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How do pass the time on stand when bored?


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The key to killing a good buck often times revolves around putting in the hours in the stand. That being said, it can be rather boring at times and you can lose interest if you are not seeing deer. I know some people read a book but I have always felt that you can't read and still watch the woods.


I have done this numerous times now and find this is a great way to get through a few extra hours in the stand... an IPOD.  


I know what some of you are thinking. Listening to music while you hunt... strange. I can attest that when the woods are noisy and the leaves are dry and there is very little wind I never listen to the IPOD.




When the woods is noisy from strong winds or it's raining or the woods are saturated because o rain... times when you really can not hear deer coming is the perfect time to break out the IPOD.


Let's say you plan an all day sit and the conditions are such that's you can not hear the deer coming and you haven't seen much and it's 10:30am. Break out the IPOD and plug in some tunes at the very very lowest you can hear it. Even a downloaded book on tape, anything to pass the time. Even if it keeps you in the stand til to 1pm and then take a break. A lot can happen over a 2 hour period.


I'm sure a few of you will scoff but as I said... if it helps you stay in the stand then what the heck.

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I don't sit in a stand all day long, so I really don't get bored.  Actually the time goes rather quick these days, compared to when I was young.  As a teenager every hour in the stand felt like an eternity.  Not anymore, that's for sure.  A weekend hunt goes by so quick, it ain't even funny. I think if I had to sit in a stand the entire day, the cold and discomfort would get too me way sooner than boredom.








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Some times I read.  Either off my phone (browse the web, check my social medias, log into huntingny and see what shawnhu and belo are arguing about this time, etc.) or from a book.  I read one paragraph, stop, scan the woods, read the next paragraph.  My logic is the time it takes for me to read one paragraph is only a few seconds.  If I only had a few seconds to spot a deer and shoot it before it got away, then I never really had a safe, ethical shot to begin with.


Other times I close my eyes (again, only for a few seconds at a time) and meditate.


In both instances, any little noise makes me stop what I'm doing and scan the woods.

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One reason I can't read in my stand: Squirrels


My eyes and attention pop at every sound, whether it's a noisy day or not.  I just can't concentrate on a book, as much as I'd love to.  I cant listen to music for the same reason.  My stand is set in a may that I have lanes in a full 360, so I constantly have to scan.  By the time I'm hitting noon, I am actually tired from being hyper-alert!  This is my first real year hunting though, and I'm sure I will relax sooner or later.


On the plus side, I did get to see a ninja chipmunk fight off 2 squirrels.  I'm pretty sure he knew jujitsu

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I take out the binocs and scan the area a few times, checking all the hard to see areas, and it's amazing how many times you'll catch something in the background you might miss normally.  Even looking for new rubs, scrapes gets you doing something different.  We hunt with 25 guys so on the talkies you always hear a couple of grunts, and bleats over the waves, just to liven things up when it's dead.  And the occassional head bob-n-weave sometimes occurs which will trigger it's time for some coffee or soup or somethin to wake up.

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Everyone is correct it does get boring at times, but this is a test of your endurance to stick it out all day. If you are not in your stand you don't see any deer, it's like lotto you gotta be in it to win it, same with deer hunting.

I personally can't be bothered with any gadgets on stand it's what I try to get away from while I am hunting. With my luck I would see a deer and my cell phone would go off.


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Everyone is correct it does get boring at times, but this is a test of your endurance to stick it out all day. If you are not in your stand you don't see any deer, it's like lotto you gotta be in it to win it, same with deer hunting.

I personally can't be bothered with any gadgets on stand it's what I try to get away from while I am hunting. With my luck I would see a deer and my cell phone would go off.

That's why they invented the silent feature on phones.

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i dont usually get board but some of my time is passed on my phone here n there. im never glued to my phone as i am always glassing... funny part is i always happen to look up and catch that one tail wave in the off distance lol. so i usually see them before they make their way in and catch me off guard. i cant recall when the last time a deer caught me off guard. 

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Imagine if Early reads this thread (and knows what an IPOD is). I usually don't bring anything out with me. I am the last 30 year old in the state without a cell phone. I usually end up knoding off, bt still aware of every noise, at least i like to think i am.

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Imagine if Early reads this thread (and knows what an IPOD is). I usually don't bring anything out with me. I am the last 30 year old in the state without a cell phone. I usually end up knoding off, bt still aware of every noise, at least i like to think i am.

Id be nervous not even having a phone on me. God forbid something happens how would you call for help

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