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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/20 in Posts

  1. Hey guys got lucky the other morning,, this guy was chasing does and came in to about 25 yards behind some trees and then turned around and went back into the thick stuff,,, I gave two small grunts and he came right back to smack down town .. Not a huge buck but my 2 1/2 year goal and it has been a slow season,,, so one in the bag is better than two to talk about ..
    43 points
  2. 42 points
  3. BUCK DOWN! To be continued.... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    30 points
  4. Hello everyone. I'm a black male that grew up in NYC. I got interested in archery in March and now on the road to hunting. I've completed all the requirements needed for hunting, purchased the license and just got my tags. With so many questions, I wish I new people who hunt that can help me get started. I was just never raised in that environment so this is not a venture I can easily gain knowledge from family or friends. At 40 years old, feels like I'm starting late but this is something I want my son to learn. He's only 3 but I do not want him to grow up thinking that the world will always be as is. As sad as it is, when people become desperate their actions may conflict their morals. COVID19 made me realize that the way of life as we know it, is not promised and with that nature will still provid. I need to be able to provide for my family and neighbors by knowing how to tap into nature's resources. If you do not have these skills, what other options do you have if there is no walmart? During COVID19, I learned how to fish, I'm learning how to grow fruits and veggies, learning first aid, set preparations for survival situations and just generally educating myself. I'm glad to be part of this community and hope I can pass on the lessons I hope to learn here to people who were never afforded the opportunity to harvest an animal to provide for their family.
    17 points
  5. What a loooooong boring sit today until the last 5-10 minutes and then holy crap how exciting. Literally the last minute before legal light expired the 10 pointer I’ve been seeing on cams came out in all his glory pushing around 6-7 does right in front of my tree stand. Everything moving too quick to get a clean shot so he lives another day but what a rush. It went from nothing and dead quiet to loud and crashing around within seconds. I’ve got renewed excitement to get out there every minute I can now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    15 points
  6. BUCK DOWN! Went out for a morning sit, arrived at Jason's Double around 6:30am and get settled in quickly. Around 6:50 I noticed the back end of a deer walking through some brush about 80 yards to my right. I got my binos on it and saw a quick glimpse of horn. I grunted three times and he just kept walking. A couple of minutes later I see he is walking back on the same trail, I grunt again, but no response. Then he turned around and I could not see where he went. After 10 minutes of looking hard at the brushy area to my right I hear leaves crunching to my left! I slowly turn to look that way and the deer had come upwind of me and was headed right for my tree! Thankfully, I had already gotten my bow down and clipped my release on. I stood up slowly as he was walking towards the field behind me. I drew and when he was just a few steps from hitting the field and offering no shot I let out a quiet "meh". I already had his body in my peep sight and as soon as he was still I let it fly. It was just under a 20 yard shot. Had a nice thwack sound but the arrow did not pass through, only halfway through. He turned and ran through a dead fall and got all tangled up and I saw the arrow drop out. He runs 30 yards and comes to a dead stop and tips over. A few twitches of his legs and he was done. I look up into the field and there is another deer standing there. I get my binos out hoping it was a doe and I could double up like on of the HNY.COM Heros here! But he is a spike. He stands around for a few minutes and then walks over to my deer. He is sniffing it and I think he even licked it a few times. I grunted at him hoping it would scare him off, but he didn't care. After a few more minutes I let my pack and bow down and climbed down. This stand has a very creaky ladder so after two rungs down the spikey was gone. Thank God, because I wanted to see my deer! After a few pictures and texts, I got him gutted and brought him out to our farm and into a walk-in cooler. With help from my friend, we are planning to cut him up Monday evening. This is my second bow deer and I am really happy to have added bow hunting to my list of hobbies!
    10 points
  7. Just pulled card, went right back to the stand, all 2-4pm last few days.
    10 points
  8. Sweet mother of pearl I saw a doe , circle the date on the calendar ! Tomorrow im hunting a buddy’s place , he’s seen deer most sits and two days ago he jumped two bucks they were bedded together . A big 8 and a monster 12 , the 12 ran through the corn like Godzilla trough Tokyo , stuff flying everywhere.
    9 points
  9. Photo of a photo! And now @grampy grandson carries that bow
    8 points
  10. This why I love cut on contact broadheads. The arrow bounced around in there when he was running and just kept on cutting.
