care if it is or isn't. I also would not take a "challenge" if it was to go to a Peta/Vegan convention either. To me this isn't a hunt. It's a trip to get a set of horns to brag about that most people would conveniently omit in their tale of this great hunt that there was a 10ft fence around them, cause in reality it would be embarrassing. Again to each there own. I really don't care. Your right Lawd, same ole same ole. And I now give this hunt 50/1 it doesn't happen. For multiple reasons . Lol Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk2 points
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2 points
Coming from a guy that voted Democrat. I think you take the cake with it comes to spewing crap.2 points
I agree 1000%. As a farmer we have seen this trending for some time. It goes further that fossil fuels and fertilizer. Governments have been driving insane policies involving labor. I can thank obama for a lot of that bull shit. Its no conspiracy, why is bill gates now the largest farm land owner in the country? Hmmmm. Not to mention this Russia nonsense thats going on. Most fertilizer comes from that region, not to mention the main fungicides we use are mined over seas in unstable regions that are easily swayed politically.2 points
I muscles down some tenderloins last night and my last two links of Thuringer sausage I found hiding in the chest freezer Obviously those are pre-cooked! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
My wife is out of town tonight, so I had to fend for myself. Fillet mignon, aged 4-day’s in the fridge, and fresh picked Silver Queen. Yum Yum that was good. I never had a meal that good at Russell’s, and this was “free”.2 points
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2 points
One of my former players got two carries(6 yards) for Michigan today. Insane that this kids walked on as a frosh and is actually dressed and touched the ball as a Soph1 point
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Regardless of what the calendar says, this is the official start of the season.1 point