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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/16 in Posts

  1. On Long Island I've found the D.E.C. Law Enforcement Officers work hard are polite and very very helpful, from which tactic to which spots are better for what game animal and more I have nothing but respect for their efforts!
    7 points
  2. Venison burgers with balsamic onions and crumbled blue cheese
    6 points
  3. Sincere condolences to his family, friends, and fellow countrymen. He served well and he will be missed. We're going to see very soon what the Republican side of Capitol Hill is really made of when the current President attempts to replace Justice Scalia. Another Progressive anti-Constitutionalist on the bench will not bode well for the future of our Republic. There are a number of very important cases scheduled to be heard before the next President is sworn in, most having to do with the legality of certain Executive Orders, and I don't think they can even proceed without a full bench. The Presidential election was going to make the next nine months a bumpy road in itself. This is going to make it a nightmare.
    5 points
  4. I will be mentoring a young lady from NJ this year thanks to a good friend. She doesn't have anyone to take her so I volunteered to do so. I'm really looking forward to it as the last time I took a youth out was in 2012. I really enjoy introducing young hunters to the sport of hunting and especially to the sport of spring turkey hunting. The look on their face when they harvest a bird is priceless. How many of you will be taking a youth out this spring season?
    4 points
  5. I do think they work hard. But they seem to be terribly understaffed. I like watching those shows too!
    4 points
  6. This is extremely bad. Justice Scalia was what stood between the rabid libs on the bench, & the Constitution. The timing couldn't be worse. So called "republicans" haven't put up an honest fight against king obama yet, so who's to say they'll resist his liberal nominee? They won't, of course. They'll flail weakly at it & talk big, while really just folding & saying they had no choice. Wouldn't it be great if bernie wins, & sticks obama himself on the bench? This could be the end of America as we know it. Evil is surely afoot. God help us.
    4 points
  7. Had meatloaf again with baked potatoes. Good hearty meal on this frigid night. Wife baked biscuits and we had strawberry shortcake for our Valentine's eve dinner since she has to work tomorrow. I scored some brownie points today too when I brought her home these.
    4 points
  8. Let the games begin! Filet mignon and porterhouse to come Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. The fellas and I celebrated with a pre-show backstrap with onions, garlic, jalepeño peppers, and pear. I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk
    4 points
  10. Goshawks are probably the most dangerous bird in North American. They are extremely defensive of their nests once the eggs have hatched. When I needed to go near their nest for research purposes, I would often carry an umbrella to give them a target that was not my head. I have talked to turkey hunters who have been buzzed by them. I also know of a couple of instances where nesting goshawks have been shot during May. One of those incidents happened a couple of years ago on public land along the Finger Lakes Trail in Chenango County. The hawk was well known to hikers. As far as I know, it never hit anyone. Back in the 90s, someone writing in a statewide publication was claiming goshawks were coming into hunter's turkey calls because they wanted to kill turkeys. If you know anything about goshawks, this is absurd. They are a bit smaller than a red-tailed hawk - see photo, gos on right. A gos coming in aggressively does so because a threat is too close to its nest. One time, a gos burst out of thick cover in my face, coming right at me. I did not see or hear it until it was about 30 feet away. Time to change my pants. They are actually both rare and hard to find. They find you when you are near their nest. Have any of you encountered goshawks acting aggressively during turkey season?
    3 points
  11. My grandson and I went up to the adk. Outdoor show in Johnstown today. First time going to this one and was quite impressed. Not real big but some good deals on a variety of outdoor stuff. Even ran into a couple guy's I know. Started a subscription for NY outdoor News, picked up a few smallmouth jigs, a quaker boy double dog predator call and a few other odds and ends. And my grandson picked out a few things as well. It was a great way to spend a cold afternoon with him! We look forward to going back again next year!
    3 points
  12.  Finished off my last Heady...awesome.
    3 points
  13. I can only speak for the two Encon officers that I know personally. On a personal and professional level they are both great guys, hard working and conscientious. I truly believe they do the best they can with the time and resources they are allotted.
    3 points
  14. All the more reason to elect anyone but Bernie and Hillary. She said she would appoint Obama. Only chance we have is neither of them. But we could not even get rid of Cuomo when be strippdusofour rights. If this does not light a fire, nothing will. But of course no one wants to see the political posts and possibly learn something. End of rant.
    3 points
  15. I can't imagine how any American firearm owner, or hunter, doesn't know who Scalia was. The man was the biggest defender and supporter of firearms and hunting this country has ever known. If you are clueless, you owe it to the man to look him up and find out who he was.
    3 points
  16. Look at the lack of responses. That should tell you a lot. No one cares. That is how our rights keep getting peeled away. It is either the cvlown patrol or the I don't care crowd. So sad.
    3 points
  17. I don't know, it's not that cold...
    3 points
  18. Here is #2 from my pick 6 I got today. Took a sip already and it has a coffee taste to it. I was never into dark beer but this is pretty good. That's my Craftsman bottle opener my FIL got me for Christmas years ago. Never lets me down and has a lifetime warranty!
    3 points
  19. Took a page outta Bizs' book. Garlic/chedder Italian sausage with peppers and onions. Actually hit the spot on the frigid day.