    7 points
  11. Quick recap, turns out my qad rest was shot. I went to adjust the sight, hand bumped the rest and it moved quite a bit. You could move it left and right with your hand. Turns out the screw to hold it in place backed out but even tightened down still had to much play left and right. So new rest on, papertuned perfect, and sighted in. Now i need a 2nd chance at that buck, or another. Brother in law is hunting the front of my property im out back. Checked a cam before climbing up and id really like to see this guy soon.
    6 points
  12. I own100+ acres in Otsego county, I am a senior citizen. I have family hunt first 3 days regular and 3 first days of muzzy. Have 3 heated blinds. Now who I'm looking for. All day sitter, senior, ethical hunter. Any days u want. Tks
    6 points
  13. My plan is as follows.... Shoot a deer by 10am Out of the woods deer hung up in the garage by noon Breakfast/lunch by 12:30. Skin and quarter deer at 3pm Drink beer and be happy for the rest of the night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  14. Farmer says he’s watching 3 bucks run all over the place .... ugh well few hundred yards of trails leaf blowed to three stands , I’m outta here
    5 points
  15. Spike chasin a doe, house cat, and grouse from the last few years.
    5 points
  16. This 4pt is just terrorizing the doe and 2 fawns, running them all around me. I feel bad for them! Just not bad enough to burn my tag on him to get him to stop! LOL Entertaining anyways! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  17. 11/5 Kunox and I tracked a buck that had been shot from the ground at a sharp quartering away angle. The hunter had waited about 10 minutes before tracking, and jumped the deer twice in 500 yards before backing out(after grid searching the second bump area). We arrive 24 hours after the shot. Kunox took us to the grid searched area and struggled there, not advancing the track any further. I decided at that point to go home and get Luna to see what she could do. I started her where the deer had left the field and she made short work of it. She cruised right through the grid searched area and was chewing on the buck’s leg 11 minutes and 42 seconds after starting. He was 100 yards from where I pulled Kunox off.
    5 points
  18. Got some camp meet for the gun season.
    5 points
  19. My nephew two days ago in Manorville Long Island on public Co-op land. First year with the bow. Hunting from the ground . Shot him at 30 feet!!!!
    5 points
  20. I zig, they zag. I zag, they flip me off. In and ready before light. Sat until around 9 and didn't see or hear anything. While checking the area I found two piles of fresh scat, one behind the blind I made yesterday, and one right next to it. Also found another scrape that wasn't there yesterday. On the way out I decided to skirt the opposite side of the field from my normal route. I turn a corner and come face to face with a deer. Bow in hand and release in my pack strapped on my back. It takes off, following the trail, not through the woods, down the frikin' hiking trail. I get out my phone and start recording. I catch it through some shrubs licking it's 4$$. I keep walking, turn another corner and it bounds off. I know I know, I should have gotten my release out of my pack instead of grabbing the phone, shoulda-woulda-coulda. I listen and hear it going through the leaves and decide to get the release out and try a stalk. It went into some nasty stuff and I couldn't follow. If I was sitting in the spot I had been early in the season I would have filled my bow tag. I'm pretty sure it was a doe, but did have some odd brown coloring in it's head between the ears. At this point it would not have mattered to me. I just want something in the freezer! The image below was pulled from the video I shot. Back out tomorrow morning and then up North with the wife for Sunday.
    4 points
  21. Now all you need is a 55 gallon drum of buck urine and you'll have yourself the world largest mock scrape
    4 points
  22. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl." The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?" "Yes, Father, it is." "And who was the girl you were with?" "I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation." "Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?" "I cannot say." "Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?" "I'll never tell." "Was it Nina Capelli?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her." "Was it Cathy Piriano?" "My lips are sealed." "Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?" "Please, Father! I cannot tell you." The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight lipped, and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself." Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?" "Four months vacation and five good leads..."
    4 points
  23. And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump. Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two. I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen. Any other sane republican would have won this election easily. All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal. But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.
    4 points
  24. Took the day off of work to hunt today. I don’t think I’ll do an all day sit but I’ll be out for the morning and evening sits. On the drive down down to camp last night this song came on the radio. Maybe it’s a sign of things to come. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  25. Up and local for a few hours. Pulled cam card yesterday and have 2 shooters. Going to hang another cam over active scrape. Has 5 good sized trees nearby all torn up too. Never see deer here but you never know what could happen
    4 points
  26. I would either butcher same day in these temps or would quarter it and in our extra fridge it would go.
    4 points
  27. Welcome I live on LI too. You sound like the guy I work with. He's from the city too and just took up hunting/ archery. I've been in the woods for years. This year is my first year bow hunting. Last year started crossbow. I took 3 deer in total and botched them myself. You can read all you want but to get good is experience so go experience. I was out today all day unless work is reading this then I had the sniffles. Any way today I saw 2 small bucks chasing does. I actually heard them grunt. I have never seen or that in my life only on TV. I thought it was myth. Point is get out there and watch and listen. What area of LI are you located? There is some good hunting on LI but a lot of rules and limited areas. Shot me a PM and maybe I can help you along with what I have learned so far. There is nothing like sitting in a stand all day and just soaking it in.
