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Squirrels and chipmunks for their noise.  Had one squirrel climb up the tree I was in to the point I could have clubbed him.


Action wise:

people taking dogs off leash - especially when everything is marked hunting season wear bright colors, dogs must be on a 6 foot or shorter leash and they just let their yellow labs run through.  Doubly so when the public land is restricted to hunters only for big game season and the owner is only carrying a doggy poo bag while wearing a tan jacket.


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i've had literally 20 little birds around me for 2 hours jumping around in the leaves on the floor. It was the worst day in the woods i have has. Worse than missing my first opportunity at a buck. 1 hour into the buggers being around me i came up with the genius idea to shoot an arrow at them, they fly away! But what comes next, the same 20 birds for another hour or so. Untill i gave up.

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Sure ..... I am sitting there quietly listening for that telltale pattern of deer hooves in the leaves, or that distance snap of a twig under foot of an approaching deer. ...Trying desperately to have my ears give me an instant "heads-up" so I can spot that incoming deer before he spots me. That's when somebody up the valley starts up their bulldozer or farm tractor that continues to drone on for the rest of the afternoon. Or maybe its a chainsaw off in the distance. At any rate, if you want to hear that rustling in the leaves or that telltale twig-snap, it had better be happening 10' in front of you because you will never hear it over all the racket from any farther distance.

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Any man made noise is irritating, yeah the squirrels and chipmunks are noisy, but they don't bother me the way man made noises do. One of my favorite time passing games in the woods is to try and find the times that there is no man made noise to be heard. It's a rare thing for no planes, trains, trucks, saws etc... to be audible. Oh and I love the waves of little "tweety birds" that pass thru the woods.

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Listening to cars go by, and squirrels screwin around on the ground, ya hear the sheesh sheesh sheesh of the leaves gets the heart goin bows in hand think a deers comin .... Out pops a squirrel, and when they chatter and chase each other , irritating to say the least

If it sounds like an elephant herd = squirrel, if it sounds like a squirrel = deer

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You know, we don't even realize how much noise pollution bombards us on a daily basis. The one time it really stood out for me was back in the 80s when we went on a moose hunt way the heck back into the wilds of Ontario Canada. Maybe for the first time, I was in a spot where you could hear nothing but an occasional loon or beaver tail slapping the water or a moose splashing around in the dark on the other side of the lake. There were no planes, trains, trucks, cars, dirt-bikes, chainsaws, lawnmowers, leaf blowers or anything with a motor. No kids screaming or neighbors arguing or dogs barking. Just deafening silence......lol. It was great!

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and I agree with the Jake brakes (exhaust brake) on trucks. They can get annoying. One time I was up in my stand for a few hours and I was way up the mountain in the middle of nowhere and some guy came plugging along blowing a freakin whistle. I have no idea who he was or where he came from but it was pretty weird.

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Red squirrels of course but for some reason over the last 5 years the crows have decided the block of woods about 100 yards from my favorite stand seems to be their new prefered roosting area. hundreds of them. it only last for a bit int he morning but that is right during that magical time. it can be deafening. No chance of hearing a deer walking during that time.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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Red squirrels of course but for some reason over the last 5 years the crows have decided the block of woods about 100 yards from my favorite stand seems to be their new prefered roosting area. hundreds of them. it only last for a bit int he morning but that is right during that magical time. it can be deafening. No chance of hearing a deer walking during that time.


Yeah, the crows over there are ridiculous.

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I still can't believe i'm the only one that was 100% honest in this thread.  You can't tell me squirrels are worse then what I described,they are annoying but... 


I only had that happen one time. It was when I went down to the Southern Tier for Spring turkey 4 or 5 years ago. I drove down, and got about 3/4 of the way there and felt one coming on. I figured, no problem, theres a truck stop/resteraunt right around the corner from where Im going, Ill stop there first. I pulled in and the damn place had closed its doors since the last time I had been there. WTF was I gonna do then?!?!?! I drove up the road onto the state land and got a little ways up the hill and pulled off the road. I jumped out and used the truck as something to lean on while I took care of business. 3 trucks passed by while it was going on. I was still in the woods before it got light out.

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