    3 points
  20. Mixed tossed salad,oven roasted garlic/herb and red wine/parmesan cheese pork sausage. Then Spinach/cheese tortellini cooked in a half a can of seasoned crushed tomatoes and water. While I sauteed onions,red pepper,mushrooms. Add the other half of seasoned tomatoes then the drained tortellini. Let sit while the sausage finishes cooking.
    3 points
  21. Well, my 3rd oldest nephew turns 12 so he will be going but my brother will be taking him, I'll be looking. For another youth to take...
    3 points
  22. Made homemade pizza. Cheese,pepp,black olives,mushrooms and red pepper....sauce.
    3 points
  23. Between my neighbor's kids and my own I've got a lot of years of youth hunting lined up! I've been waiting a long time for this
    3 points
  24. Biz....Perhaps FSW will take you out...He has some pretty awesome turkey hunting up there, and you won't even need to bring a call !
    3 points
  25. Its got by be about 85 where he's been laying all day. If a diaper would fit him, I doubt he'd go outside at all today !
    3 points
  26. I'll be out with my son, I'm looking forward to it and will work hard to get him his bird. Can't wait.
    3 points
  27. I haven't seen much evidence of yarding here in Erie Co.(9h) Matter of fact, I haven't seen much evidence of deer gatherings PERIOD. Perhaps the are yarded somewhere I am not aware of, but they really seem to be spread out more this winter compared to years past around here. Here's shot I got back in 2013 while shed hunting in East Aurora. This was probably only half of them I could fit in the frame out in the field at one time. I remember another herd of equal size at the other end of this field at the same time.
    3 points
  28. Back in my early 20's I used to use and owl call as a locater. It worked pretty well. Once I was in the general area for the first sit I would do the old "Who cooks for you...Who cooks for you." while it was still dark. Does anyone still use one? What are your thoughts?
    2 points
  29. Not sure if any of you watch the shows. North Woods Law, Maine. Then one from California. Not sure if its because we are seeing it on tv but it seems like those states really work hard to catch the bad guys. Do you think NY works hard?
    2 points
  30. The guy who was the main game warden around here for many years was legendary. He would lay on his belly in the mud all night long to make a bust. I was checked perhaps a dozen times by this guy and never once did I have any idea he was around until he jumped out of a bush or popped out from behind a tree. He worked hard and must have loved his job. I don't even know the name/names of the local fish cops nowadays, but I guarantee you that back when he was working as a game warden, EVERYBODY who hunted or fished in southern Steuben County knew HIS name..
    2 points
  31. Baked pork lion chops in an herb marinade,tators,fresh broccoli,acorn squash. Just took a cherry pie out of the oven
    2 points
  32. I trade fairly regularly with a few guys around the country. Made some great fiends between bowhunting, Steelhead fishing and Beer
    2 points
  33. Obama is certainly going to try to slip someone in, but the senate can stop it. McConnell has said he would fight to prevent it, but his track record is not good when it comes to opposing Obama. A recess appointment is the likely scenario but that's not permanent. If Obama can install another anti-constitutional justice we could see a rewrite of the 2nd amendment, and it won't be pretty for the country as we know it.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. For the life of me I can't work an owl call at all!!! But, I can do an impressive call with my natural voice. Go figure?
    2 points
  36. Oh... you know ... the ol whoopie cushion on the tree stand seat gag.
    2 points
  37. This post shows how little you know about the biker culture... and just like at "Cheers", everybody knows my name. You may be too young to catch that reference
    2 points
  38. It's 12. Bad angle in first pic.
    2 points
  39. With brownie points like those, I have a feeling your main course is yet to be served. X-Calibur Lighting Systems http://facebook.com/XCaliburLightingSystems
    2 points
  40. C'mon up here Biz, I will take you Spring turkey hunting. Public land so it is what it is. I have no younger people in my family or the g/f's that are interested in hunting. If it's not Twitter or Face book they want no part of it.
    2 points
  41. Out of everyone here uptown vd is the biggest pain in the dupa. Don't you have any other sites to ba a DB on? Go there and don't come back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  42. Hey Pygmy I hear you, glad to have lived in the period that I did, the future from my point of view looks pretty bleak. Al
    2 points
  43. Driving in general seems to be a lost skill. Throw a little snow in the mix, and it is chaos.
    2 points
  44. Trust me.... We OLD DOGS cannot tolerate the bitter cold as well as we once could... Just one item on a LONG LIST of things we can't do as well as we used to.
    2 points
  45. That explains it..Now I know why only seem to attract cross eyed fat girls..
    2 points
  46. I'm a youth, anyone want to take me? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  47. 13 year old daughter will be out with me for youth season. Taking her safety course on April 16th. She's been going with me the last few years. Killed a nice bird on Mother's Day last year with her there. This time it's all her. Going to get her more aquainted shooting her youth 20 beforehand.
    2 points
  48. I have a young man interested in turkey hunting. As soon as we get decent weather we will spend some time sighting in and going over the process. I got him a slate call a couple of months ago, I hope he has been driving his parents nuts with it!
    2 points
  49. Yawn.......Same old response to a time old question... To read or not to read... It's a hunting site flooded by extremists and people who honestly think posting BS all day long will help the cause. It doesn't.
    2 points
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