    4 points
  28. 8 points for Team Weak! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    3 points
  29. I really would like to Kill Carrot Top soon , I call him that because the top of his head is all messed up !
    3 points
  30. Well this is disheartening. I felt like my shot was good on the buck this am but chalked it up to hitting a unseen branch it missed him by so much. Just got back to the house and set up a target at 30 yards. Missing it completely low right... shot the bow last week it was good, havent shot it this week...sooooo mad at myself, not sure when it got bumped good enough to be off a foot left and a foot low at 30. Checked cams on the way in and got pics of a real good one i hope to redeem myself on. Well, sighting it in, eating some lunch and heading back out.
    3 points
  31. Cams have definitely been more active at night than daytime recently but just had a big boy pass by -- forget the temps, get in a stand.
    3 points
  32. Another 4pt just came by, nose to the ground! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  33. I gotta kill one first!!!! Then I'll figure out what to do next! One step at a time. No sense putting the cart before the horse!
    3 points
  34. Rumor has it it a a bumper crop of fox this year. [mention]Biz-R-OWorld [/mention] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  35. If you can riot(protest-one of your great rights as a member of a free society) during a pandemic, you should be able to get yourself to a polling place to vote(the greatest right of being a member of a free society), proudly show who you are (valid ID) and vote. If not for Covid, Trump wins with ease. Since April/May, thank God death rates have slowed and while this virus was quite devastating early, it has been no where near that since and yet places remain locked down, businesses and churches stifled, families kept apart - all things that make life suck and presented by media as Trumps fault(Covid is the #1 issue in the minds of many people). Are the actual ballots fraudulent or tampered with, I don’t know? Have the people sending them in been duped by a media controlled by the left? ABC, CBS, NBC cut away from the President of the USA during an address to the nation last night, speaker of the house set the tone by ripping the President’s State of the Union speech, zero coverage of any suspicious concerns of the left but fill coverage of the same of the right, etc. I hate when my body wants to hunt (up at 4:45!) But I need to work! Thankfully some full days on the woods are coming! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  36. Welcome. I've just got into the woods in my late 30s. This is also my 1st year bow hunting. It's tough, you read alot online then get in the field and it doesn't always translate well. There is no replacement for time in the woods. You get used to the sounds and start to pick out the deer sign.
    3 points
  37. That must be a chubby, Jewish doe that hangs out with Jerry Sienfeld....
    3 points
  38. Yeah no f*cling chance would any red blooded american ever want to invade such a shithole. That's all for the nutty leftist mental patients. #ThankYouForLessOverzealousModding #WeDemandUnlimitedLikes #WeDemandADislikeButton
    3 points
  39. 11/4 #1 Luna and I tracked an 8 pointer this morning that was shot yesterday afternoon. The buck was encountered as the hunter was heading to his stand, and he took an offhand 150 yard shot with his .308. The hunter waited about 30 minutes then went to look for him. As he walked the trail the buck had departed on, he saw him get out of a bed in a field 200 yards away and run off. The hunter found 2 drops of blood, then grid searched the area. It took Luna multiple restarts before she finally locked on, but 150 yards away she showed me a pin drop of blood, then another 100 yards further on. We never found another bed or the deer and called it at 1.9 miles. #2 A bowhunter shot a buck at 35 yards this morning, a buck he had been after for 3 years. He had been videotaping and thought he had made a good shot, but was concerned about a lack of penetration and was thinking it might have hit the far shoulder. He and his wife had waited 3 hours before going in, but after not finding any blood they decided to call me. I was able to get Luna going in the right direction after a false start, and she showed us blood a little ways into the woods. The woods quickly turned into a swamp and that’s where we spent the next hour and a half. We saw very little blood and what we did see was smeared high on cattails or grass. At 750 yards we found the arrow, with the 2 blade Rage broadhead attached and deployed. There was approximately 12” of penetration, with grayish white hair on the broadhead, and fat and blood on the arrow. Based on what we saw, I think the shot deflected off the near shoulder. We stopped at 1.4 miles with no recovery. I think he may see this one again.
    3 points
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