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Who wants Yearling Buck Protection with ARs in their area?

Meat Hunter

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why does my license in an AR zone cost the same as someone who hunt's in a non AR zone? I should get a discount because I'm limited to what my license allows me to take.....if I pay the same, I want the same benefit.

SH-H-H-H-H ..... Don't be asking questions like that.You know how they are .... they won't be lowering the fee in AR WMUs, they'll just crank up the fees in the non-AR WMUs. Don't give them any ideas ..... lol.

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As long as youths can use crossbows over bait during archery season with mandatory blaze orange in high fences and shoot coyotes year round while carrying a handgun to protect against mountain lions.

There, that should about cover everybody.

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<-- this guy. but not for young hunters.

I was on a business trip in early December in Grove City, PA. Cant believe the deer those guys shoot down there. Proven to work.

Oh yay, we went a whole 10 days into the year without an antler restriction thread.

How about educating instead of imposing more laws?

what education? Without regulations nothing will change. Sh!t, look at all the poachers we still deal with...

Edited by Belo
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I'm still on the fence about AR's, though in the area I grew up hunting, and still get out in a few days a year, I do seem to be seeing better bucks than I ever have there( the AR's were put in places a few years ago)...............as for the fines poachers pay, since I've been huntingabout 30 years now, I heard over and over again how many guys dont get the full fines, or confiscation of equipment, dont know the truth on that though, just something I've heard

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GAG ME!!!! Are you guys deer hunters, or are you looking for some sort of braggin rights from scoring a buck that has been artifically enhanced with "food plots" designed to grow antlers. AR's have been created to soothe the souls or modern day pussies who wish to pretend to be deer hunters. Said "hunters" wish only to brag on their kills or to adorn their walls with artificially-enhanced headgear on bucks they are able to shoot. Are there no traditional deer hunters out there? Let us hear from you!

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GAG ME!!!! Are you guys deer hunters, or are you looking for some sort of braggin rights from scoring a buck that has been artifically enhanced with "food plots" designed to grow antlers. AR's have been created to soothe the souls or modern day pussies who wish to pretend to be deer hunters. Said "hunters" wish only to brag on their kills or to adorn their walls with artificially-enhanced headgear on bucks they are able to shoot. Are there no traditional deer hunters out there? Let us hear from you!

U DUECHE... There ARE some of us public "deer" hunters out there just eager to see some bucks over a hundred inches .... Ain't no food plot , genetically enhanced bs goin on there...
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what education? Without regulations nothing will change. Sh!t, look at all the poachers we still deal with...

ARs dont address poachers. Whats your point there?

I agree on the lack of education. What I mean about education is teaching hunters the benefits of letting the small ones walk for a year or two. Im not talking about letting them all grow into 5 and 6 year old deer either. The more people that you educate, the less restrictions and laws you will need to put into place. You wont turn everyone, but you dont really have to in order to improve things.

Besides, you know darn well a 3 point rule is worthless in half the state, so what are you gonna do? Different types of ARs for different parts of the state? Creating more complications and restrictions is a sure way to drive alot of guys out of the sport. Education is the key.

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GAG ME!!!! Are you guys deer hunters, or are you looking for some sort of braggin rights from scoring a buck that has been artifically enhanced with "food plots" designed to grow antlers. AR's have been created to soothe the souls or modern day pussies who wish to pretend to be deer hunters. Said "hunters" wish only to brag on their kills or to adorn their walls with artificially-enhanced headgear on bucks they are able to shoot. Are there no traditional deer hunters out there? Let us hear from you!

What does yearling buck protection have to do with food plots and artificially-enhanced headgear? Again you're out in left field about what's even being discussed...lol

Edited by nyantler
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It means more to me if I shoot a mature buck that became mature because he outsmarted all those silly hunters to become a big boy, not because they had to pass on him until he evolved. I'd rather do it the hard way and earn it.

What hunters fail to realize is that it isn't about them it's about the deer... but somehow it always seems to come back to "How does yearling buck protection affect me?"... Never how it affects the deer. It's almost like nobody is paying attention. :banghead:

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8H please. It's got all the other ingredients... just need a little age to let some more to maturity.

LMAO, probably 80 percent of the 1 1/2 year old bucks are 3 points on a side or better. 8H doesnt need anything, it already has the ingredients AND the results every year. The monsters are there, ya just need to gain access to the land that holds them.

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U DUECHE... There ARE some of us public "deer" hunters out there just eager to see some bucks over a hundred inches .... Ain't no food plot , genetically enhanced bs goin on there...

Shooting 1.5 and 2.5 6 points won't give you many 100+ inch bucks.

They don't mature when getting shot when young just because they have a certain number of points.

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LMAO, probably 80 percent of the 1 1/2 year old bucks are 3 points on a side or better. 8H doesnt need anything, it already has the ingredients AND the results every year. The monsters are there, ya just need to gain access to the land that holds them.

The original poster didn't define 3pt's to a side or otherwise. The RESULTS I see living here and owning property are slob hunters who wear their camo in the bar the night prior to the hunt, stumble into the woods and unload on unidentified deer (other than being brown) just because they can. Forcing someone to think and look closely before unloading would be nice. I shoot my share of mature deer but I'd sure like to find less wounded yearlings. 8H is indeed very good due to exceptional habitat, food and genetics... just wish people there could show some restraint.

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Shooting 1.5 and 2.5 6 points won't give you many 100+ inch bucks.

They don't mature when getting shot when young just because they have a certain number of points.

Well aware of that my friend , well aware... But it does give that slim chance for some wise buck to hide in a spot long enough for me to find him in some hard to get to spot n put an arrow in him .. Lot a lazy bow hunters out there ... I love bow season because of it ... I've got my hard earned hard to get to spots that have produced and could produce better bucks should they at least be given a chance... Don't get me wrong, what we have in place right now does affect what I shoot cause I know what's in the area by cams, n if I don't shoot what I feel is a good buck given the state land n pressure I have to work with , well hell I would not be able to shoot a buck ... There are three bucks ive been following that have made it last to close to a hundred on some very heavily hunted land in 8g soooo... the chance is all I ask for , n I'll find em ... Thanks for the input though... And this Applies obviously more so to public hunters ... But hey I KNOW most don't care "brown n down".... BS !!!!! I don't mind shooting doe's ! Great eating , fills my freezer , but when it comes to bucks , it's not just another deer , that attitude will never get u ur best buck or the buck of ur dreams !!

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Also the antler restriction standard would protect 80 to 100% of the yearling bucks from harvest by adult hunters.

What antler restriction does this?

What antler restriction stops the best of the 1.5's and nearly all the 2.5's from being highly pressured/sought after targets?

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